Best Xbox 360 Game Franchises

The Top Ten
1 Halo

Is one of the best fps shooters out there and was the most popular fps until the crown was taken by Call of Duty.

There would be no Xbox 360 without Halo's sales.

I love the halo seires because of the new light it gives to the fps genre and it's awesome gameplay. Wether it's riding around in a badass scorpion, blowing everything to bits, or being brutally massacred by a team of grunts. This game franchise is a definite number 1 and will be remembered as a great game a long time into the future.

Although it's sales for the Xbox 360 were very successful, Halo didn't fair as well with the Xbox One (S) sales.

2 Gears of War

Best story and gameplay of any type of war game.

An Xbox360 exclusive third person shooter it is the best selling tps and has a highly anticipated prequel coming out in march 2013.

Gears is by far the most entertaing on this list!

Best game in the universe plus the only tps worth a damn in tps in the world

3 Call of Duty

Call of Duty has been very successful recently breaking its own record a few times for bestselling video game.

Battlefield is better

Call of Duty was at it’s best in the 360 and PS3 era, specifically in between 2007-2012.
CoD 4 = masterpiece
WaW = awesome
MW2 = masterpiece
BO1 = masterpiece
MW3 = awesome
BO2 = awesome

4 The Elder Scrolls

Got this game in in 2011 and still playing in 2016

5 Assassin's Creed
6 Battlefield
7 Ninja Gaiden
8 Forza
9 Far Cry
10 Batman: Arkham

Takes the Gamer to it's peak :)
Cheers for Batman arkham city and assylum :D

The Contenders
11 Army of Two
12 Mafia
13 Fallout

Very realistic and funny for an adults game

14 Madden NFL

Best sport game ever

16 Mass Effect
17 Borderlands
18 Viva Pinata

One of the most hilarious, fun, so good games with laughable jokes (Sometimes adult jokes) and much more to do, you can go shopping, buy animals, pets, toys, fruit, veggies, produce, sweets or decorations to decorate your garden. (Similar to Disney infinity and Minecraft BUT BETTER)

A delightful game exclusive to the 360 that many laughed and scoffed at when first advertised, but those who tried it found it nearly as enveloping, charming, and addictive as Nintendo's Pokemon franchise.

Love this game so much! It's my life! And you might think the shows are bad but play it and once you get used to it you will find the game is amazing!

19 Bioshock
20 Fable
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