Top Ten Foods that Have Changed Their Taste or Ingredients Since the 1980s

Yes, I know your taste buds change over the years, but these products have factually changed their ingredients and quality. Companies have added preservatives and other additives, shifted from sugar to high fructose corn syrup, removed certain fats and lards, and started using cheaper ingredients to cut production costs and increase profits since the 1980s.
The Top Ten

They were a lot softer and practically melted in your mouth. Now, they have a stale taste and weird texture. They are also overly sweet now due to the fructose. Pretty much all Hostess products are guilty of this and are gross to me now.

I heard that they taste very bland and sweet now.

I don't eat these anymore, and I'm glad.

Kit Kat

Does anyone remember when they came wrapped in foil? Anyway, they used to have more "crunch" to them back then, and now the chocolate seems to be of lower quality.

No, they're not the same, but they do have a lot of different kinds now: lemon, birthday cake, apple pie, raspberry cream. All of these are good.


The move from sugar to high fructose corn syrup has made them sweeter.

Maple Syrup

A lot of companies moved from real maple and sugar to artificial maple flavoring and fructose. I won't eat it unless it's real maple syrup nowadays, which costs about $10 for a small bottle. The artificial stuff is nasty.


I don't like Oreo cookies anymore. And why would they ever make one with Tide pod cream? That is just stupid. I will never buy them.

Stale taste with less crunch and overly sweet now.

Hot Pockets

I don't eat these anymore, but I imagine they're one of the few that has probably improved. They moved from artificial cheese to real cheese.

Entenmann's Products

Their cakes and donuts' ingredients have been cheapened, resulting in a hard, stale, and overly sweet product. They're not as good as they used to be.

I used to love the coffeecakes, but they don't have anything in them anymore. And yes, all of their products are always stale.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

The peanut butter is way different now. Cheap and generic tasting.

I loved getting Reese's cups for Halloween, but sadly they are not good anymore.

I love this candy still, but I don't think it uses real peanut butter.

Chips Ahoy!

They used to taste "fresher." The preservatives and cheaper ingredients actually took away the fresh taste, and again, the fructose makes them too sweet.


Way too hard. They make my mouth bleed.

The Newcomers

? Cheez-It
? Jellybeans
The Contenders
Chef Boyardee

I loved this stuff. Now it's horrible.


Even the logo is worse now. Anyway, they taste less cheesy.

Dr Pepper

Who even likes this stuff? It's not even good! It tastes like cough medicine.


Too sweet and tastes like the generic brands now. Probably due to the cheap ingredients and preservatives.

Fresh Fruit

I added this because it just doesn't taste the same anymore. I think it's because it's not tree-ripe anymore. They don't really have taste or even juice anymore. Apples, plums, pineapples, grapes. I miss good fresh fruit.

Hidden Valley Ranch
Kraft Mac & Cheese
Little Debbie Snack Cakes
Jack's Frozen Pizza
Apple Jacks
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Goldfish Crackers
Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls

I used to love these on Christmas morning. Now, they taste awful and they need more icing.

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