Top 10 Best House Pets

There are many popular house pets, but which one is number 1?
The Top Ten
Dogs The dog or domestic dog (Canis familiaris or Canis lupus familiaris) is a domesticated descendant of the wolf, and is characterized by an upturning tail. The dog is derived from an ancient, extinct wolf, and the modern wolf is the dog's nearest living relative. The dog was the first species to be domesticated,... read more

No animal has aided humans in their endeavors more than canines have (horses come closest). The best part of that story is that the benefits have come full circle to help both sides. Only ignorant people debate whether cats are as good as dogs for humans. Those who know, shut the debate down.

Dogs will and do put their lives on the line to protect their human companions. Search and rescue, bomb detection, hunting, etc., what would be considered a miracle when accomplished by a cat is considered a daily job for hundreds of thousands of dogs.

Cats are known to devour their deceased owners, while dogs are known to die of starvation alongside a deceased owner rather than opting to eat him or her. Say what you want about intelligence, but you can't argue the loyalty and dedication. Dogs are even known to become depressed and pass away due to the broken heart phenomenon, similar to an old couple.

Dogs get criticized for being loud. It's a shame because back when we needed a manual warning system before alarms, and even still today because alarms won't protect you, dogs were and are there. When it was just humans and Mother Nature, and we would hunt and gather, dogs were there. When technology failed on all fronts, including by air and railroad, in 1925 and humans couldn't make the journey alone, a pack of dogs willed the serum run to Nome, Alaska to retrieve medicine for the critically ill children (see the true story of Balto and Togo).

So no offense to cats, which I love... Get real. To those who demonize all dogs for one who wasn't cared for, shame on you. I suppose you don't go to the movie theatre anymore because of one guy in Colorado. The sad part is, you have no empathy. And you don't realize that if a cat was 100+ pounds, it wouldn't be considered "domesticated". Bias is the only reason anyone could see a cat as a better companion. As beautiful and majestic as they are, they haven't made half the sacrifices in the face of adversity... more

Cats The cat (Felis catus) is a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal.
It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of the family. A cat can either be a house cat, a farm cat or a feral cat; the latter... read more

Cats are amazing animals, and I love them. However, to the person listing off all the insignificant reasons that lead him or her to believe cats are better pets than dogs, they can reconsider their biased viewpoint.

Let me know when cats participate in search and rescue operations. Inform me when a cat saves lives with weapon detection and all the other roles they fill alongside first responders and national militaries around the world. Let me know when a cat helps humans track and retrieve dinner, or protects a human from an aggressor. Dogs perform these tasks on a daily basis by the hundreds of thousands. What would be called a miracle for a cat is considered a daily job for a dog.

I'm tired of this being a debate. You want to argue about ease of maintenance? That's a different conversation. But don't talk to me about cats being better companions than dogs. Open your mind to reality. Dogs are known as man's best friend for a reason.


Birds also need a lot of care. Never go out and get one before you do your research. Birds require a large cage with lots of toys and perches, a diet that consists of pellets, a limited amount of seeds, and fresh veggies/fruit, and at least an hour out of the cage for small parrots and several hours for large parrots. Don't clip their wings. Let them fly around the house (supervised).

They need a lot of time and can be noisy and messy. But they also form deep bonds with their owners and are very affectionate and friendly if given enough attention. You can train them to do many tricks, such as talking, target training, flight recall, waving, the big eagle, playing dead, and more.

Rabbits Rabbits, also known as bunnies or bunny rabbits, are small mammals in the family Leporidae (which also contains the hares) of the order Lagomorpha (which also contains the pikas). Oryctolagus cuniculus includes the European rabbit species and its descendants, the world's 305 breeds of domestic rabbit... read more

Rabbits make excellent house companions. They aren't too much work and serve as good pets for children. They are exceptionally gentle and clean themselves. If your rabbit does get into trouble, you won't become too upset because of its adorable face. I appreciate cats, but I prefer rabbits. Once, my pet rabbit was nearly eaten by a dog. I cannot understand why dogs are ranked higher!

Here are some reasons why rabbits (and cats) are better than dogs:

1. Rabbits, like cats, are clean and don't emit odors.
2. Rabbits are less expensive than dogs (my bunny was free, and the only expense was the veterinary appointment).
3. Rabbits are bundles of joy. They hop to your feet and twitch their whiskers.
4. Rabbits are quiet. Dogs bark during TV shows and movies, and they bark all night. (I know this because my friend who just got a dog told me).
5. Dogs drool, and puppies often urinate and defecate on the floor.
6. Rabbits and cats are much cuter than dogs, which often look droopy and sad. No rabbit or cat is ugly!
7. Dogs can destroy your garden. I have a large backyard where my bunny can roam without ruining my mother's flowers.

These are just the beginning of the reasons. There are many more.

Hamsters Hamsters are rodents belonging to the subfamily Cricetinae. The subfamily contains about 25 species, classified in six or seven genera.

I have had four Syrian hamsters, and each one had their own personality. Overall, they are great pets! It's better to get them as a baby or younger. When doing this, you are able to let them get used to you earlier on. Both females and males can be sweet. I have had both, but females have a musky odor when they are ready for breeding.

I would recommend a hamster for a responsible child or teen. They are fairly low maintenance and cost-effective. They are smart and can also be litter-trained. Very good pets once they are used to you, and super fuzzy and cute!


Blue-tongue skinks are the BEST lizards to have as a pet. They're very docile, and you don't have to feed them bugs! They eat dog food and veggies (with calcium and vitamin supplements). You don't have to feed them every day. They love to cuddle, and best of all, they can live up to 25 years!

I have a bearded dragon, and he is so cute. They eat bugs and greens. Put them on your shoulder and walk around!

I also have a snake, which is really easy to take care of. I love reptiles so much!

Why so low on the list? I have a bearded dragon. He is adorable, doesn't make a mess, is docile, and fun to handle. If you have one, get a lid, though. My brother's cats think he looks delicious.

Guinea Pigs The guinea pig, also called the cavy or domestic guinea pig, is a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia.

Let's drop the pretense and start seeing guinea pigs for what they really are: more visually appealing rats. All credit to the lads, they've got some serious style. Every guinea pig looks different, with some sporting a grubby teenager hairstyle and others opting for a responsible banking consultant's cut.

They're just very amusing to look at, and that's half the battle when you're trying to find the right pet. Guinea pigs are entertaining, harmless, and cute. In summary, a very solid pet.

I have two guinea pigs. I had three, but one passed away due to heart issues - very sadly. I have lived with them since I was ten, and they are so, so important to me.

They're friendly, have huge personalities, will cuddle with you, and are like a mix of (almost) everyone's favorite pets - they purr like cats, sense emotions like dogs, and love little puzzles where they find treats at the end. There is nothing more relaxing than hearing them wheek, I tell you.

Although mine may hate me as it keeps calling me weak.

Ferrets The ferret is the domesticated form of the European polecat, a mammal belonging to the same genus as the weasel, Mustela of the family Mustelidae.

Ferrets are like a combination of a cat and a dog, only better! They are so agile and playful. They can even be trained to come when called or do tricks. Their little ferret dance is always a blast to watch, and their curiosity keeps them forever getting into adorable awkward situations.

If ever something goes missing, check your ferret's stash. It's almost certain the little carpet sharks decided it belongs to them now. They need less space than both dogs and cats and have so much character. I love them.

I love ferrets, even though I have never had one as a pet before. But I know that they are great pets and very crazy animals. They can sometimes be expensive to take care of, but there is one thing that I am sure of: they are very cute and only sometimes cuddly.

Ferrets are complicated, but they do make the perfect pet to have.


I love fish so much and currently have four tanks of my own. I am constantly able to have fun while I watch them, feed them, and clean their tanks. I highly recommend getting into the fish hobby and learning all you need to know before you get a few fish. If you don't follow certain guidelines for fishkeeping, your fish won't be very happy, and they will not live a good life.

Overall, I think fish are great pets, and if you and your family have enough room for a tank or two, you should definitely get them! They are super easy to customize to what you like because there are so many different species with brilliant colors, and different sizes and shapes.

Turtles Turtles are an order of reptiles known as Testudines, characterized by a shell developed mainly from their ribs. Modern turtles are divided into two major groups, the side-necked turtles and hidden neck turtles, which differ in the way the head retracts. There are 360 living and recently extinct species... read more

This may seem odd, but my friend found a turtle, so he picked it up, and it peed all over him, and now it's his pet turtle. I don't know how that works! But my point is that turtles are awesome and have great personalities, and they're not the slow old "things" that people say they are!

Turtles are cool and chilling animals that live a long time. They are endangered and need love and care. How could anyone not love these adorable creatures?

I like turtles because they are cute. They are also cool because they are different, and not everyone has a pet turtle.

The Newcomers

? Squirrels Squirrels are members of the family Sciuridae, a family that includes small or medium-size rodents. The squirrel family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, flying squirrels, and prairie dogs amongst other rodents.

They are very cool to have. They are very cheeky, and that is why they make great pets.

They are amazing pets. I have one myself, and they store nuts for the whole family.

I have a pet squirrel. They love one person, and that's it.

? Toads
The Contenders
Hedgehogs A hedgehog is any of the spiny mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae, in the eulipotyphlan family Erinaceidae.

They are great pets. I have one called Lila and another called Pete. They don't actually spike you. They only do that when they're scared, so don't frighten them. They like to cuddle up with you, and they are so cute.

They are cute and nice but can get grumpy. You have to keep the temperature at a certain level, or they will go into hibernation, which can be deadly. Overall, they are so worth it!

I have a hedgehog. They are cute and easy to care for. I don't like them as much as ferrets, but I love my hedgehog, Mooki. She is a little scared of me, and I don't know why. She is a great starter pet.

Snakes Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears.

Excellent pets, if you choose the right species. Corn snakes are amazing: they come in over 50 morphs, are extremely docile, and overall require low care and skill.

Fascinating, brilliant creatures, many good species. You can level up to more complicated ones after gradual experience, and engage in the wonders of these horribly misunderstood animals.

Snakes are fascinating creatures. I don't have one yet, but I've always wanted one. Ever since I was a kid, my mom would always say I couldn't get one until I moved out of her house.

Snakes are great. They're just misunderstood by a majority of people who believe them to be slimy, ugly monsters. While others believe them to be creatures of misfortune due to Adam and Eve in the Bible.

Chinchillas Chinchillas are two species of crepuscular rodents, slightly larger and more robust than ground squirrels. They are native to the Andes mountains in South America and live in colonies called "herds" at high elevations up to 4,270 m.

I got a chinchilla, and she is so cute. If you are in search of a pet for your kids that lives for 15 years, consider a chinchilla. These fragile animals are ideal for your home.

Initially, they need to get used to you. They might be shy and scared at first. The uniqueness of this pet lies in their velvety soft fur, and they come in a variety of colors such as white, charcoal, brown, and more that you can choose from. Chinchillas are the best rodents.

These small little creatures are great for little kids when they need a friend. They are perfect for hide-and-seek, and just for a cuddle when you're sad.

Foxes Foxes are small to medium sized animals and belong to the Canidae family along with other animals such as jackals, wolves, and domestic dogs. There are 37 species of fox but only 12 are considered true Vulpes. A fox's prey is small mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs, eggs, insects, worms, fish, crabs,... read more

Don't listen to the other comments, please. I have owned Arctic foxes, and they are quite the best thing ever! They are domesticated, and I, of course, own many acres of land on my farm, and my Arctic fox is very nice. You just need to train them well and be experienced.

I use mine for breeding and as an educational animal, but they can be good pets if you care for them properly.

They are sometimes called a mix between a dog and a cat. They are nocturnal and require quite a lot of training but are the most social out of the fox family.

I personally love all breeds of foxes, but the Fennec would be my house pet of choice if I were to get one. They are also not commonly seen in many households, so it would be great to show guests or family members this desert fox!


These are great animals to have, but DO YOUR RESEARCH, or these animals can make your life horrible. They are very intelligent and will damage your house if you don't provide them with stimulation. And that myth about them staying tiny? Couldn't be further from the truth! These animals can reach a maximum weight of 50 pounds when they're adults, so make sure you know what you're getting into when you get one.

Remember that these are not low-maintenance animals! But if you do your research, you will be very happy with your new pet!

Goats The goat or domestic goat (Capra hircus) is a domesticated species of goat-antelope typically kept as livestock. It was domesticated from the wild goat (C. aegagrus) of Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. The goat is a member of the animal family Bovidae and the tribe Caprini, meaning it is closely related... read more

My first pet was a pygmy goat named Abby. I was aware she was my best friend. She followed me everywhere. When I went inside, she would lay on the porch until I came out, then proceed to follow me.

She played tag with me, cuddled with me, gave kisses, did tricks for corn, played tetherball together, and pulled a cart in a parade. I fell in love! She was the best ever. I ended up owning 12 goats within a year of getting Abby.

If you want a 10-year-old to take responsibility, get them a baby pygmy goat. (Do not have their horns removed)

Sugar Gliders The sugar glider is a small, omnivorous, arboreal, and nocturnal gliding possum belonging to the marsupial infraclass.

Little squirrel-like animals don't "fly" but jump long distances using spread skin. Very friendly. They sleep in a small pouch or bag and can be trained to sit in a bag around your neck or in your pocket. (I brought one to school in the pouch under my jacket, and nobody knew.) They are nocturnal. When in pain or afraid of danger, the animal lets out a growl or a small squeak-ish noise to warn you.

Very good housepets. But be aware, although friendly, the animal needs great attention and cleaning. If you don't spend great amounts of time with the animal, he/she will create a hate toward you and begin to bite or become scared or mean towards you.

Capybaras The capybara is the largest rodent in the world. It is a member of the genus Hydrochoerus, of which the only other extant member is the lesser capybara.

Don't listen to the comments that say they should not be kept as pets. You just need to be a dedicated family and have a pool. They are sweet, loving, affectionate, playful, and very friendly!

Consider getting two because, like guinea pigs, they get lonely very easily. They are legal in a lot of states, so yeah...

Amazing. If you have a pool, you don't need to give them exercise. They are huge rodents. They're sweet and they are cute.

A capybara is a really big guinea pig.

Mice A mouse is a small rodent characteristically having a pointed snout, small rounded ears, a body-length scaly tail and a high breeding rate. The best known mouse species is the common house mouse. It is also a popular pet.

Many people see mice as smelly, gross rodents, but from my experience, mice are very playful and adventurous. Mice don't smell as bad as you think, however, this is said if you clean their cage weekly.

Mice can be trained as well as rats and ferrets. They are very cute and love making little warm beds in small containers. It is recommended to buy two or more mice of the same gender. These little friends love to cuddle up to each other and clean themselves often.

Yeah! Cool! You can just leave them in your living room! And boom! Also, they are cute and clean!

In case you wonder, there is a difference between rats and mice. Mice love adventures and try to get away, while rats will sit on your lap while you pet them (males usually, but females are sweet, too). But mice are also awesome!

Butterflies Butterflies are part of the class of insects in the order Lepidoptera, along with the moths. Adult butterflies have large, often brightly coloured wings, and conspicuous, fluttering flight.

Not really a pet, but raising them is fun!

Butterflies are good pets, but watch their wings, or they cannot fly.


Great pets! Assuming you know what you're getting into, these animals must live on a "Tortoise Table," not in a tank. They live very long, so be prepared to have them for a while. Also, depending on the type, they can get quite big. So, the bottom line is that they make great pets as long as you know what you're doing, what you're getting into, and you're willing to spend time and money on these animals.

There are many varieties that grow to different sizes, eat different foods, and have different personalities, from the tiny Egyptian tortoise to the big leopards. Best pet ever.

Hermit Crabs

I have one, and I must say they are low-maintenance. However, depending on your crab's personality, they may not be very social. Most people would recommend a cage mate, but my crab does not like cage mates and will not be happy if I try to introduce another crab.

If you're considering one of these pets, be aware that they live very long. I've had mine since I was 8 years old, and she's now 21 years old but still has a good 10 years left! So be aware that these pets have a long lifespan, but personally, I haven't regretted getting the pet yet.

I have a pet hermit crab named King Crabby, and I'll never regret it. I found him in the wild at a beach. It's been the best choice I've made since my frogs died.

He is a little shy, but I was able to bring him home. I bought some supplies at the pet store and made a great home for him. Anybody who thinks that a hermit crab is more trouble than it's worth is a knucklehead!

Degus The common degu is a small caviomorph rodent endemic to the Chilean matorral ecoregion of central Chile. The name "degu" on its own indicates either the entire genus Octodon or, more likely, O. degus.

I saw one in a pet shop and fell in love. Sadly, I couldn't get it, but they're cute and decently priced. Do your research, and this could become your new companion!

Pronounced 'day-goo,' these fascinating animals are like gerbils and are a cute little addition to most households if you are willing to provide the money, time, and space.

They're just amazing (probably 12+) and they are really clever and cute - definitely get them!

Snails Snail is a common name that is applied most often to land snails, terrestrial pulmonate gastropod molluscs.

They're fragile and free, although mine isn't very social. I prefer my dog, even though he eats my family of snails.

Snails are so cute, and they poop multicolored poop! They are fascinating pets to have.

Snail slime is sold in Holland and Barrett. This is a natural source of slime. It's good for your skin.


Bees are great "pets," but they are not the average house pet. They do not live in a house. They need a beehive (you can buy these at special shops, though, and the best quality ones are wooden) and they need to live outside. However, if you know what you're doing, you will soon have an interesting insect or insect hive, and fresh honey!

I personally do not own bees, but two friends of mine do, and I must say that they are very interesting! My friends get honey from them (I have never tasted better honey in my life) and they can even make candles with the beeswax. So these are interesting pets, but only for certain people.

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