Top 10 Must Play Xbox Games

Xbox games that all gamers should play at least once in their lifetime.
The Top Ten
Halo: Combat Evolved

The franchise that defined the Xbox the main reason to own an Xbox, an amazing shooter and lets not Forget the awesome multiplayer mode.

I agree. This game was awesome. Also liked the later entries in the Halo franchise.


Un underappreciated game that every gamer should experience at least once in their life lifetime.

Doom 3
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Ninja Gaiden

If you really want really tough challenge than Ninja Gaiden is just the game your looking to test your gaming abilitys.

Jade Empire
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Fable: The Lost Chapters
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

A that's just plain bizarre which is why it's so good.

Dead or Alive 3

One of the most beautifully designed 3D games on the orginal Xbox.

The Newcomers

? Fortnite
? Halo 2
The Contenders
Jet Set Radio Future
Knights of the Old Republic II
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