Top Ten Worst Books Ever

This is the opposite of the BEST books ever written. Just ask yourself what was that one book that stood out from the rest? The one that you could just not possibly finish reading?
The Top Ten
1 Twilight

I originally tried the first book out of curiosity. I thought to myself, "Eh, it's okay. It's kind of cheesy and corny, but it's original at least, and the details in the writing are pretty good." So I read the next two books. The second was also okay though in both the first and second (and the third) the character was incredibly stupid and overly dependent on her boyfriend. By the third book...ugh. The main character, Bella Swan, is the opposite of a strong female protagonist. She even says the her boyfriend is like a drug for her, and when everyone she cares about is put in danger, she just sits in the corner watching. The book implies that women shouldn't get to make their own decisions in relationships, all of their choices should be made for them. The romance isn't even sweet; her boyfriend is overprotective and manipulative. Clearly, Bella payed no attention in health class, because their relationship is the definition of an abusive relationship. It was getting so bad, that I didn't even read the fourth book. So yeah, I would avoid this. I wasted fifteen dollars buying the books on my kindle, and it's just a waste of time.

2 Fifty Shades of Grey

This should be number one. Twilight may be horrible, but Fifty Shades is horrible fanfiction based off of it. The only thing this book is good for is a round of laughs at the atrocious writing. The fact that it's only sex is not the main problem; that would be the poor quality of the sex. I fail to see how anyone can be aroused by this.

I don't like Twilight very much but I don't think it deserves to be placed higher than this book. This book should take its place. It's really just about the same characters from Twilight with different names and a lot of sex. Also, the relationship the characters have is pretty much tied because of sex, abuse, and the cringey writing that binds them together.

I really don't get why a lot of feminists love and worship crappy romances like twilight and fifty shades, when they're really some of the most misogynistic books ever made, because they have a female protagonist who's basically just there to be lost and clueless with no personality. That's more insulting than "empowering."

3 Mein Kampf

Well, this book is just bad. Just kidding. It's decent. I mean, this book gave me a clue why Hitler killed a lot of Jews and why he became a dictator. He have written the book in his cell before he was released (and published it). It's ironic that Nazis burned books only except this one. I never read thaf book before but I'm just saying that this book was'nt too bad. And only Jews can't write (not all of them) because you never know that tyrant can write and read (besides of drawing and painting) and prove that bad guys don't have talents.

4 Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever

1) Stupid fans of Justin Bieber should start hating him because HE IS A CRIMINAL.

2) Those who buy this book are dumb stupid nerds.

3) Can you notice Justin Bieber's lipstick on the poster?

4) Don't listen to any of his songs.

5) Buy this book, waste your money and your time reading this awful book.


I like have never read this book but I already know that I hate it. Justin Bever sucks so much it's like insane. His hair is so 2007 and everyone knows that he is only famous because he was on YouTube. He did not even work hard for his fame like Jacob Saggitarious. Seriously he needs to get Jesus and fast. In fact I am going to start praying for him now.Dear Jesus help this sad sad little boy find his way. Amen. And for the record I am not joking. This is just my opinion and u need to respect it. And deal with it.
That's it bye.

5 New Moon

I really wish that I Am David was on this list but eh this book sucks so much as well. As some of you may know I have decided to read the whole Twilight series to try and not make my hate for the series based on presumptions and I just finished this book. Yeah from what I'm reading so far the whole Twilight series sucks. (I'll have a review of this book posted on the list to give out a further analysis on why I dislike it so much).

Oh god! The second Twilight book, and it gets worse. Now Bella hooks up with an ugly whiny werewolf who's as bad as Edward. Don't read this crap, Bella is boring and the worst example of all humanity. Also, Edward is a girly disgrace to vampires and Jacob is just as bad. Screw Twilight, it's crap!

It's so annoying too, about Bella's character. Oh you have a cute, loyal, kind best friend who helped you through everything but you still like this boy that you only started to like because of his "perfect" face.

6 To Kill a Mockingbird

I'm so confused as to why this is here, it's far from a bad book. Sure, it's a book that school systems force children to read in high school but that kind of shows how good the book is. People are really hating on this book without really noticing its importance, as well as the context and time period the book was written. This book is supposed to highlight the injustices that plagued the society of the time, and still do to a degree today. Also just because one doesn't understand a book, doesn't mean it's bad. There's lots of books that are like that, all of the classics and masterpieces can be hard to understand. Additionally, it would just be bad writing if the author blatantly told the readers what would happen in specific detail ALL the time. One can have their opinions, I don't really care if you like this book or not. But forming your opinions based on how understandable the book is or how unimpressive one part of a book is, is for the lack of a better term, ignorant. Maybe look at the plot, characters, dialogue, and other stuff like that before you judge whether a book is awful or not.

7 Emily the Strange

Get this off of here. This series of comics and graphic novels is really surreal and gothic (it gives of a Tim Burton vibe) but it is great.

She reminds me of Sabrina from pokemon.

What even is this?

8 Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star

I love the Dork Diaries series. It does have stereotypes, but I can relate to Nikki. I've always wanted to be popular in school and I did anything for it. I feel that the characters care about each other, and there are positive messages. The only stereotypical character in this series that I can think of is Mackenzie. It's a great read for kids. It has some cheesy yet funny humor. In other books Nikki learns to love herself for who she is. But I like Diary Of A Wimpy Kid a lot more!

Just because you call yourself a 'dork' does not make you a 'dork.' And Nikki is NOT a dork. How do I know? Because I am friends with many 'dorks' and identify myself as a 'nerd' (though perhaps attributing labels to myself makes me as shallow as the author of this book). No, Nikki is not a dork. I have never worn makeup in my life, and all Nikki cares about is makeup. I have never talked to my friends about 'boys' or 'who do you like', and Nikki obsesses about this needlessly.
But the mislabeling is not the worst thing about this book.
First of all, the jokes are bad. Diary of Wimpy Kid makes me chuckle sometimes, but I have never even SMILED while reading this.
The stereotypes are also annoying. The 'mean girl', for example.
The writing is terrible as well, and yes, I do know it is a children's book but as a child I still think books like these should have decent writing.
Honestly, I can continued rambling forever, but unfortunately I have to do my homework and continue working on my book.
This book is bad.
Do not read (also, Twilight is bad as well, don't read that either.)

9 Middle School: My Brother Is a Big, Fat Liar

Ugh. I hate kids books now, especially this disgrace. I don't understand why this girl in this book thinks she's the best, because she's NOT. The pictures also are ok, but if this is meant for children, please don't make anymore books about toilet humor, exaggeration, drama, and instead read a GOOD book with a plot, good characters, and doesn't have terrible jokes.

All you see now in the children's book sector are books about kids going to middle school. All (apart from the first 6 Wimpy Kid books) are pathetic. All have the same conclusion, storylines and stereotypes.
Middle school is nothing like what these idiots say it is.

While it's no masterpiece, I remember loving this book as a nine year old, and feeling connected to the main character, because we both didn't really fit in.

10 Fifty Shades Darker - E. L. James

Fifty shades...darker. How can you get darker than fifty shades of grey? Whoever reads this book is a pervert...

This book should be seen as a cry for help by the author.

How is this below the Holy Book?

The Contenders
11 William Shakespeare Star Wars

This book would not work. Darth Vader as SHAKESPHERE?!?
I have not read it, but this must be an English or Social Studies teacher's attempt to make history interesting.

This book is pretty good, to be honest. Like, it's not like Douglas Adams levels of humor, but it works. It's creative, fun, and a good read.

I've read this, actually, and to be honest, it's really good. The prose is well-done, and it gives a little more insight into the characters.

12 World's Wackiest Riddle Book

This sounds great!

13 The Bible

This is kind of offensive. I know it's only fifteen on the list, so its not like its number one or anything, but can I just ask that you not put religious books on these lists? I don't want to be one of those over sensitive people that you see everywhere nowadays and say things like " We should show respect for women by removing 'man' from literally every word in the English language", but we should just leave the religious things out of these lists, just to protect people's beliefs. I myself am a Mormon, so we focus more on The Book of Mormon rather than the Bible, but I know I would be offended The Book of Mormon was on a list like this. Again, just trying to respect people and their beliefs, please don't think I'm trying to hate on the creator of this list or anything.

14 Fifty Shades Freed

Fifty Shades of Gray has to be the worst franchise of all time, heck it makes Bubsy, Norm of the North, and EVEN Twilight look like masterpieces.

It makes me sad that there is a sequel, let a lone a third installment in this joke of a franchise.

There is a third book? Aw hell no

15 Babymouse 3: Beach Babe

Why do you hate this?!? This is a good book. Most people can relate to BabyMouse. In my opinion, this book shouldn't be here. The main characters is brilliant. She's sassy, awesome and bold. People can really relate and admire her.
Read the book people!

I can't believe kids throw away their Harry Potter books to read this...I tried reading Baby Mouse and fell asleep, and I never EVER fall asleep reading books! That is truly saying something!

Very crappy drawings, stupid storyline, and dumb characters. Do I need to say more?

16 The Adventures of Captain Underpants

I know it's on here for the fact that it's based on gross out humor, but this first novel was pretty tame when it came to all that, and while I love this book this is easily the weakest in the series which is actually a good thing as It shows just how much better these books got. I love the stupidity and it's an American classic, which even got the attention of Jeff Kinney as he references it in one of his Wimpy Kid novels. Solid book.

The Adventures of Captain Underpants: Ok
The attack of the talking toilets: Kool
The invasion of the incredibly, naughty cafeteria ladies: Awesome
The perilous plot of Professor Poopypants: Lol troll funny
The wrath of the wicked wedgie woman: Very good
The bionic booger boy series: Part 1 was okay, part 2 is awesome
The terrifying return of Tippy Tinkletrousers: The best one, but too long
The tyrannical retaliation of the Turbo Toilet 2000: Great
I did not mention all of the books, these are the ones I have.

17 Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So Fabulous Life

I knew a girl who was obsessed with this series, and was constantly egging me on to try it out. At my school, for Elementary, we have this event called Book Parade, and she was Nikki and another girl was Mackenzie- and they tried to pay a boy with two hundred class dollars (we had this thing called class economy that we did in class) to be...what's his name...Brendan. The actual book kind of sucks. Nikki isn't what you would call the best role model for girls. She's obsessed with this one stupid guy called Brendan, and won't think about anything but him. She whines about everything, and is so annoying. I didn't read the whole thing, but I read enough.

A rip-off of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but girly. I haven't read them yet, and I don't need to. The protagonist, Nikki is unlikable, as if she was a selfish jerk who doesn't even try to put herself in other people's shoes. She also has an unhealthy obsession with writing bad things about people she doesn't like. She always fight with Mackenzie, gets mad at her sister Brianna because she's not as "perfect" as her, and obsesses over her crush, Brandon. Speaking of Mackenzie, she is a cliched protagonist, she is a girl who claims to be a CCP (Cute, Cool and Popular) socialite, but she goes out her way making everything and everyone miserable. She bullies Nikki all the time, especially ever since she was a new student at Westchester Country Day School, and she didn't even get to know her first. There is not even character development added to it. All of the characters are a bunch of annoying stereotypes. The dialogue often overuses certain words or phrases, like "dork" or "SQUEE!", which can get really annoying. It encourages people to become worse readers. I mean, this book is just mean-spirited.

18 67 Reasons Why Cats are Better Than Dogs

NO. Cats are amazing. My best friend Stuart's favourite animals are cats. They aren't overrated (well they are a little bit). DOGS are overrated. But I'd say they're equal, I hate that dogs are number 1 on best animals and cats are 2. They should both be number 1. Both are amazing. They both have negatives (cats treat us like slaves and most dogs are just slobbering creatures that force you to play with them). But hey, look, cats are cute and furry and dogs do interesting things. Let's just say they're equal, okay? - astroshark

Let's let cats and dogs settle this rivalry themselves, shall we? I mean, since when was it a human's place to decide which animal I should better? It's not like we OWN the species of animals themselves.

I hate this so much! Dogs in my opinion are EQUAL to cats, but just a little cuter to me. This is a dumb book even my friend who loves cats hated it!

19 Allegiant - Veronica Roth

I literally can not imagine how anybody answered "Okay, what is the best way to finish this trilogy" with this. The things that happened in this book are so clearly NOT the things that should have happened in this book.
I don't know if this is the worst book, but it just makes you pause for a second and go... Are you kidding me? This is what you decided to go with. This."
In that respect it is very similar to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

Think about it this way she was weak from the death serum, so she couldn't fight back, and she was former Abnegation, and Four was always saying don't let your Abnegation get you killed and it ends up happening she died because she saved Caleb from going in and dying she was being selfless and brave by going in. Abnegation and Dauntless.

Bleh. I'll be honest, I didn't care about this series. The first book was good up until the end, when things just started happening randomly. The second book was just boring, but the third book took the cake. I will admit, I didn't really give one about Tracey, I thought she was shallow and bland but the book was just so drawn out I struggled to finish it.

20 The Emoji Movie a Junior Novelization

Once I saw this in target so I pointed to it and told my siblings
"Look! Your favourite book! "
Not! This book stupid.

I did not bother reading this, just voting because of sheer hatred for the movie.

Yes, THIS book exists. I'm not joking. I saw it in Walmart a month ago.

21 The Qur'an

It isn't nice to add Holy Books onto this website. I understand this website is about sharing your opinion, and I like that, but you shouldn't go to the extent as to offend people! Very few Muslims are terrorists - actually, none are! In this book, it is strictly FORBIDDEN to kill a person. By killing people, they are disobeying this rule, instantly revoking their titles as 'Muslims.'
If THAT isn't the reason you decided to add this book, what is? Because it's in Arabic? You should learn to read Arabic. I personally know the language, and it gives you a lot to talk about! It's also a very old language, which could make you much more interesting!
So, if you've seen this, could you please remove it? It's quite offensive, and many people agree so. Also, while your at it, remove the Bible as well. Remove anything religious or has the possibility of tampering with other's beliefs/emotions. Thank you for listening

22 Sex and The City

Alright after checking GoodReads, I have learned that this is good as some enjoyable time killer and disappointing if you're a fan of the show.

Never been a fan of the show, so I might check this out of morbid curiosity. I want to see why this is at #16, or if people here just don't like sex.

This book wasn't too bad, I don't know why people are saying its bad and they didn't even read it... Oh well. It wasn't too wonderful, but hey, it wasn't crap.

Wait a minute... This is a BOOK? I thought it was just an overrated Sarah Jessica Parker movie and T.V. series!

23 Caillou-Potty Time

Cailou gives me a seething, uncontrollable rage that no other piece of media can give me.

I don't want to read this book because I've always hated Caillou.

Caillou's a jerk, but there are WORSE things to come out of the Caillou franchise,such as, you know, the show.

24 The Second Coming of the KKK
25 A Tale Dark and Grim

What? This book was amazing! Even though it was filled with blood and gore, it was still really good because it really had a twist on fairy tales. It made adults and teens want to pick up this book and read it, not like some stupid old tale about Cinderella or The Beauty and the Beast. Adam Gidwitz really took into consideration the actual tales, and tried to make them more interesting. This is a risk knowing that many people might not like the blood, but it had a really meaningful touch if you think about it. The second book was bae though. Was very touching and meant a lot.

No, no, NO!

This was a fabulous book. Its dark humour is brilliant, and it is astonishingly entertaining. This was a wonderful book, and it shouldn't be here. It doesn't deserve this terrible fate.

Upvote 50 Shades of Grey. Upvote Twilight. Just don't say that this book is horrible just because it doesn't have your sense of humour considered.

Some of us like hearing about people who die from laughter.

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