Top Ten Red Power Rangers

The Top Ten
Jason - Mighty Morphin'

The most selfless, yet confident leader of any PR generation. He was the only Ranger skilled enough to go toe-to-toe with the initially evil Green Ranger, an enemy skilled and focused enough to defeat all of the other Rangers at the same time.

Let's admit it, Jason was the best. Not only because he was a team player, but he was the first. Sure, he and Tommy had some trouble, but no Ranger is perfect. But as the Red Ranger, Jason wins. If it's the sixth Ranger, I'd pick Tommy. Wasn't a big fan of Jason as a Gold Ranger.

Jason is and always will be the best. He was everything a leader should be. He was everyone's big brother, he always put his team before himself, and he never asked for anything in return.

Conner - Dino Thunder

He's the underdog. He is easily overlooked.

He was my favorite because of his coolness in most situations.

He had so much power and was a great leader with humor and fighting skills.

TJ - Turbo

He's the first Black leader of the Power Rangers. He destroyed Exhaus Super-Strong, something the Megazords were unable to do. TJ saved Tommy's life.

Wes - Time Force

Wesley is the best Red Power Ranger. Not only did he have to prove his worth to become the Red Power Ranger, but he also won Jen's heart. He's possibly the least selfish of all the Power Rangers. He's just awesome. Please vote!

You gotta admit, sending your friends back to the future to save their lives and then fighting an army of Cyclobots all by himself is pretty badass.

Wes is cool, but he became the leader at the end, unlike the Red Alien Ranger.

Scott - RPM

It took me rewatching RPM to fully understand Scott's character. He is a Red Ranger who was looking for his father's attention and approval.

I found him and Dillon very similar.

Scott was too bossy, but I personally loved him. Definitely a favorite. Not the best, but high up there. Then again, all Rangers are great. Summer is gorgeous.

After all, he is better than the Red Samurai Ranger.

Casey - Jungle Fury

I love Casey. He didn't start off as a leader, but he led the team very well. And if anyone forgot, he saved Jarrod.

Obviously the best because he had the best story. He was the only Ranger to lead the Purple and White Rangers. He liked to fight empty-handed, and let's face it, he is just a cool dude. Oh, and plus, he was featured on the new Power Rangers Megaforce and taught them how to awaken their spirit animals. That's awesome!

He should be in the top three because his master became a Power Ranger, but the student was in charge.

Andros - In Space

I'm surprised he's so low on this list. Not only did he save the entire universe (have Jason and Tommy done anything like that?), but he's also the first Power Ranger in the whole franchise who wasn't just a two-dimensional goody two-shoes. He had some inner demons and went through a lot over the course of the series.

Andros is easily the best Red Ranger. He saved the whole universe by sacrificing Zordon. Andros should be tied with Jason for number one. Personally, I don't think Tommy should've ever been a Red Ranger. Sure, he's a good fighter and everything, but he's way too overrated. Andros for #1 or #2!

Carter - Lightspeed Rescue

A hero outside of being a Ranger, and that makes him one of the best.

Tommy - Zeo / Turbo Thomas Oliver is a fictional character and the overarching main protagonist of the American live-action television franchise Power Rangers.

Tommy was, and still is, a Ranger legend. Not only was he a great Green Ranger and White Ranger, but he was also an awesome Red Ranger in Zeo - a real leader, unlike Jason, who was just sort of the lead character. Even many years later, as the Black Ranger in Dino Thunder, he was still kicking butt.

Jason may have been the original, but Tommy improved upon him in every way.

He is not my favorite character in Power Rangers for sure, but I really like Jason David Frank (JDF)!

Bridge - SPD

The Newcomers

? Amelia - Cosmic Fury
? Devon - Beast Morphers
The Contenders
Sky - SPD
Rocky - Mighty Morphin'

He was cool, funny, and an impressive martial artist (some of those kicks were crazy, and a lot of it was done by the actor, not a stunt double). He was one of the only Red Rangers not to regularly lead the team, which made him a little more laid back. He was good for comic relief and a good second-in-command.

Hunter - Ninja Storm

He was good as the Crimson Ranger. Sure, it's not red, but he still was awesome!

Troy - Megaforce

Troy is the best Red Ranger. He should be in first place. He's a great leader, loyal, and a great martial artist. His character is so good, a lonely and shy boy. The best Power Rangers are Power Rangers Megaforce. I also want to say that my favorite Pink Ranger is Emma Goodall.

He is the best Ranger in fighting. He really hates battle. In the legendary battle, he was the leader of all legendary Rangers. He also fought the evil Robo Knight and defeated him.

Troy is okay, but he is barely my favorite. Jayden is right on Troy's tail. Troy is a good Red Ranger.

Jayden - Samurai

Jayden has been shown to be the most patient, sacrificing, and caring leader, thus making him the best Red Ranger ever. He also values others' opinions and never bosses them around. He is quick-witted and sharp-minded and can make excellent strategies on the spur of the moment.

Jayden should be in the top ten. He can use his sword fluently. He has a very nice team spirit, which no other Ranger has. So he should be in the top ten.

He is the best. I love his pairing with the Pink Ranger, Mia. She is my favorite female ranger, and he's my favorite ranger overall.

Mack - Operation Overdrive

He is the first-ever robot to become a leader.

He is the greatest character.

He makes the ultimate sacrifice by killing Flurious and himself to save his teammates and everyone else.

Jayden sucks!

Mack went out of his way to defeat the main villain! Jayden and Scott didn't do it. Mack did!

Charlie - SPD

Charlie is so cool! The only downside is that she shook hands with Grumm, but she deserves to be in the top 5 Red Rangers, at least.

Shane - Ninja Storm
Jack - SPD

The Red SPD Ranger is an awesome character. The only thing missing is that he should have had a separate Megazord like the Red Mystic Ranger, Nick.

Other than the original Red Ranger, he is hands down the best Red Ranger and my personal number one!

Jack was cool, he was the funniest Ranger in SPD, and he was just so awesome.

Eric - Time Force

He is the only sixth ranger with red color and a Battlizer mode.

A true antihero who became a hero in the end.

Tyler - Dino Charge

Tyler is awesome! He was willing to help everyone before he was a Ranger. His T-Rex Super Charge mode is pretty badass as well. Tyler for life!

How could you not like him? He's got the Super Dino Charge mode and Dino Maximum, and uses victory chargers to create a powerful blast.

Tyler is a great Dino Red Ranger, like Conner and Jason.

Leo - Lost Galaxy

He is cool and has a huge story arc.

He was the first Red Ranger to feel that he wasn't meant to be red until his older brother showed him that Leo was always meant to be the Red Ranger.

He killed two main villains.

I loved Leo, and I'm glad they made him the Red Ranger and not Mike.

Mike was too predictable. He was better as the sixth Ranger.

23?! Really?! He's my all-time favorite leader. And he's cute.

Lauren - Samurai

Lauren was a great Red Ranger. She showed that girls have power too. Right away, she was ready to step up for Jayden. She was also kind and compassionate.

Aurico - Alien Rangers

Aurico is the first non-human Red Ranger.

Not to trip the ugly Green Ranger.

Nick - Mystic Force

Nick is a perfect Red Ranger who never gives up. He has a Battlizer with Fire Heart and a legendary warrior mode. I say he is much more powerful than the Red Samurai Ranger and the Red Megaforce Ranger because they just do advertisements for them.

I loved Nick (still do) in Mystic Force! He and Madison are a great couple!

Nick is the best Red Ranger ever. He is strong and brave.

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