Worst Things to Happen On the Day of Your Final Exam

Trust me, that's the worst thing ever. It happened to me several times. Every year I must be late for one of my exams. Why is this the worst of them? It's crystal clear because you don't get enough time to get the highest score in the exam.

If you get sick, you screw up everything, especially if you get the flu, fever, catch a cold, have a headache, or a high temperature because your brain doesn't function well. This happened to me this year on the day of the Geography exam. I felt the symptoms the night before the exam, in which I had been studying abnormally hard. The day of the exam, I found that I had forgotten a lot of things because Geography is all about memory. You get to memorize names of mountains, rivers, islands, etc., but memory gets completely screwed up if you're sick.

Oh gosh, that would kill me. I mean, it would not be fair if I had studied so hard for most of the course and aimed for a full mark, and then the exam included content from this part I never studied. I would probably resort to some cheating in that case.
I had to read Chapter 15 in my Filipino book, but it didn't appear in my test paper. Instead, Chapter 12, which I may not have discussed in school, was on the exam.
When my mother did her Biology A-Level, she only realised she had been taught the wrong board until she was sitting the exam. It was okay in the end, as she received an A.
This happens rarely to me in uni exams (I study Chemistry for my Master's by the way). Mostly in subjects that are very "dry" and theoretical, with many mathematical formulas, I tend to get the so-called "blackout," right when the paper appears in front of me. You can imagine how the exam goes from then on.
Even if we study, we get anxious and puzzled after seeing the paper.

I've somehow never got caught cheating on any of my tests, and I've been doing this since I was in 7th grade.
That may be the worst of them because your exam may get cancelled. I got caught several times and the principal just called my dad.

The Newcomers
That may happen if you are too fast in leaving the room after an exam. Time is up and you didn't write your name on every sheet you've written on (this is a rule in my university). Or even better: packing your things after an exam and, in the haste of things, putting the exam paper in your bag as well. Then, you're on your way home and suddenly think, "Oh, did I hand in my paper?" followed by opening your bag in panic, only to find your exam papers inside it. That would be embarrassing.
At university, that should be no problem. The professors want you to sign your name on every page of the paper and go around the room while you're writing the exam. That ensures that every participant submits his paper when time is up.

This could also be applied to dentist and orthodontist appointments.
That's plagiarism.