Top 10 Funniest Modern Family Characters

The Top Ten
Phil Dunphy

Gotta fix that step! I love his klutziness, his toddler-like behavior, and best of all, how he always looks at the camera.

I love him, equal with Gloria, Claire, and Jay. These are my four favorites! A surprising sense of humor.

He's one of the dumbest, which is why I love him.

Gloria Pritchett

She's awesome.

Jay Pritchett

I relate to him.

Cameron Tucker
Mitchell Pritchett

Cam and Mitchell are so funny together. I love them both.

Mitchell is relatable and awesome!

Haley Dunphy
Luke Dunphy
Lily Tucker-Pritchett
Manny Delgado

Manny's a creep, but that's what makes him funny! Stop hating on him.

Dylan Marshall

I love his horse song!

I saw an animal at the farm today.
I wasn't surprised that it went neigh!

He's so stupid it's hilarious.

Dylan is so stupid that he's hilarious.

And he writes the best songs!

The Newcomers

? Larry (the cat)
? Alex Dunphy
The Contenders
Claire Dunphy

Claire's awesome and hilarious, but please stop hating on Manny.

Stella (the dog)
Pepper Saltzman
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