Best Xbox 360 First-Person Shooters

The Top Ten
Halo 3

With a storyline as touching as The Last of Us, a multiplayer as unique and awesome as Modern Warfare 2, and one of the greatest video game characters of all time, Halo 3 is, and still is, my favorite game ever! Not even the other Halo games in the series can compare to the overall awesomeness of this Xbox classic.

The Halo series is the best. My favorite is Reach, but Halo 3 is such an addicting game. Even though it's classified as a non-realistic sci-fi shooter, it makes Call of Duty look like The Wizard of Oz compared to Die Hard. Halo is so much better!

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

As much as I love Halo, COD4 takes the cake. This game is what put Call of Duty on the map as a gaming legend, a title it truly deserved with this game.

Looks awesome. I say that everyone should consider getting this game. I will sometime soon. I hope that everyone else enjoys it too!

The best game ever in terms of graphics and user actions. Waiting for the next set of advanced environments to be released.

The Orange Box

Great game, or I should say games. Half-Life 2 is easily one of my favorite games of all time, and the episodes are great also. Portal is fantastic, very fun but short, but there are lots of fun Easter eggs to find and advanced chambers. Team Fortress 2 is a fun, addicting multiplayer. Although there are only six maps, each only compatible with one game type, there are going to be more soon in DLC.

Overall, I think The Orange Box is a 96 out of 100.

While I slightly prefer Halo 3 over Half-Life 2, which are both amazing, I should add, The Orange Box contains three of Valve's (best game company ever) greatest games pre-2008. If you include all the Half-Lifes together, this destroys everything the competition can throw at it.

Fallout 3

This is an awesome game in any collection. The world was so rich in detail and had a thriving story. The world felt alive, with everyone struggling, taking you into the devastated D.C., living among the natives.

I think you should buy this! This smashes Call of Duty any day!

In my opinion, probably the best game ever... Well, along with Red Dead Redemption.

I don't have this game but have played some of it at my cousin's, and it is really fun. I am totally gonna get this and New Vegas.


BioShock is extremely fine-tuned and elegant in all aspects. This truly remarkable, deep, story-driven game vigorously pulls you into the abyss itself. With intense FPS/RPG action, great voiceovers, and beautiful graphics and setting, this is what a game should be.

In short, it delivers.

This is probably one of my favorite shooting games of all time. Beautiful graphics, gripping story, nice weapon upgrades, and there's no feeling like seeing a Big Daddy.

Battlefield 3

Does Call of Duty have tanks, jeeps, jets, helicopters, or actual maps? I've played a few Call of Duty games, then I found Battlefield 3. I basically forgot about Call of Duty and have been playing BF3 ever since.

I know Call of Duty 3 has vehicles, but it also had bad graphics and didn't have nearly as many vehicles as in BF3. Also, I know the BF3 single-player campaign isn't as good as the Call of Duty one, but the BF3 multiplayer is better than the Call of Duty single-player and multiplayer combined.

When you guys make another list on this topic, vote BF3 because of this comment.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

In my opinion, this should be ranked number 2 or 3 because it has awesome graphics and awesome guns. It's also the only game that has Ghost in it.

This game has great graphics, a great storyline, and better guns than the other Call of Duty games.

MW2 was the peak of first-person shooters. It's sad that Call of Duty has fallen so far since then, especially with Advanced Warfare.

Call of Duty: World at War

One of my favorite games ever. I just play the single-player campaign, but it's endlessly enjoyable. I really prefer this one to the modern-based ones. It would be great if Call of Duty creators went back to their historical roots like this.

Still play the campaign every few months. Awesome visuals and historic weaponry.

Would be #1 if there weren't so many campers! But still an awesome game. Love the StG 44.

Halo: Reach

This game has everything: superb single-player, interesting Firefight, Forge bigger than ever, Theater, and of course, the fantastic multiplayer that you can't possibly stop playing easily! Best FPS and best game for me.

I have played all Halo games, and Reach is by far the best game. Each task is memorable and mainly set in a vast area.

It is now 2016, and I have still not played a more enjoyable campaign.

Best Halo game EVER! Great gameplay? Check. Good story? Check. Riveting multiplayer? Check!

Battlefield: Bad Company

I love when an enemy tank is coming, and I'm cornered, but wait, I can blow a hole in the wall.

The Newcomers

? Bulletstorm

An amazing shooter with unique mechanics. It flows nicely, has nice graphics, different modes, and good rumble support.

Surprised that this wasn't on the list before. (Also, I think this is better than Halo - just saying, my opinion!)

? Turok
The Contenders
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas

Hands down the best tactical shooter game on the market, along with Vegas 2. From an analytical standpoint, you have to actually know what you're doing. You don't just run around like a chicken with its head cut off, shooting at whatever moves and with enemies popping out of nowhere.

If you have patience and make methodical moves, this is by far the best game ever made in the first-person shooter genre. 10 out of 10!

TCRSV2 is by far a better incarnation of this franchise. It's a shame they didn't make a 3. Gameplay is very good with an emphasis on utilizing your teammates better if you want to complete it successfully. Also, the hunt games can be quite tricky, with those pesky AI enemies being quite sneaky.

Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead is the very first first-person shooter I've ever played, and I love it. It is the best shoot 'em up zombie game you'll ever find! Although, since it was made in 2008, the graphics aren't very good, which is probably the only flaw about it. It is also very dark and scary (especially the hunter).

In my opinion, it is better than Left 4 Dead 2 (2009).

This game is awesome! I have always loved zombie and FPS games, and this game is the best in both categories that I've ever played.

Very great, but never on a hotel in an online V.S. game. Be the first to run by a window, or you will fall and die.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

My number one favorite game! This game is life, especially zombies. Also, to the guy that talked about David Mason dying, I haven't finished the campaign yet. Thanks.

Fun to play with replayability, which makes it one of the best.

Far Cry 2
Call of Duty: Black Ops

Best campaign and zombies in the series. Multiplayer is great but not as good as MW2.

The Cold War along with the story made it one of the best CODs, period.

Pretty cool campaign, and I love the shotgun with Dragon's Breath.

Unreal Tournament III

Best first-person action shooter ever in terms of pure gameplay. Multiplayer is fantastic with a wide array of weapons and tweaks. I still play this game to this date and am still ranked in the top 10 on the leaderboards.

Borderlands 2

Great story with amazing characters, lots to do, and so many guns! DLC feels like an add-on rather than a necessity, which is a problem modern shooters seem to have. The classes are so unique, and all the characters that represent them are too. Graphics do still hold up, and the lack of modern gaming tropes doesn't hold it back.

GoldenEye 007

This game made FPS games popular? So Wolfenstein 3D and Doom had nothing to do with it?

This game made first-person shooters popular!

This N64 game rivals anything on 360. A true classic.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
Halo 4

Halo 4 is the third best Halo game, and I really do like it. I've put many hours into it, and I'm really good at it. It is truly AWESOME!

After Halo Reach, Halo 3, and 2, this is the best Halo. Yeah, that's how good this franchise is. And 4 is still awesome and the most badass in terms of graphics FPS on the Xbox 360 to date.

Rated better than Reach or any other game, it is truly the best game of all time!

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

This item was not added to this list... I added it... Come on, guys! This game is definitely among the top 5, if not top 3. Amazing graphics, smashing story, unbelievable gameplay. Please vote for this. One of the best games I have played.

Best multiplayer experience I've ever had.


Best co-op game I've ever played, and there's almost more guns to find than there are enemies to kill.

Much better than the 20 games before it.

Borderlands should be at least number three. It's one of the best games ever made.

Crysis 3

This game is great! It gives you a lot of opportunities that other games don't.

Call of Duty 3

I'm gonna get this game in the future. I've only played the demo.

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