Top 10 Servitor Races in the Cthulhu Mythos

Lesser and Greater servitor races are allowed.
The Top Ten
1 Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath

Of shub-Niggurath
Servitors of Shub-Niggurath
Greater Servitor Race

2 Star-Spawn of Cthulhu

Satrap of the sleeper
Servitors of Cthulhu
Greater servitor race

3 Shoggoth

Fetid Iridescences
Servitors of the elder gods
Lesser Servitor Race

4 Formless Spawn

Of Tsathoggua
Servitors of Tsathoggua
Lesser Servitor race

5 Shantak

Lesser Servitor race

6 Night-Gaunt

The faceless
Servitors of Nodens
Lesser servitor race

7 Byakhee

Lesser Servitor Race

8 Hunting Horror

The Great flyer
Servitor of Nyarlathotep
Greater Servitor race

9 Servitor of the Outer Gods

Minions of chaos
Servitors of Azathoth
Greater servitor race

10 Tcho Tchos

Servitors of the old ones
Lesser Servitor race