Top Ten Best Thanksgiving Foods

The Top Ten

What I always like for Thanksgiving is turkey, veggies, mashed potatoes, and my favorite part: cranberry sauce. I love cranberry sauce. Still love turkey, though.

I love ham, sparkling cider, and turkey. My mom always makes the best peanut butter pie. I know it's not a traditional Thanksgiving food, but thank you very much.

Turkey is yummy! The greasy, chewy, brown skin on the outside and the soft, juicy, white meat on the inside. Turkeys are good for your soul.

Mashed Potatoes

My mom said I loved this ever since I was a baby two decades ago. I still love mashed potatoes and could have them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I used to hate mashed potatoes, but they've really grown on me. I had them last in 2020, and they were pretty good.

This goes great with cranberry relish, which should also be on this list.

Pumpkin Pie

You can't get me wrong, all Thanksgiving foods are the best, but so far pumpkin pie is my favorite Thanksgiving dessert!

Whenever my family and I celebrate Thanksgiving, they don't want pumpkin pie, so I get all of it to myself.

Pumpkin pie is delicious. Even just looking at the image makes me feel like eating one.


Stuffing is my favorite, especially Stove-Top stuffing with mushrooms, celery (the only time I'll eat it), hot dog pieces, etc.

Last year, we had some stuffing left after putting some in the turkey, and my mom and aunt gave me the bowl to finish. It was good.

My grandmother makes her stuffing with French bread, sausage, and chestnuts! Honestly, chestnuts in stuffing are really good, and it's how a lot of people eat it in France!

I used to dislike stuffing, but in 2019, I started to like it when I had it on Thanksgiving.

Cranberry Sauce

Ham is really delicious. I like it slightly better than turkey. It tastes great, even though I usually have it in sandwiches.

It's so much better than turkey. Forget tradition!

Macaroni and Cheese

Man, macaroni and cheese is another one of my all-time favorite holiday meals.


Homemade rolls, if the person knows how to make bread, are the best!

Homemade rolls are the best! Every year for Thanksgiving, I eat a bunch of these.

Sweet Potato

My favorite type of potato. Sweet potatoes are sweet and delicious. I also love eating them outside of Thanksgiving at lunchtime.

On Thanksgiving 2014, my mom made sweet potato pie, and apparently everyone loved it. I love the other foods, though.

I love sweet potatoes. They are my favorite dish!

The Newcomers

? Ice Cream
? Carrots
The Contenders
Apple Pie

Apple pie is my favorite type of pie. It's really delicious. I would love to have an apple pie together as a family at Christmas too. You can have it mostly on Thanksgiving.

Green Beans

Green bean casserole. It's not Thanksgiving without it!

Root Beer
Pecan Pie

Eggnog may be a Christmas drink, but no one said you can't use it for Thanksgiving.

Sweet Corn Bread
Sautéed Mushrooms
Green Bean Casserole

Usually with cream of mushroom soup and a few other items, topped with crunchy French onions - the best.

Every time we have green bean casserole, I make it along with my sisters. It is so good.

Wild Rice
Chicken The chicken is a type of domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the red junglefowl. It is one of the most common and widespread domestic animals, with a population of more than 19 billion as of 2011.

I like chicken. Don't question me.

Deviled Eggs

I absolutely love deviled eggs! My dad and I always gobble them up at Thanksgiving and Christmas!

So delicious! Can't stop until they are gone!

Sparkling Cider
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