Top Ten Exam Questions That We Wish Were On Every Exam

People tend to hate the idea of exams, but hopefully these questions, if adopted by the boards, will make the experience much more pleasant. Which is unlikely.
The Top Ten
What is your name?

I have seen university students who have left this one blank. Though it wasn't a graded question, it was still on the score sheet.

I'm not sure, but I think my name is Nike. It's written on my shoes.

Yeah, us boxes don't really have names, so that's a problem...

Do you want a chocolate?

Yes, I would love a chocolate, please and thank you.

No, I don't because I don't really like chocolate.

I'm up for the dark one. I mean dark chocolate.

What grade do you wish to achieve? Place an "X" in the box next to your answer.

Interesting how most have given the same answer, is it not?

Probably the right time to be a narcissist, I guess.

Hmm... I guess F-. That would be good!

Do you want to do this Exam? A) YES B) NO

Definitely the best question in an exam.

Who in their right mind would pick A?

Are you concerned about failing this exam? Yes/No. If No, please move on.

I know I will because I said that's what I want my grade to be, so of course.

No, what happens is what ends up happening.

Of course I am, because I don't know much.

Do you like waffles?
Do you hate exams?
Do you wanna build a Snowman?

Well, I've never seen snow before, so sure, let's do it!

Yes, I certainly would like to in my spare time.

Yes, then I'll throw it at you for asking.

Explain your proof of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. You may use Google to help you.

Google isn't helpful at all today, so unfortunately, I can't answer this question. Sorry.

This question treats two stationary masses: the pen and the paper. What is 2+6?

Took me half a second. Automatic response of my brain or something.

Well, that took me about 2 seconds. What about you, matey?

The Newcomers

? Where do true friends stab you?
? What's your favourite meme?
The Contenders
Explain the significance of Hitler being an absolute Nazi.

That he becomes THE "Adolf Hitler." Basically, that would explain a lot.

Like he wasn't enough to be already established.

How old are you?

I'm 99. I'm only in this school to see my grandkids take this test so I can sew their failing grades onto a sweater and make them wear it on Picture Day!

I'm 1 year old, and I know everything on the test.

Translate the following into Italian: Perché sto prendendo questo fastidioso esame?

In English, this says, "Why am I taking this annoying exam?"

May I use Google Translate for this? Laugh out loud!

Google would probably manage to mess it up somehow.

Is steak awesome?
What's 1+1?

It's simple. You see the problem, 1+1. Take away the plus sign, and you have 11!

What color is the sky?
The shaded part of the paper is different from the unshaded part of the paper. Draw a line between these differences.

Here's one I'd be down for. I could even add my own shading and make it look pretty!

Are you stupid? Yes or No.
How many stars are on the American flag?

Depends on which American flag you're asking about. If you're doing an exam on American history, chances are you'll get a flag with between 13 and 50 stars, inclusive.

How stupid do you think you are? A. Not stupid B. Very Stupid C. Potato

C. My grade is lower than that, though.

Are you upset that you are likely to fail this test? Yes/No. If Yes, don't be. You are unlikely to have herpes.
What's 9+10?

Do you want to know a simple solution to all math problems? Just take away the symbols, and you have your answer! In this case, it's 910.

Who is on the $1 bill?
On a scale of 1-10, what is your favorite color of the alphabet?

I'd say A because the letter A is red to me. I'm not even kidding. Grapheme-color synesthesia is a real thing.

Blue walls in a house with a green ceiling.

Are you from Earth?
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