Top 10 Greatest Military Branches in the World
They are so inspirational. They are the least populated branch in the US military for a reason. The intelligence and sheer physical power required to become one are notable. All countries recognize the US Marines as the first threat if they even think for a second about waging war with the US.
The unrelenting stress that the Drill Sergeants hammer on the recruits through the generations eliminates the weakest ones and ensures only the toughest, the ones that play by the law of fang and claw, are the ones that make it. There goes around a saying, "Marines: Providing an opportunity for the enemies of America to die for their country since 1775." I would go on, but that's enough said.
The US Army is the most powerful branch of the United States military and the most powerful branch in the whole world. Coming second is the Air Force, then the Navy. The others are just sub-branches. Each of these branches has a significant number of US Army soldiers, meaning without the Army, none of these branches exist.
Another plus is that the US Army is the original and only military branch that owns and will always own all the other branches. Before any of the branches, there was always the US Army. All the other branches were "given birth" by the Army. The United States Army is the oldest branch of the United States Armed Forces. It was established by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1775. The Navy and Marines were formed later in 1775, then the Coast Guard in 1915, and finally the Air Force in 1947.
Although not a massive army with hundreds of thousands of troops, the British Army is the most well-trained in all aspects of a military career, from logistics to field craft, shooting, or discipline. I could also mention the SAS, which serves as the basis for the training of every other special force around the world, including the Navy SEALs. People don't think about this because the SAS's missions are rarely made public. You wonder why? Because they're just that good. I can't comment on the Royal Navy or the RAF, but the army is easily the best. Train hard, fight easy.
Some of the toughest trained soldiers have been involved in almost every major and minor conflict around the globe. In the Battle of Camaron, 65 foreign legion soldiers were attacked by 3,000 Mexican troops. Almost all of the legionnaires died, but they also killed 190 and wounded more than 300 Mexican republic troops.
The Mexican Major, Major Campos, said after the battle, "Is this all of them? Is this all of the men who are left?" Then, in amazement, he exclaimed, "These are not men! They are demons!"
Nothing to lose, everything to prove. The toughest person I ever met on the field.
The U.S. Navy controls nuclear weapons, submarines to cut off trade routes, and a massive air force able to be deployed wherever waters are present. The Navy does not just operate on water but on land as well. They have amphibious assault vehicles and transport aircraft.
The Marines are ranked #1 here, but how would they be anything without a Navy to transport them everywhere? The Navy can effectively kill any island nation (e.g., Japan) by cutting off trade routes, and can crush major cities inland with cruise missiles and nuclear weapons. The Navy is the most powerful branch, but all branches contribute to its power.
The Australian Army is far superior in skill, combat knowledge, and leadership compared to any other defense force in the world. This is attributed to a combination of factors: the small population relative to land mass, experience in multiple wars since Western colonization (always supporting allies and never being the instigator), innovative and adaptive thinking applied to weapons and equipment in battle conditions due to funding restrictions, exposure to a variety of hard terrain and extreme climatic conditions, the evolution of training techniques based on the last known empire - Britain, and a bond of "mateship" that other countries find hard to grasp the essence of, coupled with great leadership training. This is where they excel.
They don't buy into the bravado like such units as the American Marines but adapt to the country in which they find themselves. In over 30 years as an officer in the British army, it was hard to find any soldier from around the world who wouldn't honestly admit that they fear most going against an Australian force.
As a retired United States Airman, we take a back seat to no one, even the Marines! The United States Air Force was formed out of the Army, as air power was too important and too powerful not to be its own branch. In all seriousness, I'd put the USAF up against anyone. Air Force Special Operations is among the toughest training in the world.
The Air Force shares a brotherhood right there with the other branches. The USAF controls two-thirds of America's nuclear triad, controls all of America's military satellites, and military cybersecurity infrastructure. We deploy much more often than people realize due to our global reach and global power doctrine. The U.S. Air Force owns and operates more aircraft than the Navy and Marine Corps combined.
Just because our boot camp is only 8.5 weeks long, don't be fooled. We can kick ass. Desert Storm is a good example of that. The Air Force didn't even need the Army or Marines. The Air Force and Navy won Desert Storm. I know. I was there. Like our song says, "NOTHING" will stop the United States Air Force!
The CF is designed after the light infantry model. The average trooper is generally more versatile than in most other militaries due to their ability to train in several different skills that are normally reserved for specialized units, such as Airborne. This versatility is also what makes JTF2 great, because they're selecting from soldiers who are very skilled. Canadian troops also have a reputation for getting the job done, which is why we pushed the farthest through on D-Day and were the only ones to reach our objective. Not knocking the Brits or Americans - that entire landing was extremely difficult.
It's also the reason we celebrate our biggest military victory - Vimy Ridge. Many others tried to take it but suffered horrible losses. We were given the task and it got done. Our equipment isn't all cutting-edge, and procurement is a cluster-frak, but the troops make the best of what we have and do it well.
Indian para forces have seen it all. From the densest forests to scorching deserts, from Siachen glaciers to the deep Indian ocean. By far, one of the most versatile and deadliest forces in the world, and those black cats people talk about? They are also known as terrorist hunters.
It is one of the greats without which the British would have found it much more difficult to win in either World War I or World War II. Currently under transformation. It is the original home of the Gurkhas, Sikhs, Jats, Rajputs, Marathas, and many more. Certainly one of the best. It just needs to be recognized more.
We've had Coast Guard astronauts as well as members of the Coast Guard who've qualified as Navy SEALs. The Coast Guard has been involved in every conflict since 1790. It is America's oldest continuous seagoing service, as the Continental Navy was disbanded before the US Navy was formed.
American citizens pay the Coast Guard to perform missions they want them to do, such as saving lives, performing law enforcement, ice breaking, aids to navigation, marine safety, pollution response, living marine resources, migrant interdiction, drug interdiction, port security, and national defense, among many other missions. Unlike the other services that we pay to do a job that we really don't want them to perform.
The Newcomers
The fearless surgical strikers of India.
These men will kill many, but those many can't kill this few.
The Royal Marines are by far the best military force in the world! The coveted green beret takes 32 weeks to earn. I am only 14 now, so there are still two years until I am allowed to earn my green lid and join the most elite fighting force ever.
Hardest training for any non-special forces unit in the world. The training they receive is longer, harder, and more intense than most special forces in the world, including the Navy SEALs.
I believe that the Royal Marines should be at the top because the ethos and training they possess have been used as an example by most of the branches listed above in some shape or form. Their history is much older than most, with the naval attachment, and they also wash more.
It's the best Army in the World as it has been proven during the Afghan-Russia War in which a world superpower was broken.
Because they are Muslim, they don't fear death. They embrace the opportunity to die in battle.
Despite a lack of the latest war technology, the Pakistan Army has won the war against terrorism, which even the US Army couldn't win in Afghanistan after 18 years. It's about quality and not quantity.
Indian commandos regularly win international competitions.
Always ready, always there. Guardsmen stand ready to deploy on a moment's notice and are more capable than any reserve component in the world.
Better trained than most think. The US spends billions to keep this fighting force ready for combat at any point.
I think they should be up there with the Army. They leave at the drop of a hat and are always ready to serve.
Has many soldiers. Will win simply because of sheer numbers.
The Nepalese Army, or Gorkhali Army, is the military land warfare force of Nepal. Service is voluntary, and the minimum age of recruitment is 18 years. The army was formerly known as the Royal Nepalese Army during the monarchy period in Nepal.
The best snipers in the world. They beat the Americans and British in competitions all the time. Only 100-200 operators, but probably the most disciplined soldiers on earth. Operational history is scarce because, unlike the Americans or British, when something is confidential, it remains confidential.
South Korean Marines are no joke. Not to be trifled with. They should be on the list somewhere.
Small but modest force. The most senior service of The Australian Defence Force! Answering to only God! Was formed because the world needs heroes, haha.
They are the most trusted organization in the country. They try to serve the nation to their level best.