Top 10 Hottest Hell's Kitchen Ladies

Ryan is easily the hottest contestant on Hell's Kitchen. From the first episode, I was completely mesmerized. Incredibly hot! Would do anything for her.
Hands down one of the hottest women to appear on the show. Gorgeous smile and stunning food - what could beat that?
Hands down the hottest one ever, and she's a great chef.

Virginia was indeed hot. It's a shame that no one liked her because she wasn't the best chef in the kitchen. She was good in challenges, but it's a shame that challenges don't cut it in Hell's Kitchen.
Her body puts her over the top of some strong candidates. Do you remember some of the shots of her in a bathing suit? More like a Bachelor contestant than a chef.
AHH! So hot! When she put on her glasses, it was a mixture of adorable and a sexy librarian.
Hottest chef ever. Loved when she got to wear that bikini after the fat dude picked her to join him in his challenge victory.
Season 10, Episode 16. Enough said folks.
Gorgeous and had a sexy personality.

She was attractive, and so was her cooking. She was the perfect combination of inside and outside.
Everything about her is so attractive: inside and out, especially her style and hair.

She was so small and cute and had that long dark hair and olive skin. I'd do despicable things to hook up with her.
Although inconsistent on services, she is undeniably hot.
This gal is hot. Can't resist her sexiness.

Because of her, I wasted 7 hours of my life sitting through season 3 of Hell's Kitchen. So sad it's over. Now I want more Bonnie!
The girl next door. Cute, bubbly, bouncy, and fun.
Super cute, what else is there to say?
She's a cutie, and somehow the show got away with showing her get dressed or changing in almost every episode. Magnificent!
Really confused, but kind of hot.
Really hot, even Dave from Season 6 believes so.
The Newcomers
Absolutely the hottest contestant to ever grace Hell's Kitchen.
I always had a thing for her, and I don't know why... She is just really beautiful...
Blonde, tough, Season 2 winner, and Season 6 sous chef? This gal is smokin'!
My favorite chef all day. Wish she would have won one. Diva chef from hell.
She was a bit out there, but she was a very beautiful woman.
Easily the hottest girl ever on Hell's Kitchen. Her body was unreal.
She's got that feisty attitude, sure, but damn, that sexy librarian look of hers takes the cake. Funny, considering that she confessed to not being one to read very often.
Absolute perfect body. The episode at the spa with her in the yellow bikini was one of the hottest segments in the series.
How is this woman so far down? She would turn me on.