Top 10 Best Riverdale Ships

They are endgame! Plus, Lili and Cole are dating in real life, so it makes their on-screen chemistry even better. And I know some people might disagree with me, and that's fine, but no matter what, Betty and Jughead always find a way back to each other.
They're probably the healthiest couple on the show. I know some people say that Barchie will happen, but I don't want it to, and I don't think it will because Bughead is too strong for Archie to just break it all apart.
I understand if you disagree with me, but Bughead has always and will always be my favorite couple in Riverdale and in any TV show. We all need a Jughead Jones or a Betty Cooper in our lives. They're literally so cute, and so are Lili and Cole in real life. Like in the Heathers' song Seventeen, I couldn't see Jughead and Betty. I saw Lili and Cole, and that's what I love about their chemistry.
I could go on for ages, but they are endgame, and there's so much to say about them. I could go on for hours, but anyway, Bughead is and always will be my endgame!

I think Cheryl and Toni are the best couple right now. With Betty and Archie cheating, I think Bughead's down the drain for sure. The first kiss was forever iconic, and I loved Cheryl's coming-out story.
Though, I think it was a little messed up when Toni was singing Call Your Girlfriend, which is a song about breaking up with your girlfriend. I felt bad for Cheryl. I feel like they bring out the best in each other.
Please make there be a Toni storyline without Cheryl and enough with the tickling stuff. Also, I hope Cheryl can meet Toni's parents and find out her backstory.

People like to say that Veronica and Archie's relationship is mostly just sex, but that's absolutely not the case. Yes, they didn't have the same start as Bughead, who had sex for the first time after a long time of dating. I think this is why people see Varchie as a fast burn that is destined to end. However, they had instant chemistry from the first time they locked eyes and tried to fight those feelings for the sake of their friend during the entire season 1, and did so during a good part of season 3.
They've been good friends, being supportive of one another when needed, and never failed to find comfort in each other. After that, season 2 and 3 just showed us that they are meant to be. I agree that Veronica does more for Archie than he does for her. She's been this crazy uplifting force that helped him every single time, whether he asked for it or not. I really don't understand how she's portrayed like a succubus. They definitely have more of an unspoken connection through little touches, shoulder or back-hand rubs, kisses, and eye contact.
It's undeniable that Archie is completely head over heels for her. He wanted her from the very beginning and never stopped making his way back to her. The cheating plot was completely random and made no sense. It was out of character for both Archie and Betty. Archie is a very honest boy who always ends up telling the truth.
Varchie is a more mature, dynamic relationship. Bughead is that duo that does everything together and works well as a team. Varchie is the kind of couple that shows what most modern couples are like: two individuals working their best to be successful in their own fields and interests, supporting each other when needed but still being very independent.
Varchie, Bughead, and Choni really found each other in Riverdale. Obviously, Varchie is my favorite.

Way better than Varchie, in my opinion, and they would be more believable as a couple. But knowing the writers, it's probably never going to happen, unfortunately.
It would definitely be an unexpected twist on the show. They should just ditch their boyfriends and go on a romantic getaway together.
I think it's pretty cute. I don't ship it as much as Bughead! I love Bughead!

I ship them! I mean, I honestly feel like they would get secretly married so Bughead can date and nobody will know they are step-siblings. But, if they end up hurting the chances of Bughead, I will be very upset.
They are just so perfect together. They complete each other in a unique way. They are definitely soulmates and deserve to spend the rest of their lives together. They love each other a lot, and it is really beautiful!
I love that they rekindled something old and made it something new. No offense, but I hope they don't get married because everyone wants to see Bughead get married. So, if Falice gets married, it would be incest for Betty and Jughead.

Barchie for life, nothing will ever change my mind. It's just the looks they give each other. It's so real and pure compared to Varchie. Varchie is all about who's going to rip their shirts off first, and I don't like that. Not even Bughead is like that. Varchie is probably the worst ship I have ever encountered, and trust me, I watch a lot of shows.
Everyone likes Betty and Jughead, but I like Betty and Archie. Even though people say that Bughead works because they're so different, in reality, they are VERY similar. Barchie is so cute together, and they have a healthier relationship than Bughead or Varchie (which is way too sexual).

Their friendship is probably my favorite in Riverdale. I thought they were going to date from the beginning.
They would be so cute, but I am a Varchie fan.
Cheryl was definitely into her in season 1. Everything she did with Toni in season 2, she did with Ronnie earlier. If they would stop being cowards and let Ronnie be bi, we would have a power couple on our hands.
My favorite ship for both characters. They could have been up there with Choni if they were treated better.
Fangs is the best suited for Kevin!
I ship them, and they are a really good couple but nowhere near as good as Bughead or Varchie.
I am crying every time I see or hear Joavin.
I think these are great. Try reaching out to CW and see whether they can make it happen in the foreseeable future.
The Newcomers
I love a good bromance, and their bromance was lowkey fire. I do ship the best friend thing, not the couple, but #swangs.
Best ship ever! Swangs is my world!
I feel like if Veronica and Archie were ever to break up, Veronica would start to fall for Reggie. Even though Reggie is far from perfect, I feel like Veronica would be the type of girlfriend to whip him into line.
They look so good together in real life, so why can't they stay together in the show? Besides, it's way more comfortable to kiss your girlfriend in the show you both work on instead of watching her make out with KJ Apa.
Veronica has been hurt a lot by Archie, and with Reggie, she has stability. When she was with him, she was happier and more independent.
Reggie is good for her, so I ship them more than Varchie.
They are literally the cutest! I ship them.
Hands down, now knowing that Cami, who plays Veronica, said she would want her character Veronica to be bisexual, and she also said that she would love to date Toni Topaz. Vanessa Morgan, who plays Toni, said the same thing: that she would date Veronica if Choni broke up.
They would be pretty adorable together, though.
I think of this more as a friend kind of ship since I don't completely see them together, but I can kinda see it!
Come on, who doesn't love the sense of LGBTQ? The brother-like relationship is so adorable!
Since the beginning, I wanted them together. But it just never happened. So, I got used to Bughead and Varchie. But still, if they ever happen in the future, I'll have no regrets. Because I think they'll be cute together. And when they kissed, I knew they had chemistry. So yeah.
I think they have a lot in common, which could help them develop a strong bond. Also, they complement one another in a nice way and would be an unexpected couple.
It's not very popular, but I think their mutual level of sass is just skksks slay me.
Love them and this ship name so much! Reggie is just really hot, and Veronica is super pretty, so there you go!
Literally my favorite ship. Such a power couple.
I think Reggie was there for Veronica when Archie wasn't, and I think he makes her happier.
I love this ship. They're like a straight version of Choni, which is cute, but they didn't end up together.
I wasn't mad, but they could have been so cute.
That Swosie kiss in 3x1 left me shook. They would be cute together in real life and in Riverdale. I love Swosie.
Am I the only person that ships this?!

They were really cute to me! I loved their dynamic and their love for music, and they were both really supportive of each other.
They were a cute couple, and Josie and Archie brought the best out of each other.
I liked them only in that one episode that they kissed, and the next episode I was back to Bughead.
No lie, I ship them because they are cute, and they were the most stable adult relationship. So why not ship them?