Top 10 Things the Xbox Series X Should Have

Now that the PS5 has been revealed Microsoft needs make the Xbox Series X a masterpiece if they want to keep up with Sony.
The Top Ten
Artificial Intelligence
Compatibility with PlayStation Games

That would make the sales results interesting.

Backwards Compatibility
Mini Fridge

That would be way better than having to yell at your mother for her to bring you a drink.

A better idea is that the console IS a mini fridge that can play games at the same time.

This would be great but honestly sounds somewhat unrealistic.

200 FPS
Free Online

That's the reason why I miss the PS3 and Xbox 360. Multiplayer was free! I wonder if Sony and Microsoft will make only free on PS4 and Xbox One since those systems won't used as much as before in the coming years.

Virtual Reality
No Noise
Extreme Durability
Touch Screen

Any console should have a touch screen

The Newcomers

? Ability to Download Flash Games
? Web Browser
The Contenders
Infinite Storage
Portable Handheld Console
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