Top Ten Digimon Characters
Digimon is a Japanese media franchise that encompasses virtual pets, games, and anime series. This franchise centers on the titular creatures, known as Digimon, who inhabit a Digital World. This world is a parallel universe that originates from Earth's communication networks.Omnimon isn't the strongest Digimon, but Omnimon X is a completely different story. He can delete and reconfigure the data of the entire Digital World, so basically, he can reset all of the Digital World. He also possesses the Omega InForce, which allows him to see the future. He leads the Royal Knights when Alphamon isn't there. The only other Digimon better than him are Armageddemon and Imperialdramon Paladin Mode.
It's so awesome with its Grey Sword and Garuru Cannon! It was first seen in the first or second Digimon movie on the computer. Taking down that spider was awesome too! I'm gonna get him on Digimon Dawn! Oh yeah!
The reason Kari/Hikari is the best DigiDestined/Chosen Child is because:
1. Her Digimon is both cute and powerful.
2. Her crest makes her look like Jesus.
3. She is the one that has actually helped the DigiDestined most.
4. She is absolutely the cutest in 01, and she is still cute in 02 (cuter than T.K.).
5. The name Hikaru is also cute. Her English name could have been Kairi instead of Kari, in my opinion.
Hikari/Kari Yagami for life!
She is the cutest DigiDestined ever. She's also cute when she was a small child in the movie. The Digimon Adventure 1 version of her is the cutest!
He was eager to sacrifice himself. He turned from the defenseless Patamon to Angemon. Despite being the last to reach the Ultimate level, he could compete against Ultimates and seemed their equal.
Angemon is a very strong Digimon. He is my favorite Digimon, even in the show. I can't believe he died in the show. He was so strong, and he left his partner.
Very powerful Digimon. He's saved the children in many critical situations.
Unexpectedly voiced by the queen of tsundere in the Japanese dub.
He is protective, seeing as he's an older brother. He's supportive of everyone and backs up Tai's choices almost always. If he objects to anything, he never does it for himself. He only does things for other people like T.K., Sora, Tai, etc.
I love how he developed during the first season. I simply love his character! He takes care of everybody even though you can't always see it!
I don't care what some people say about him. He is (and always will be) the best Digimon character to me.
Marcus was one of the coolest human characters in the Digimon franchise. Come on, admit it: we were all getting sort of tired of the main character in the Digimon seasons having goggles. Marcus breaking that trend was one of the best things.
What I love the most about him is his personality. Unlike everyone else who lets their Digimon do all the hard work, Marcus actually throws a few punches at the bad guy.
Tough, adventurous, heroic, a street fighter. Those are the qualities of Marcus Damon. He's hilarious and nothing more needs to be said.
Argh! I forgot who all these guys are except for Agumon, the yellow dinosaur thing.
My most favorite Digimon for the past, present, and future. It can digivolve into ShineGreymon (Burst Mode).
She is an Ultimate-level Digimon with powers that surpass regular Ultimate-level Digimon. Her Celestial Arrow defeated Myotismon with one hit. She can also digivolve into Magnadramon, one of the keepers of the Golden DigiEgg and one of the most powerful Mega-level Digimon!
How could you not like Angewomon?
WarGreymon is just perfect. He synthesizes defense, attack, and speed. His special move is like a planet of fire. Also, most of us think that fire types are the best. He is also my favorite Digimon of all.
Coolest and best ever! His attack is like the Spirit Bomb of Goku!
Guys, just amazing. Even before Omnimon, this Digimon was the original god-tier.
To me, Ken is the best character in Digimon. His past is really heartbreaking and sad. After he realized what he had done as the Digimon Emperor, he felt sorry for everything and was so ashamed of himself. He tried his hardest to make up for all the terrible things he had done. When the DigiDestined wanted him to join them, he felt like he didn't deserve their forgiveness.
Ken is an amazing and strong character. I truly love him and am proud of him for realizing all the awful things he did and trying to make up for them. And it's a plus that he is very handsome.
The first time I loved Digimon Savers was because of Thomas, and I still do.
After that, I loved Bleach and Uryu. Thomas really resembles Uryu a lot. Both were born into wealthy yet noble families and clashed with hot-headed main characters. Despite being geniuses and rich, both of them are lonely. They appear cold outside but are sweet and gentle inside. They lost their beloved mothers when they were still kids and have complicated relationships with their fathers. Both are calculated, have a sense of humor (especially with the main characters), and are athletic. They're very funny in their own way, especially with their sarcasm and when they argue with the main characters.
Henry is awesome! I kinda like him, and he should be on the first page.
How can you not love Henry Wong?!?! He is so kawaii (cute in Japanese) and he's a pro martial artist. He is also very caring toward Suzie and Terriermon.
He's my favorite character in the third season!
She is such a divine babe with an elegant outfit and voluptuous figure.
He had the Crest of Hope, as in I hope he shows up again in Digimon.
Hell yes! Such a boss. Who the hell is Omnimon? Angemon is a stupid happy angel. Beelzemon is a dark and evil angel! Those wings... That motorcycle... That accent... Those colors... Ooo, baby.
Plus, he is the strongest Digimon to exist! I mean, man, he doesn't even have to use an attack. He can just crush or jab another strong Digimon with his sheer strength to kill them. Awesome! And even as Impmon, he's a badass!
Hands down the strongest Digimon to exist. Beelzemon is so cool. No other Digimon can match up to this powerhouse! Also, is he from Brooklyn? He sounds like he is. I wouldn't want to get on his bad side, that's for sure!
I'm only judging based on the show, but I think he is a cool character.
I know he's from Digimon Fusion, but he's like the best character ever. So badass!
Everybody, listen. This guy has more Digimon than any other DigiDestined leader.
So much cooler than Myotismon. He destroyed whole moons and has a badass dragon thing as a final form!
I remember him from that episode in Digimon Fusion. He starts off as a good guy, but then after he is elected president or something, he reveals his true nature as an evil person. You wouldn't expect it either. Lucemon may be an angel, but he's really a demon.