Top 10 Worst Things About Teen Titans Go!

The Top Ten
The show ruins the reputation of the original characters

You know "Teen Titans Go!" just delivers a message that whenever you put "Go!" behind a great TV show, the show becomes horrible. In "Young Justice" season 3, they have a "Doom Patrol Go!" in one of their episodes. "Doom Patrol Go!" is basically the "Doom Patrol" acting like characters from "Teen Titans Go!".

I guess "Young Justice" is mad at "Teen Titans Go!" because the stupid show decided to put great "Young Justice" characters into one of their episodes and made those characters look like idiots. I am just writing this comment because, one, I think "Teen Titans Go!" is never meant to exist, and two, I am very angry at that show when I watched their episode about "Young Justice" because the person who made "Teen Titans Go!" definitely did not even watch "Young Justice" because they got all the simple facts wrong!

How can Superboy fly, and how can Aqualad communicate with a watch?! I think I went off topic right there, but I love "Young Justice" and hate "Teen Titans Go!".

The episode "The Return of Slade"

I saw this episode one time, and it was just HORRIBLE. You would think that Slade himself would return for the entire episode and that the Titans would go and fight him.

Unfortunately, no one got to see it. What a waste of an episode! The rest of it is focused on clowns. Really?! Clowns?!

What's the point of naming this episode "The Return of Slade" if he's not in it? Teen Titans Go barely shows any action. This episode was supposed to be all about the epicness of a battle - not clowns. The original series was way better than this.

It is an insult to the Teen Titans fans

Especially the one with British stereotypes. So disrespectful.

Cartoon Network messed up. Big time.

They insult more than fans of the original show. They also insult haters and the Queen of England! This show is on the verge of getting banned in the UK. If it does, it will be the only safe haven.

The writers make every titan in the show a jerk that nobody likes

They act like the characters from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, behaving like the worst human beings on the planet.

I agree on this one. Every single one of the Titans is now a jerk.

Stupid episodes

Don't get me all wrong. In the "Smile Bones" episode, Garfield and Victor eat everything without biting, making their stomachs bloat. Then, in the end, Robin does it because "he's the leader."

Robin reveals his top-secret mission about The Bat Cave. Before, they didn't care until he said the words. He makes up excuses, blames others, and acts like a victim, with Alfred and Batman punishing him.

In the genderbend episode, when Starfire liked the male version of herself, Robin suddenly threw him out the window. I was expecting the female Robin to kick his butt for that.

In "Back to School," Cyborg protects Beast Boy many times in detention until he makes everyone expelled from school. I truly saw he is a full bully in a biker outfit with a motorcycle.

Starfire is imprisoned by Blackfire, and despite all the hatred, when the Titans tell Blackfire that Starfire only loved her, she changes her mind. But when Starfire returns, she beats Blackfire up with no forgiveness. That's messed up.

Beast Boy and Cyborg don't want to hear the word "responsibilities" and have to return to their timeline to change the past.

Raven and Beast Boy's relationship leads to marriage, a perfect DC comic reference, until Cyborg's machine ruins everything because of an "error" effect.

Bad animation

When Control Freak showed the Titans the original series of themselves, they decided to change. But they turned themselves into something worse. I blame Control Freak for changing the original Titans to ugliness. And when Young Justice came, they did their too-serious faces.

They seem to be inspired by anime characters. However, it's all just lazy Flash animation crap that no child would understand.

Every single time I look at this show, my eyes start to hurt and give me a freaking headache.

Robin's a jerk

Dick Grayson is among the best heroes of all time, but this version is more like Hitler than a good hero.

Everyone's a jerk here if you ask me.

The ads for it say it's your new favorite show

Oh my god, this is the WORST thing I have ever heard.

Teen Titans Go is NOT my new favorite show! I don't think Cartoon Network even understands what "favorite show" means - that's just my guess.

Anyway, my favorite shows are:

The original Teen Titans, Powerpuff Girls, Family Guy, Good Luck Charlie, and Scooby-Doo shows. That's pretty much it. Honestly, this makes me want to sue Cartoon Network.

I agree with this statement. I think Cartoon Network doesn't understand what "favorite" means. This show came out of nowhere. It's even worse than SpongeBob. It takes over too many time slots on Cartoon Network, and I hope it will be canceled and gone for good.

The writers purposely make the episodes stupid
Batman is a joke

He does nothing except laugh with Commissioner Gordon. Neither of them says actual words.

I can actually agree. Batman points and laughs like a jerk.

The Newcomers

? Babies are treated like pests

One thing I noticed about TTG! is that babies get a bad rap. Whenever they show a baby, they either have to endure physical pain, be neglected, or just be a lab rat for unethical experiments. It's like the writers hate babies, and they're very overt about it!

It also proves the people behind TTG! are sick, deranged people. Why must they show babies being tormented? Why!? If you don't like babies, don't put them in your show. It's that simple!

? Robin is constantly bullied by the Titans
The Contenders
It rips off the original Teen Titans

They have changed all the characters from cool, serious, mellow, and awesome to stupid, childish, and repulsive dirtbags.

Robin is an arrogant jerk who only cares about himself and wants Starfire to like him. He is also known as "The Crane-Kicking Idiot."

Starfire is an alien princess psychopath who does not acknowledge Robin's love for her. She is mean and spoiled to others and only cares about herself and Silkie. In the original version, Starfire would not be happy with her new self.

Beast Boy is a vegetarian food idiot who plays video games excessively. He only cares about himself and Cyborg. He also eats too much junk food.

Raven is a demonic psychopath who is bossy, sarcastic, and aggressive towards her teammates. In one episode, she destroys a baseball field just because one of Billy Numerous' clones accidentally hits her on the head with a baseball. She also watches a My Little Pony ripoff.

Cyborg is half-man, half-robot. We get it! Cyborg is just plain ridiculous in this abomination. He only cares about himself, video games, and Beast Boy. What the hell! This version of Cyborg makes me want to throw the TV out the window!

They made all the characters stupid

I'm sorry, but Robin is such an embarrassment now! He's the worst of all of them! They have turned him into a joke. Oh, and don't forget Raven. Her character design is totally off. She would never like My Little Pony. Really, stick to the original character!

I don't know how my little sister thinks that watching a bunch of stupid characters is more entertaining than watching smarter superheroes.

In the dodgeball episode, they all acted like noobs! They never even moved and just let the Hive have free targets!

Not funny

I can agree with this one. Teen Titans Go!'s humor is like inviting that weird kid in kindergarten to be a stand-up comedian for tonight's comedy night, making nothing but potty jokes to a group of adults.

When watching TTG, I never even laughed. They didn't even get a chuckle out of me. The worst part about TTG's humor has to be its self-aware jokes.

They try to make up for the backlash of TTG being a bad show by being completely aware that it's a bad show. On top of that, they even mocked the fans of the original Teen Titans (even though I never watched the OG Teen Titans).

That's not being funny. That's just sad. Nothing else. It's just incredibly sad.

Horrible morals for kids
It replaced Young Justice
Bad episode names

Are we also going to mention their first half-hour special being named Two-Parter? The one with Darkseid? Yep, it's really called that, I'm not kidding! It's beyond worse than all of the TTG episode titles combined!

It is so lazy, and it sounds like it never got past the concept point. It's like the writers had an idea for an episode but couldn't think of a name, so they put a placeholder until the episode was properly named. It's like they never got past that and just went with it! That's so lazy! Worst episode title ever!

It's an embarrassment to the original Teen Titans

All they ever did in this stupid show was make them stupid and just a bunch of crapheads. I'll admit, I used to watch the original show when I was a kid (I'm a teenager now), but this just ruined my childhood.

In the original, Robin was this badass martial-arts leader, Starfire was a curious alien princess trying to fit in with the others, Beast Boy was smart and had a good sense of humor, Raven was a mystical wonder good at meditating and casting spells, and Cyborg had all the brains in technology.

In this show, they're the complete opposite of who they were. Robin is an arrogant jerk who constantly bullies his teammates, Starfire is a bratty psychopath, Beast Boy is really dumb and makes bad jokes, Raven is a stupid MLP ripoff fangirl, and Cyborg is dumb as poop.

They made all the characters from independent, loyal, kind, and headstrong into whiny, bratty, demanding, and selfish pricks.

The new Robin makes you want to throw the TV out of the window

Robin once ate Beast Boy in the episode "Mother Nature" at the end. I don't care why Beast Boy told Mother Nature that nature is wrong in the forest compared to a modern forest city. But when Beast Boy got his powers back by turning into a butterfly, Robin - Savage or Ka-Zar Robin - ate him and said, "Pure Protein." During a Titans movie, the original Robin hated Go Robin for copying him in an annoying way. I agree, the new Robin is immature.

I hate what Robin has become. He was such a wonderful character before this. And I agree with the post about Raven's smile. There really is no sense of specialty in it anymore.

Cartoon Network plays it way too often

This show is the main reason why I stopped watching Cartoon Network. Well, that and Uncle Grandpa (shudders) and Clarence (barf-o-rama). Great job, writers. You ruined the good name of Cartoon Network!

Where is Young Justice? Oh yeah, it was sent to HBO Max instead since Teen Titans Go has a marathon almost every day.

More people like Steven Universe, so why do they play this all the time?

It feels like the writers just don't care about their own show

Twitter complains to TTG for being idiots. Who invited the melodrama series here?

Cartoon Network thinks it's the best show ever

High ratings don't mean anything if the quality of the show isn't the same as before.

The main characters fight over the littlest of things

Sandwiches? Really, Robin? Then suddenly, it had the worst plot twist?

I mean literally! Imagine them fighting over who gets to leave the tower.

I bet the Titans are going to start fighting just for blinking.

Horrible lessons and morals
Has inappropriate jokes

If the cartoon was for those of us who watched Teen Titans in the past, it would be appropriate if it ended up on Steve Blum's Voice Host Toonami shows. Cartoon Network's 2000 version is better. But this? Starting with Starfire and Robin kissing as puppets? It ruined it for me.

It replaced Green Lantern
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