Top 10 Best Hey Arnold! Characters

Hey Arnold! is a Nickelodeon animated television series that centers on a boy named Arnold who helps with the life problems facing his family, classmates, and neighbors.
The Top Ten
Helga Pataki Helga Pataki is a character from the 90s Nickelodeon cartoon Hey Arnold created by Craig Bartlett. She's known for being bossy and being a bully to most kids she encounters. However she's secretly loves Arnold despite the fact she acts bitter around him to keep her secret. She will often pull out a... read more

She may be the most popular character of the series, but she does have a dark past, dealing with being neglected by her family in favor of an older sibling. Also, she probably wants to beat the shins of other people, excluding Arnold, which is why she kept her obsession a secret.

I wouldn't say she's the absolute best in Hey Arnold, but she's definitely the most interesting. She's one of the reasons I loved watching this show. She made it interesting and gave the franchise a reason to make The Jungle Movie! (Besides Arnold's lost parents, obviously.)

Arnold Shortman

Arnold is by far the best character on the show. He's the most sincere, sweet, caring, and honest person. He deserves the world and nothing but love and respect.

Arnold is so optimistic, despite his parents being gone. You know he's one of the best characters in this show.

I love Arnold! His sweetness and care for people are what I love the most about him! I want a friend just like him!

Gerald Johanssen

He is the coolest guy on the series! I would love to have a friend like Gerald! He's helpful, dependable, cool, and really nice!

Phoebe Heyerdahl

I just love Phoebe. She is just so awesome, and the episodes where Phoebe is a major character are the best.

I don't know why, but I always loved Phoebe growing up. She was just the cutest thing ever.

She is my favorite character.

Phil Shortman

"I've got duct tape, and I'm not afraid to use it!"

Funniest character on this show, period. Arnold always goes to him for advice. Sometimes it's good, but most of the time it's just not the kind of advice he was looking for. Still, it makes for a good laugh, and a lot of times, Arnold's able to make something out of it.

Gertrude Shortman
Harold Berman

This kid is hilarious. I was gonna vote for Arnold, but since this is kinda low, I gave this character some support.

Rhonda Wellington Lloyd Rhonda Wellington Lloyd is a fictional character from the 90s Nickelodeon cartoon Hey Arnold. She's generally known for being rich and stuck up. Along with that she cares very deeply about fashion. Her best friend is Nadine. She generally hates people that are "geeks" and refuses to be around them or... read more

Love Rhonda. She's beautiful, and I like her hair.

Honestly, she just slays at life.


Sid has always been my favorite Hey Arnold character. I've been a fan of the show since the '90s, and I'm still a fan of Sid today. I think he deserves more credit and should be further up this list, preferably swapped with Rhonda. She should be here at number 9.

I have always liked Sid - he's one of the few characters who stood out to me. His character design and personality are unique. I actually think it's clever that the creators made Sid a fan of The Beatles. The Beatles boots Sid wears are styled after the actual band's boots, but in white instead of black, which is really cool.

Stinky Peterson

Stinky's book report in "Stinky's Pumpkin":
"This dang book was a real long one, and it was really hard!"

Other than Grandpa, definitely the funniest character on the show.

Stinky can be a bit rude at times, but he's still a nice guy, so I think he's my favorite.

"Aw gee! You mean I ain't in the top ten, but that Oscar feller is? That really bites!"

The Newcomers

? Lockjaw
? Bridget
The Contenders
Lila Sawyer Lila Sawyer is a fictional character from the 90s Nickelodeon cartoon Hey Arnold created by Craig Bartlett. She's generally known for being nice and kind to her classmates which disgusts Helga Pataki. She also has a crush on Arnold's cousin Arnie. In the series she's revealed to be poor next to being... read more

She's relatable because it's common for people to resent the success of those who are better than them.


Loved the gag where Helga would punch him after he'd snuck up behind her.

The Derpy Hooves of '90s cartoons.

Sheena Annapotato

She's the tallest girl and student in her class, but despite never having an episode focused on her, she's an extremely gentle, sensitive, and caring girl.

Her voice is so high-pitched and cute. She's literally voiced by the same girl who plays Helga.

Oskar Kokoshka

Quote from "Weird Cousin": "But he's an idiot!"
Oskar's one of my favorite characters and has the best laugh! Ehehehehe!

Eugene Horowitz

I love Eugene. He's one of my favorite characters!

He's such a sweet guy! He deserves to have loads of friends! No matter what shortcomings befall him, he never blames anyone for it. While Arnold sees accidents as his fault, Eugene never blames him and sees Arnold as a nice, giving guy. He enjoys and appreciates what Arnold does for him, despite getting hurt all the time! He's so sweet and doesn't deserve to be as unlucky as he is!

Ruth P. McDougal
Mr. Hyunh

Best tenant of the boarding house. This guy was hilarious and had a lot of depth.

The Pigeon Man
Patricia "Big Patty" Smith

I like Nadine. She's cute and funny.

I can understand why Rhonda is her best friend.

Rex Smythe-Higgins
Thaddeus "Curly" Gammelthorpe

How come Curly's only here? He deserves to be WAY higher. He's hilarious to watch, completely insane, and even though he does the worst things, he's redeemed himself before. I especially like when he dumped Rhonda at the end of "Curly's Girl" because he realized what he was putting her through.

Suzie Kokoshka
Stella Shortman
Tish Wittenberg
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