Top Ten Facts About Scorpions

Here are some facts about these quite underrated, venomous, and cool-looking arachnids
The Top Ten
1 Some species have venom 100,000 times stronger than cyanide, but death by scorpion is rare because scorpions usually inject their venom in very small doses
2 All scorpions are venomous, but only 25 out of about 1750 species are able to kill a human
3 Scorpions can slow their metabolism down when food is rare

They can survive up to a year without food

4 Scorpions have 6-12 eyes, but have poor vision

They locate prey by following the scent and ground vibrations

5 Occasionally, the female scorpion will kill the male after mating and eat him

Is it bad that I find this kinda funny? Lol

6 The Israeli yellow scorpion is the most dangerous scorpion

The sting is extremely painful and can kill an adult human. It's nicknamed the deathstalker

7 Scorpions can glow when exposed in certain wavelengths of ultraviolet light
8 In China, fried scorpion is a traditional dish and scorpion wine is used for analgesic and antidote
9 Scorpions have amazing adapting abilities, making them spread on every continents except Antartica
10 Scorpions are the symbol of the zodiac sign, Scorpius (or Scorpio)

Scorpio, the scorpion, is the 8th astrological sign of the zodiac. Scorpions are the symbol of the astrological sign.-Vestalis

The Contenders
11 Scorpions are great at reflecting radiation
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