Top Ten Wild Animals that are Known to Have Been Extremely Affectionate Towards Humans

You can never judge a book by its cover, and sometimes the most scary or misunderstood of creatures can be the most friendly towards humans. Here are some examples of animals that have been known to get along very well with humans, provided that you treat them with the same respect that you expect from anyone.
The Top Ten
1 Dolphins A dolphin is an aquatic mammal within the infraorder Cetacea. Dolphin species belong to the families Delphinidae (the oceanic dolphins), Platanistidae (the Indian river dolphins), Iniidae (the New World river dolphins), Pontoporiidae (the brackish dolphins), and the extinct Lipotidae (baiji or Chinese river dolphin). There are 40 extant species named as dolphins. more.

They seem to really love humans!

2 Elephants Elephants are the largest existing land animals. Three living species are currently recognised: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. They are the only surviving members of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea, extinct relatives include mammoths and mastodons. Distinctive features of elephants include a long proboscis called a trunk, tusks, large ear flaps, pillar-like legs, and tough but sensitive skin. The trunk is used for breathing, bringing food and water to the mouth, and grasping objects. Tusks, which are derived from the incisor teeth, serve both as weapons and as tools for moving objects and digging. The large ear flaps assist in more.

Although they are known to be really deadly and kill you in a minute be just running over but know what they do it too protect themselves only.
If they were to be domesticated by humans then they would be as loyal as Dogs.
They are kind, affectionate to any one they know.
They are really loyal to their partners.

They are one of the kindest animals even though they are known to be deadly because of their power to easily lift 2000 pound and kill anyone if they hurt them or their family but still they never kill anyone they're herbivores.
If humans were to make them pet then they would probably be as loyal as Dog.
But what hurts me is that they are hunted or even killed fto obtain their teeth(ivory).

I'd say if you know one from the time they're born, they'd be affectionate, but otherwise, never go up to one of these in the wild. Unless you want to get trampled.

And yet humans still hunt them for their horns, sad.

3 Beluga Whales The beluga whale or white whale is an Arctic and sub-Arctic cetacean. It is one of two members of the family Monodontidae, along with the narwhal, and the only member of the genus Delphinapterus.

The image says it all. Unlike some other animals, they are friendly even to strangers (humans they don't know). I saw it at an Aquarium in Niagara Falls, Canada.

4 Wolves The wolf (Canis lupus), also known as the gray or grey wolf, is a large canine native to Eurasia and North America. Over thirty subspecies of Canis lupus have been recognized, with gray wolves comprising the wild subspecies. As the largest extant member of the Canidae family, the wolf is distinguished... read more

There are stories of humans who were raised by wolves.

5 Seals Pinnipeds, commonly known as seals, are a widely distributed and diverse clade of carnivorous, fin-footed, semiaquatic, mostly marine mammals in the clade Pinnipedia. They comprise the extant families Odobenidae (whose only living member is the walrus), Otariidae (the eared seals: sea lions and fur more.
6 Lions The lion (Panthera leo) is a large cat of the genus Panthera native to Africa and India. It has a muscular, broad-chested body, short, rounded head, round ears, and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail. It is sexually dimorphic; adult male lions are larger than females and have a prominent mane. It is more.
7 Eagles Eagle is the common name for many large birds of prey of the family Accipitridae. Eagles belong to several groups of genera, some of which are closely related. Most of the 60 species of eagle are from Eurasia and Africa. Outside this area, just 14 species can be found - 2 in North America, 9 in Central more.
8 Alligators An alligator is a crocodilian in the genus Alligator of the family Alligatoridae. The two living species are the American alligator and the Chinese alligator. Additionally, several extinct species of alligator are known from fossil remains. Alligators have long existed since the Oligocene epoch 37 million more.
9 Tapir A tapir is a large, herbivorous mammal, similar in shape to a pig, with a short, prehensile nose trunk.

Because tapirs are very friendly and affectionate like many videos of people petting and/or interacting positively (usually) with tapirs.

10 Black Rats
The Contenders
11 Brown Rats
12 Owls
13 Pigs

Mom hates pigs, but clearly she doesn't know the definition of adorable.

Feel bad now for putting bacon in the pan...

One of the many reasons I hate bacon!

14 Capybaras The capybara is the largest rodent in the world. It is a member of the genus Hydrochoerus, of which the only other extant member is the lesser capybara.

When a wild animal happened is better at making friends than me.

15 Pandas The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), also known as the panda bear (or simply the panda), is a bear species endemic to China. more.
16 Crocodiles Crocodiles (family Crocodylidae) or true crocodiles are large semiaquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. The term crocodile is sometimes used even more loosely to include all extant members of the order Crocodilia, which includes the alligators more.
17 Falcons Falcons are birds of prey in the genus Falco, which includes about 40 species. Falcons are widely distributed on all continents of the world except Antarctica, though closely related raptors did occur there in the Eocene. more.
18 Chimpanzees Chimpanzees are primates of the genus Pan which consists of the common chimpanzee and the bonobo. They are a part of the tribe Hominini, which also includes humans, and the family Hominidae where all great apes are included. Like their closest living relatives the modern humans, chimpanzees are social and intelligent animals that have the ability to solve problems, use tools, and communicate with others of their kind without speaking.

They are literally the closest animal to us. Some scientists even speculate that humans evolved from once looking very similar to chimpanzees

19 Goats The goat or domestic goat (Capra hircus) is a domesticated species of goat-antelope typically kept as livestock. It was domesticated from the wild goat (C. aegagrus) of Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. The goat is a member of the animal family Bovidae and the tribe Caprini, meaning it is closely related... read more

Goat is wild and very friendly come pet a goat we don't mind.

20 Sheep The sheep is a quadrupedal, ruminant mammal typically kept as livestock. Like all ruminants, sheep are members of the order Artiodactyla, the even-toed ungulates.
21 Horses The horse is an odd-toed, hoofed mammal of the taxonomic family Equidae whose sole major subspecies (Equus ferus caballus) is a domesticate, although wild subspecies have survived into the modern period. All subspecies, including the two extant ones, descend from the Pleistocene Equus ferus. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small multi-toed creature, Eohippus, into the large, single-toed animal of today. Humans began domesticating horses around 4000 BC, and their domestication is believed to have been widespread by 3000 BC. Horses in the subspecies caballus are domesticated, although some domesticated populations live in the wild as feral horses. These feral more.
22 Tasmanian Devils The Tasmanian devil is a carnivorous marsupial native to the island of Tasmania in Australia. It is characterized by its stocky build, black fur, and powerful jaws. Tasmanian devils are known for their fierce temperament and distinctive vocalizations that include screeches and growls. They have a strong bite that enables them to consume bone and cartilage, giving them a reputation as scavengers. Sadly, the Tasmanian devil population has been threatened by a contagious cancer known as Devil Facial Tumor Disease, which has led to a significant decline in their numbers. Conservation efforts are in place to help protect this iconic species.
23 Hippopotamuses The common hippopotamus, or hippo, is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africa, and one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae, the other being the pygmy hippopotamus.
24 Thylacines The thylacine was the largest known carnivorous marsupial of modern times. It is commonly known as the Tasmanian tiger or the Tasmanian wolf.
25 Raccoon The raccoon, sometimes spelled racoon, also known as the common raccoon, North American raccoon, northern raccoon and colloquially as coon, is a medium-sized mammal native to North America.
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