Top 10 Fast Facts About Raspberries

If raspberries are one of your favorite fruits, look no further. Raspberries are kind of an interesting fruit and it's not like most fruits. Here, this list introduces you ten fast facts about raspberries, some of them you may not know or even you may consider mind-blowing.
The Top Ten
Raspberries aren't actually berries

Just like bananas are considered berries. Despite the word "berries" being included in "raspberries," they are actually an aggregate fruit, meaning that they are grown from multiple ovaries of a flower. Similarly, when you eat a raspberry, you are actually eating the tinier fruits that are part of the raspberry, which are called berries.

I didn't know bananas were considered fruits either. The more you know!

Wow, I never knew this. I'll never look at raspberries the same way again.

Raspberries can come in different colors

Yes, you heard that right. Raspberries don't only come in red. There's a species called the blackcap raspberry, which is very similar to a blackberry. Purple raspberries are basically hybrids that can be grown when combined with red raspberries and black raspberries. And then there are yellow raspberries. The flavor between these three variants remains the same, though, with the yellow ones being the sweetest.

Raspberries were originally white

According to Greek mythology, a nymph named Ida was picking white raspberries from a bush, then accidentally pierced her finger on the bush, which made the raspberries red from her blood. This answers the question of why raspberries are red.

Raspberries and Blackberries were combined to make a hybrid berry

This hybrid berry is called the Loganberry. It's more closely related to blackberries, however. The name was derived from a horticulturist named James Harvey Logan. The most surprising fact is that this kind of berry was created by accident.

Raspberries are connected to roses

They belong to the rose family, which includes thousands of different species. A few of them are most of the fruits we eat daily, such as apples, strawberries, almonds, and, of course, raspberries.

There are multiple species of raspberries

Not only the black, purple, or yellow raspberries that I've mentioned, but did you know that there are up to over 200 species across the world?

Russia is the leading producer of raspberries

In 2020, it produced 20% of the world's total raspberries, with approximately 180,000 tonnes. This fact might become inaccurate in the future, though.

Raspberries typically contain a hundred or more seeds

Although the berry itself seems to be seedless, each of the drupes contains at least one seed inside them.

Raspberries are made up of many tiny bead-like fruits called “drupelets” clustered around a center core
Raspberries are one of the most fragile fruits

This is because they have an empty core, which most fruits don't have.

The Contenders
Raspberries are one of the most antioxidant rich fruits

And they are very nutritious due to their rich vitamin C content. Not only that, but the antioxidants and other nutrients prevent DNA damage and also contain phytochemicals that fight against multiple types of cancer. This is common knowledge at this point.

Raspberries are a wonderful source of vitamin C
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