Top 10 Cartoon Characters with the Worst Design
Characters whose designs are either dull, uninspired, awkward looking or just downright ugly. Keep in mind though that a character design isn't the only thing that makes a character good (it's mostly character development), but I still would focus on having a character look as nice and realistic as possible. Also keep in mind that just because a character looks bad doesn't mean the whole show/movie/game/etc. is bad (never judge a book by its cover ya know).
These designs make me feel better about my own character designs, even though everyone I know in real life says they're apparently amazing. Eh, I'm very self-conscious about my artwork.
Literally looks like it was drawn by a first-grader. Makes all the designs listed look like artistic masterpieces.
At least Eliza Thornberry was made professionally. He looks like a kid playing around with MS Paint.

All the characters in The Problem Solverz look absolutely hideous! But I personally think Horace is the ugliest of the trio since he looks like a human with an incredibly deformed face.
All the characters from The Problem Solverz have bad designs.

Her forehead is just way too big. Who thought that was a good design decision for a character?

This show is infamous for giving a generation of kids nightmares because of its horrifying art style, which features human faces on paper bodies. Keep this away from your children at all costs.

At least the booty pic of him isn't showing up, for now...

Number five and six go to these disgusting birdbrains. Seriously, they look more like frogs than ducks.

The Newcomers

Almost all Klasky Csupo characters are hideous, but I personally find Eliza to be the most awkward looking (especially with those little eyes of hers).
I love this show, but you are right about this item. However, Nigel is sexy and smashing.

To me, he just looks like Edna from The Incredibles if she dyed her hair brown. Surprised Pixar never sued Allen Gregory for stealing their character design.
Why would you remind me that this show exists?

She just looks ugly, even for a little girl.

Never heard of this show? Well, I've seen it a couple of times on Nicktoons Network (I personally didn't care for it, though). It's a French show that follows the adventures of a talking dog named Corneil and his dogsitter Bernie, who is the only one who can understand him. He just looks odd with those weird lips of his (it doesn't help that all the other humans in the show have weird lips as well).

Since when did 5-year-olds have yellow skin, purple hair, and voices like grown men?
I thought he was a sentient piece of macaroni and cheese when I was a kid.
It looks like the Muppets with puppets.

Yes, I agree with Finn's design. It looks like a four-year-old drew it. I've watched the show several times and, at least in my opinion, the show is extremely pandering and tries way too hard to be trendy and funny.
Never watched this show, but I'm going to be honest, I don't really care for Finn's design. It just looks poor and way too simple.

He often serves as a plot device within the series. At times, he assumes an antagonistic role, such as in the episode "Courage the Fly", where he turns Courage into a fly.
In another instance, in... read more

Her eyes are too small and far apart, and it looks like she's balding since we can't see the hair that separates her bangs. Her outfit is cute, though. But she looks like an off-brand South Park character.

Just like how I thought Sid was a piece of macaroni and cheese, I thought Gerald was a pig. Jeez, this show's animation has aged badly.