Best Video Games Exclusively On Xbox Consoles
Why was this not at 1 to begin with?
Hands down my favorite game ever
I played first on n64 but this one right here is way better, fixing the controls and polishing the graphics and the multiplayer was a nice addition but the best thing about this game is the campaign.
Yeah, I wish it was included in Rare Replay, but it seems more people liked the original better.
I love both version, the 64 and this one.
But it's not an exclusive, it's a collection of old nintendo games.
Best Panzer Dragoon game. Only on Xbox.
The Newcomers
It is hard but amazing. Maybe the best action game on the Xbox.
Amazing game but I still prefer to play the original (Halo: Combat Evolved) on the original Xbox.
Great game but the first Fable on the original Xbox is still my favorite, that game is incredible.
Why isn't there more fans of this?!
It has great graphics and it is really entertaining.