Best Games for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One

The Top Ten
Halo 3
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Fallout 4
Bully: Scholarship Edition
Grand Theft Auto IV
Need for Speed: Rivals
Forza Motorsport 4
Fallout 3

Fallout 3 is by far the best fallout game ever and one of the best if not the best games for 360 and one. The most memorable game tied with halo 3 and crackdown, this is my childhood, the only thing is I wish it was harder, its rather easy and too late in the game to up the diff without screwing the whole thing up. really fun, but I wasn't impressed with the dlcs I bought anchorage but turned out to be this game again (silly GameStop rip-offs :P) still an amazing stepping stone for bethesda

Halo Reach
Red Dead Redemption

The Newcomers

? Grand Theft Auto
? Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition
The Contenders
Gta V
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Titanfall 2
Guitar Hero: Metallica
Gears of War
Fable II
Left 4 Dead
Alan Wake
Dead Rising
Shadow Complex
Monday Night Combat
Mad Max
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