Top 10 Best Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Flavors

I'm eating it right now. If cookie dough were an actual person, I would marry it. It is heaven in a tub. Cookie dough is the best ice cream ever to be created. Praise the Lord for the person who created this flavor.
Words can't describe how good this flavor is! The vanilla ice cream itself is amazing, but along with the cookie dough bits... It's to die for! Definitely my favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor.
I'm eating Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough right at this moment, and I had to go online to see if this is under one of the top spots for best Ben & Jerry's ice cream because it's amazing. Personally, Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough was my favorite, but Ben & Jerry's puts far more cookie dough pieces. Outrageous! Go buy a pint.
You don't even need toppings for this ice cream (unless you're a toppings freak, which could or could not be me). Anyways, Phish Food has an amazing taste because we all know that Ben & Jerry's makes some of the best ice cream available.
The best flavor of all time. The marshmallow is so gooey and delicious, the fudge fish are amazing, and the caramel is perfect. All in the greatest flavor of any ice cream: chocolate.
Me and my best friend, Grace, wanted to know what was the best Ben and Jerry's ice cream so we went on to the internet and we both wanted it to be 'Phish Food' because we both love it. Yum!
I love this ice cream flavor. It's two of the best Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors put together. It's just like wow. They combine chocolate brownie and cookie dough all swirled together. It's so nice it's unreal.
Best ice cream ever invented! I love, love, love Half Baked. Ice cream, cookies, and brownies- my favorite desserts. It should be number 4 at least! Thank you Ben and Jerry!
The most awesome flavor ever invented! It's just so good with all the flavor combinations. Every time I eat it, I want more. This should be the top flavor.
My favorite flavor of all times. Best chocolate ice cream and tastes heaven each time I get a brownie piece. Chocolate Fudge Brownie is worth getting fat for, because you only live once!
Simply the best. Add some whipped cream and walnuts or almonds on top - perfect. Not too sweet. I only eat the frozen yogurt, just as good as the ice cream but with way fewer calories.
It is better than any other chocolate brownie ice cream because it is so rich and chocolatey. The brownies are wonderfully fudgy, and it is just so simple, and so good.
This is amazing! I love the white chocolate and marshmallow swirls. The best ice cream by far! Congratulations, Ben and Jerry, on such a fabulous flavor. It is utterly delicious.
I was wondering where this awesome flavor was as I read down the list. Finally, to find it at number six, NUMBER SIX? Shocking! Number one any day in my opinion!
Definitely one of the best flavors they have made! Every time I am stoned, I always have a hard time picking between this or Phish Food. Absolutely quality. Being Baked + eating Baked Alaska = Orgasm of the senses.
As a kid, I loved the flavors of banana and chocolate together, and this ice cream brings back memories! With the addition of huge raw walnuts to cut the sweetness from the banana ice cream and big chocolate chunks, this ice cream is simply amazing to me.
Personally, I would like slightly smaller pieces of chocolate and larger pieces of walnuts... Picky to be sure, but the ultimate combination of flavors nonetheless. This is the only ice cream I ever eat!
It gives you a foodgasm. Genius idea of a flavor, and if I had to survive upon it for nutrients, I would! Banana, walnuts, and chocolate chunks. God made Ben & Jerry on a good day, and they made this wonderful ice cream.
I love Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream! I am a total sucker for it!
Absolutely delicious. 10 across the board for this one!
How is this #12? This is the best ice cream ever to exist. The ice cream is delicious. I love how they put an extra caramel swirl in there to really help kick off the flavor. And I haven't even mentioned the mouthwatering chocolate cups filled with rich caramel. Honestly, when I first tried this ice cream, I felt like I was going to melt. If you haven't tried this ice cream, I would 100% recommend it.
The best, sweetest, most refreshing, and satisfying flavor in all of human history, without a question.
This should be number one on the list!
The most underrated of flavors. I cannot turn down that delicious caramel core, or the caramel ice cream on one side with chocolate chip on the other! Wow!
No way this should be ranked 25th. Top 5 for sure. Wake up, people!
It's perfect, superior to all other flavors. This would be #1 if everyone tried it.
I love Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. I am a Half Baked faithful. I ran across this flavor recently and decided to give it a try. Something happened to me. Not sure what it was, but life will never be the same.
Half Baked sucks. Mainly because Ben & Jerry's chocolate ice cream sucks. Now, this flavor is the real deal. Real cookies, awesome vanilla ice cream, and to top it all off, a chocolate cookie swirl to fill in the empty spaces. The BEST Ben & Jerry's flavor of all time. P.S., Half Baked sucks.
Great flavor! Imagine if they made a donut flavor. Wait, do they have one?
The Newcomers
Finally caved in and tried it. Loved it! The peanut butter cookie dough was as amazing as I imagined, and the cookie swirl tasted just like an Oreo pie crust.
This ice cream is heavenly. All of the different flavors just melt in your mouth, and I could honestly eat this every day (if I didn't get too fat).
I love this flavor! My favorite by far!
I think this should be number one because of the raspberry ice cream and marshmallows. I just love it!
It is the perfect mix of textures from the crunchy chocolate to the soft cherry bites, and the perfect balance of sweetness and creaminess. I could easily eat a whole tub of this!
The absolute best in the world! I crave this ice cream daily. The frozen yogurt is just as good as the regular Cherry Garcia. I need to get me some now...
Without Cherry Garcia, life would be pointless. Its sublime flavors blend and dance in your mouth, the sensuous chocolate and juicy lush cherry.
A masterpiece!
Just so the best! The sweet cream ice cream, the treacle peace signs, the delicious chunks of cookies, and a fudge swirl... just heaven.
Absolutely delicious! Chocolatey but not heavy with a sweet, light crunch. And what's better, it's (cocon)utterly fair.
Americone Dream is the BEST flavor. If you haven't tried it, you have to! It has caramel and fudge-covered bits of ice cream cone. In addition to being AMAZING, all the proceeds from this flavor go to charity. The only reason this flavor isn't #1 is that not enough people have tried it!
This flavor is AMAZING! What is not to love about caramel vanilla ice cream full of chocolate-covered waffle pieces in almost every bite? Plus, who better to have represent it than Stephen Colbert himself? You just can't say no to the Colbert!
Absolutely the best! I am addicted. I drive around store to store when it's sold out in my local market. Just the right amount of coffee flavor with espresso bean flavor and huge chocolate chunks. Please don't discontinue this flavor!
I don't buy any other flavors besides this one.
Can't even believe it's in last place! They need to sell it more as it is my absolute #1 flavor!
BEST FLAVOR EVER! I've tried so many flavors and nothing beats this one. The best part is the peanut butter ice cream! I always hate when the ice cream is just chocolate or vanilla in a peanut butter cup mix. The ice cream is so good it could stand alone and still be my favorite. But the rich peanut butter cups are out of this world! And there's usually a generous amount which doesn't hurt one bit.
When our time is up on this earth, and the robotic archaeologists of tomorrow research into our lives, this ice cream flavor will be known as the greatest thing we have ever produced.
My best friend Camilla and I were at a candy kiosk, and instead of getting the usual candy, Camilla made us have some ice cream from the mini-fridge. There was Ben and Jerry's in the fridge, and my friend said I had to try at least one Ben and Jerry's flavor. I was going to grab Cookie Dough, but my friend stopped me and said that I should get Strawberry Cheesecake. My friend agreed to pay for the ice cream if I got Strawberry Cheesecake, so it was a done deal.
I thought it would taste disgusting because I don't usually get fruity ice cream flavors. I mainly stick with chocolate and vanilla. As soon as I took a bite, I fell in love. It was strawberry ice cream, which I suddenly realized was delicious, and it had chunks of cheesy cheesecake in it. Mainly, I hate cheesecake. I just can't stand the flavor. But when I tried this, my taste buds were brought to a whole new level.
Every time we visit that candy kiosk, I forget about my favorite candy and I dive into the mini-fridge hoping that I didn't eat up all the Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream without realizing it. It's pretty healthy, healthier than Phish Food. (Which I've never tried.) I love Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream. It is now my favorite, and if you're reading this, Camilla, I want to thank you for introducing me to the best ice cream flavor in the history of the universe.
The extraordinarily rich chocolate flavor of the ice cream and its smoothness are just the start. I read recently where New York Super Fudge Chunk was the number two flavor behind Phish Food. Who knows? I bought Phish Food tonight just to get the taste of number one. I will try it later. Then comes the slabs of white and dark chocolate and the nuts.
I love to let the white chocolate melt in my mouth, its extra sweetness contrasting with the dark chocolate ice cream taste and the dark chocolate chunks melting too. And then the crunch and taste of the nuts. NY SFC has been my favorite flavor for many years.
Perfect for chocolate addicts like me! A great go-to for a slight overdose of sinfully indulgent chocolate ice cream!
This ice cream tastes like smooth chocolate mousse.