Top 10 Best Pretty Little Liars Characters

Hanna is funny, cute, and lightens up the mood with her jokes. She's also extremely protective of the ones she loves, like her mom, the other Liars, and Caleb. She's also intelligent, though she seems like the dumb blonde.
In the finale of season 1, Hanna was the one who didn't trust the police officer and told him that she had written a note for her mom. She also doesn't care what other people think of her and is really daring and brave. She always stands up for herself and especially for the ones she loves, like Caleb's foster mom.
I think Hanna is a very deep and complex character, and it takes a lot of reading between the lines to understand her personality. She's very smart. People just don't see it. She isn't book smart, but she's got a sharp mind that helps the Liars a lot in times of crisis.

Spencer will always be my favorite. She understands everything perfectly and is the first to tell the truth. "I never want to go back to the way I was. All I cared about was winning, now all I want is to be happy."
The other Liars always blame Spencer and expect everything from her. They can act hypocritically towards her if she ever does anything slightly wrong but don't expect her to do the same. It drives me crazy how Ali says she doesn't trust her when Spencer does the most to help her. Spencer is beautiful and so incredibly intelligent. Without her, the others would be utterly lost.
I love Pretty Little Liars but relate to Spencer so much more than the rest. Always a Spencer fan!

Aria is my favorite and has the best personality of all the Liars. She is caring for her brother Mike and shows compassion to people she is close with, like her family. Aria is a unique character on the show, from her personality to her fashion style, and has a spunky attitude that I like.
She is mature for her age and is smart in dangerous situations, always there for the Liars. She is a cute, pretty girl that I could hang out with or potentially date, and is cool to be around. Aria is an outgoing person who is bold, fearless, and fierce.

I love Ali so much! She is by far the best liar, sexy, beautiful, smart, funny, confident, and knows what she wants and isn't afraid to do whatever it takes to get it. She can be a bit rude and manipulative sometimes, but we all have good and bad qualities about ourselves, and I think it's better than being boring!
To get what you want, you may have to hurt people in the process, and if other people find it rude, that is their problem. She is an awesome leader but maybe should toughen up a little, instead of leaving her friends to deal with her mess. Overall, she is amazing, talented, mysterious, passionate, daring, straight-talking, and full of suspense. Her character is very complex, and I think Sasha Pieterse plays her perfectly.
She always turns me on when she's on screen, and I wish I was more like her! Go Alison!
She is really the most interesting character in this show.
I feel bad for her all the time, though. Even though she didn't fully admit it, she has been trying to get the Liars to forgive her since season 3. Remember the fire at the lodge? Mona screamed that she'll "never get to know who she is," referring to Redcoat. In that same episode, Hanna stated that if Spencer, but the same applies to Mona, didn't know who Redcoat was, "you are still one of us."
Mona had been trying to discover Redcoat's identity and tell the Liars throughout all of season three. She fooled everyone into thinking she was on A's side, including Toby and the Liars. Everyone except Charlotte, obviously. After 5x12, it is more than clear whose side she's on.
I think after what she did for them in that episode, she deserves the Liars' forgiveness. Sure, her plan failed, but she proved that she was willing to die for them - and almost did on a few occasions. By season 7, when Mona is cleaning up after Dunhill's murder, the Liars have reached the point where they could and should have trusted Mona completely.
I feel like they subconsciously blame her for everything that happened with A.D. A would have come back anyway, as Charlotte, and Mona had no idea that some unknown relative of hers would come afterward. She knew that Charlotte was going to start the game again, so she did something about it. I wish the other characters would have been able to see that.
Can we all agree that the most heartbreaking moment was when she called the Liars her friends?

EMILY! This girl is so sweet and caring. She's often protective of the people she cares about. Her whole story is inspiring and interesting to watch.
Em's coming-out story was told beautifully. Nothing was set in stone, and during times, she explored her identity just like someone would in real life. In the TV show, sometimes she just seems too irritated, which should be fixed. She always gets hurt the most when bad things happen because she puts everything she has into it. When Maya died, Emily's reaction broke my heart. I didn't even like Maya! Shay Mitchell does an amazing job playing her. Em should be higher up in the list! She's fabulous.
Toby is the best, and literally, Spoby is the most functional couple on PLL. Ezria is a student-teacher relationship. Emison barely exists because Ali was dead most of the time, and don't get me started on Haleb. Caleb literally left Hanna for this random girl and another terrible spin-off.
Toby has always been there, and even when he was A, he was only doing it to protect Spencer. And even when he became a cop, it was also to protect her. Even though we all hated Cop Toby...
I think Toby should be number 2 on the list. People who hate him are probably just stupid Ezria fans. Ezria sucks.
By far my favorite, he's such a sweetheart and the most loyal boyfriend to Hanna. He is honestly all I want in a guy. He's so talented with computers and technology, and I admire him for his super sad past. Also, he's really cute, and that shaggy hair though?
I love him so much I would actually marry him. He is so protective of Hanna, and I love it. He is so funny and so hot!
I think that Caleb is the best bad boy and the perfect boyfriend of all of them!
Maya was pretty and outgoing. Her character actually had some humor. I did not agree with a lot of things she said and did, but at least I could watch her on the screen without cringing.
Maya deserved more. She was a hilarious, strong character who took no crap from anyone. She saw the best in everyone and made a lasting impression on everyone. She didn't have to die.
Maya was pretty and outgoing. She also had some funny lines. I may not agree with everything she said or did, but at least I could watch her on screen without cringing.
CeCe is a marvelous character, played by the actor so brilliantly. Beautiful, charming, mysterious, and the best villain in Rosewood. I loved the way she was portrayed and loved it when she was A. She is a beauty too. No wonder her admirers are numerous.
CeCe was my all-time absolute favorite A, so I am very biased.
Best character and adds a new dimension to the show. Wish she was on it more often.
The Newcomers
He was gone for the first half of Season 4. He will return in the finale. Even though he is kinda creepy, he is very sexy.
The show didn't do him justice. Noel's character was greatly expanded in the books.
I love Jenna. I think she is not the person you must be afraid of. She is so beautiful. I understand that she is that bad because of what "the 5" had done. She has a good character.
I love Jenna. She is just perfect for this show. She is a very good person, but she is angry because the five blinded her, and I understand. She is my favorite character and I just love her.
Even though she can scare me, her character is a really nice addition to the show.
He is a very cute boy, but very mysterious and suspicious.
I miss him! Cody Christian <3. He hasn't been here since Season 2, and I miss him. So glad he's coming back in Gamma Zeta Die.
How could anybody not like him? He's caring, hot, and so sexy. I mean, he's my new celeb crush!
Where has this guy been!? I miss him. He's an awesome character. If Jake leaves, I hope they allow him to be with Aria. Jason is a really hot and awesome character. I hope they reveal more about his past soon.
Handsome, hot, kind of mystic, independent, and rather quiet but still lovely and honest! He's always alone but stays strong though. Just the best PLL guy of all! I don't get how Aria could choose Ezra instead of him?!
He's been my favorite since the beginning. I really ship him and Aria and was disappointed that he wasn't given much screen time.
She is such a good and interesting person. Hanna has luck.
Best mom ever! Except for the fling with Jason.
I love her. She tries so hard to protect Hanna... sometimes with awful consequences.
I'm loving Ezra and I always will. I don't understand how people still can't forgive him. He is amazing, lovely, kind, and honest. It doesn't matter what he did years ago. Everyone in the show lied, and most lies were bigger than Ezra's, but people still hate him. Sorry, but I think that's just overdramatic. People like CeCe but hate Ezra? Come on! By the way, Ezria is my favorite! Fight me.
Why isn't Ezra in the top ten at least? He's amazing and so kind-hearted and sweet! Not to mention good-looking. If he was my teacher, I would have done the same as Aria!
She is my favorite. I love Charmed so much.
Why is this Charmed star not in the top 10?
She is really supportive, trying way too hard to maintain a good relationship and keep her partner happy. She handles difficult situations with courage. I love Paily scenes. And apart from the character, I really like Lindsey Shaw since the time of Ned's Declassified.
She has been through so much, and it was hard for her to be herself and fully come out of the closet. She has realistic problems, and I think LGBT teens can totally relate to her story.
Truly and utterly, she's not that bad a character. Sure, she started (and ended) a little (a lot) shaky, but in the middle, she was a good character. She had some really memorable moments, such as saving Spencer from A on the Ghost Train. Anyone remember that? Huh? Huh?
At first, I didn't like her, but actually, she's a really interesting character.
She's so hot. She should've been on the show more.
Don't hate me, but I'm loving the mystery of Jake. The actor Ryan Guzman is definitely a hottie, but what drew me to him is his mysterious character. We don't know where he came from, but he's all of a sudden here. I feel like there are plenty of twists with Jake, and I want to see his relationship with Aria thrive.
I hope they allow Jake to stick around, and without Ezra and Aria together. Ezra is going to mess Jake and Aria up. I hate that! Jake has so much potential!
I think Aria could have been happy with him. Nice guy.