Top 10 Worst Back to School TV Commercials
Ah, yes, back-to-school commercials. In the middle of July, you always start seeing some obnoxious and ridiculous advertisements related to going back to school. Between the actors' annoying voices, the irritating songs they play, the terrible acting, and the fact that some of these commercials ruin otherwise good songs, it's hard not to cringe.What makes it worse is that some back-to-school commercials have little or nothing to do with actually going back to school. I've decided to dedicate this list to these awful commercials because of how truly unbearable they can be.
Feel free to share any back-to-school commercials you despise!

Every single year, Cra-Z-Art puts out the most obnoxious back-to-school commercial, which involves children in a classroom dancing around to an annoying song in the background with their new Cra-Z-Art supplies.
No other back-to-school commercial makes me want to smash my TV or phone more than this one does. It's an annual tradition for them to release the same exact commercial, and I swear it's the worst one I've ever seen.
No other back-to-school commercial is more deserving of the number one spot than this one.

I had to put this terrible Kmart commercial here because of how stupid and annoying it is. No, the school bus is not your fancy limousine. It's just a regular yellow school bus. They are entirely different vehicles.
The only reason I even know about this commercial is because I saw a funny 2014 video of someone making fun of stupid back-to-school commercials. But seriously, this commercial belongs in the trash can.

I saw the video on YouTube and deeply regret it because of how bad it is. First, the people singing are annoying. Second, the lyrics are stupid. Third, why does it look like it was edited in Windows Movie Maker? Finally, very little of it has anything to do with going back to school.
This commercial is so bad it's become a meme. Even though dislikes aren't visible to the public, I decided to dislike the video anyway.
I saw this very stupid Kohl's back-to-school commercial in July 2021. It had absolutely nothing to do with going back to school and advertised products such as coffee makers and vacuum cleaners. What do these things have to do with going back to school? Absolutely nothing.
What student is going to use a coffee maker or vacuum in the classroom? Whoever came up with this advertisement must have a pea-sized brain.

Staples once made a back-to-school commercial in 1996 where they put that "Most Wonderful Time of the Year" Christmas song in the background. A man is running around the store with a shopping cart while his children watch in extreme disappointment. He even points a stapler at them.
Staples is infamous for their terrible back-to-school commercials, but this one takes the cake. It's the most horrible time of the year!
It is annoying that they play this song in Staples commercials. It is so annoying.

I remember seeing this one on TV during summer 2019 shortly before I started 8th grade. This commercial is really stupid. It features giant kids (who look like they're about to destroy the city) walking around with their back-to-school supplies. Meanwhile, the adults (and possibly some of the kids) are normal-sized people who look like ants compared to the giant children.
This ad is just stupid.
Really, Kmart? They once made an entire layaway back-to-school commercial with kids making some unfunny "yo mama" jokes about each other's clothing for 30 seconds straight. It was annoying to watch. No wonder why Kmart is going out of business.
Where do I even begin with this one? The people in this commercial are dancing around like maniacs and pretending to pull a shopping cart to the "Do the Shopping Cart" song in the background.
Also, what's with the red guy at the end of the commercial? It looks like there's a giant tomato dancing around.

There's this Payless back-to-school commercial where two little girls jump around and just say "oh yeah, oh yeah" for the entire commercial. Meanwhile, the mom shares how excited she is for her kids to go back to school before it cuts to an image of random shoes floating around.
This commercial is stupid and kind of annoying. No wonder why Payless already went out of business.

The Newcomers

Why do you need a phone to go back to school when your teachers are likely going to confiscate it anyway?

I hate this one because it reminds me of that stupid Staples 2018 back-to-school commercial.

Words can't describe how bad this commercial is.
More like "Nobody's looking forward to the school year."

This woman isn't fooling anybody. We all know it's a back-to-school commercial.

I remember being extremely angry when I first saw this ad in July 2018 while I was trying to watch The Simpsons. This commercial is stupid and contains annoying music in the background.

Don't even get me started on how obnoxious this commercial is. I saw it in August and September 2021, and I especially hate the "It's my birthday, no it's not" song that they used in the ad.

I saw this one when I was 13 years old, shortly before I started 8th grade. I saw it on my TV all the time, and I hated it. It drove me insane with the annoying music and reminded me of how much I hated middle school.
Still, I have to give this one some credit for being slightly better than the 2021 back-to-school commercial.

I remember seeing this, and it drove me insane. The people are dancing around like maniacs, the song they use is annoying, and the ad is overall just bad.