Top 10 Best Players on Runescape

Have a favorite who inspired you to start playing? A classic name who redefined what it meant to be a top player in the game? Cast your vote and see how your choices line up with other RuneScape fans. The players here are not just high-level characters - they're icons who've shown dedication, creativity, and sometimes a bit of humor along the way.
The Top Ten

He will always go down as the number one RS player ever, but don't get me wrong, he is also one of Runescape's biggest douches. The things he would say to the group of people following him in the early days were at times just horrible (Holocaust remarks, stuff like that stood out).

These days, you can go into the Zezima clan chat, and you don't have to be lucky to be one of the people who are booted in a mass kick by one of his ranks. He literally told the clan chat a few hours after a mass kick by a rank, "Yeah, if ______ is bored, he'll do that sometimes. Laugh out loud."


He's the best and the funniest! You have to love this guy! Way better than Zezima, if you ask me. Since I never met Zezima, I say he's a myth or a bot.

It all started because of his How Runescape Began YouTube video. Hilarious!

Way too funny. I don't know how else to say it. His humor is simple, like wow, and Zezima is like blah.


Remember seeing him in Canifis. He even talked to me in private messages. I was like level 40 at the time. Pretty cool guy.


Hard worker, currently (June 2008) number one in overall high scores. I talked to him a few times, and he is a very nice guy.


She has always been the "go-to person" for ways to make your RS player better. Her chat was always active with positive feedback and helping hands.

I mean, come on. Everything to 99, lets people in chat, responds to messages. She is amazing.


Drakie is the best. Nice stats and a cool, funny guy.

Drakie is the best RuneScape player, very nice and funny.

Very nice player. He's very funny!


This guy was incredible, man. I was new to RS at the time and met him when he was around level 100-110. I only approached him to ask where Falador was for a certain quest. It's funny because he even let me follow him all the way to Falador!

Then, he gave me some rune armor that he didn't need anymore, and we became friends. He told me to reach level 70, and he would give me a present. I worked so hard that I got to level 70 within a week. When I approached him, he was surprised at how fast I had progressed. He told me that I was going to reach the top one day, and then he gave me 1 million! Can you believe it?

Then, I became a member at level 80-something, joined his guild, and later became one of the division leaders. Man, I miss those days. It was so fun!


Friends with him in the game. His dedication to the game is unreal. Great player and nice guy.

Trolled all of the beggars and bots but helped all the hard workers. Awesome house too.


I met him at the Grand Exchange, and he gave me 100k, so I think he is a pretty nice guy. He was also helping someone else before he gave it to me.

Season is actually a woman. Friendliest player in-game! Love her!

The Newcomers

? Dragonseance

Leader of the best and most efficient clan in the game.

? Jake (Tezz)

He has been in the top ten for years.

The Contenders

First person to max out in the game. He is truly a legend in my eyes. They should raise the cap to 10 billion.

The true legend of Runescape. Too bad he doesn't play Runescape anymore.


I think he's the best player. I saw him own a level 126. He's on my friends list, and I'm level 94. He can own me. He is level 77.


Wokabooma is the best player in RuneScape, hands down! He is so nice. He once gave me 10 million coins just for helping him in a quest. I wish every player was as nice as Wokabooma!

I once met Wokabooma. He was really nice when he gave me a dragon chain body. Huh, for some reason, this program must have glitches in putting him in place number 31!

Wokabooma, my hero, my friend, and the reason I got level 99 in everything and 100 million coins! He's the best. Oh, yeah! And nothing's going to ever stop him! Go Wokabooma!


Funny as hell! He is always giving back to his fans, always showing guides. He's just a great player in general.

I met him once when he was hosting a party to celebrate achieving a 99 skill level. I used to love his videos!

Great guy, and his videos have always sent positive vibes to the Runescape family!


Bumped into him training Divination. A genuinely nice person.


The greatest PvMer to ever live. Zezima number one? He is well-known, but what's hard about getting a few 99's?

#1 Player vs. Monster killer the game has ever seen.

The best PVM I have ever seen. This guy is awesome.


He played for under two years. In that time, he managed to surpass Zezima and stay ahead of him for months until his computer got a virus and broke. He is currently in college and plans to return.


Hey Kurian, thanks for helping me when I wanted Tunas. Remember, help more people.

Yeah, I think Kurian is a good dude, and he really does help out starters quite a lot, to be honest. Go Kurian!


I remember when this list only had Arcane Knights and Zezima. TAK


Bank your items! Planet Hell intensifies.


Such a great player with a nice attitude!


#1 in construction, forever. This guy has MAXED OUT cash! Can you ask for anything more?

The Old Nite

He's been around forever. It's good to see his name on this list. Great guy for sure.

He was really friendly and nice to people and helped me out a lot.

R.I.P. If he hadn't died, he would have been the first guy to achieve 99 in every skill. Instead, Zezima took the record when he died.

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