Most Disturbing Invader ZIM Episodes

The Top Ten
Dark Harvest

I see why little kids think there is a monster in the closet. Parents probably used it to keep their kids in bed. "Don't you get out of that bed. A blob is behind the door, and if you open it, it will eat you up!"

I actually used it to scare some sense into my little cousin when he went off by himself. Dark Harvest is an episode that makes great roots for a Slender-type horror game, urban legend (there is an urban legend involving stolen organs), and CREEPYPASTA. A new definition of yuck.

This is the worst television episode I have ever seen in my entire life. Dark Harvest has haunted my dreams ever since I was 10 years old. Now I'm actually starting to see why kids think there's a monster in the closet.

Seriously, what if a blob of stolen organs popped up at your door? Be prepared for a horrible surprise when working at that elementary school.

Bad Bad Rubber Piggy

This is literally the story of a kid who experiences near-death traumatic accidents throughout his life. This episode was horribly disturbing in the sense that Dib had no way of doing anything about it.

I mean, imagine if Zim just left him with the tube on his back. What would Dib ever do at that point? He'd just be horribly crippled.

Dear lord! In other episodes, Zim will do screwed-up things to background characters we don't care about. Here, he repeatedly cripples Dib. This is 11 minutes of a child being repeatedly crippled.

And he is helpless - in other episodes, he's capable of fighting back. This is worse than Dark Harvest for me... I love it.

Halloween Spectacular of Spooky Doom

This one just freaks me out. Especially the part when (spoiler, stop reading if you haven't seen it) Dib goes into his house, and Gaz and his dad catch him and say, We're gonna get your head, or something like that. I bet it gave kids nightmares.

Yeah, I agree. This one should be way higher. I mean, what the heck is going on in this episode?

This one should be second after Dark Harvest. It's disturbing in a great way, and the story is really engaging too. It reminds me of a Tim Burton film.

Bestest Friends

What was up with that image of GIR in the clouds at the very end of the episode?

Let's be honest, the weirdest part was GIR making cake at the end.

Gir Goes Crazy and Stuff
The Sad Sad Tale of Chicken Foot
Dibs Wonderful Life of Doom

Well, the end was disturbing when Zim's head appeared on everyone. I can't believe that Zim did all that over a stupid muffin.

But there's one thing I didn't get - how did he get Dib into that room? It did not make sense. That episode was pretty weird if you ask me.

Game Slave 2

Oh please, I loved this episode, especially the part where Gaz says, "Give me the Game Slave, or I will plunge you into a nightmare world from which there is no waking!"

It was pretty funny when she said the word "plunge" because you know she was standing over a toilet, and what do you do to toilets? You plunge them.

That's because that kid stole the game from Gaz. That just proves that you should never steal, or something really bad will happen.

Now this was a freaky episode. Gaz followed that kid everywhere he went like a ghost just because she wanted the game.

The Most Horrible X-mas Ever

The Newcomers

? Planet Jackers
? The Nightmare Begins
The Contenders
Rise of the Zitboy

I found all the hypnotism to be really disturbing.

Bolognius Maximus
Invasion of The Idiot Dog Brain
Mortos De Soul Stealer
Door to Door
Bloaty's Pizza Hog
Tak: The Hideous New Girl
Hobo 13

I think Zim killed a few aliens to beat the trial. Examples are:

- He throws a small guy into a flying dragon-thing.
- Causes leeches to attack two guys.
- Uses the guy with a big head to break open a door, which cracks the guy's head open, and juice goes all over the place.

Gaz, Taster of Pork
The Wettening

The way Zim is burnt by the rain and his reaction is just plain creepy.

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