Top 10 Animal Jam Rares
Here are the top ten Animal Jam rares! Please note that this list may not be completely accurate. Also, there is only one of each item in this list. For example, I'm not going to list every color of the beards. Hope you enjoy!This is probably the rarest in the game. I wouldn't count unreleased or deleted items as rare. There are none in the game, except for the ones people hack in. People like Batwing157, for example. Green top hats, Skullies, mace tails, staffs, and horse coins should not be on this list.
And once more, spike collars are seen like, all the time. That drops their rarity, in my opinion. But yes, I agree. Beta creature masks are one of the rarest things in the game.
This is the rarest item in Animal Jam as of 2015, and only 2-3 people have them. Black longs are nowhere near the rarest item in the game. You can get them in an adventure! Green and blue top hats, Skullies, and Alpha healing staffs aren't even released yet, so they can't really be on this list.
Rare or not, this item can't be found easily around the game, meaning that it's technically a rare.
I have an orange beard, and I did lots of research on it. I found it was worth 4 black longs! I tried to trade for that, but everyone started reporting me for scamming! In my opinion, they are super rare and should be rarer than black longs.
I just traded a rare eyeball hat and a rare spider mask for one. Best trade I ever made. People tell me it's only worth a small beta, but I'm pretty sure it's worth more!
This rare definitely deserves number one! There is only one known orange beard in Animal Jam, owned by Visualeffects. The other beards are pretty rare too, but the orange beard is the rarest of them all!
Somebody traded me a neon bow, a short yellow spiked collar, nerd glasses, and a New Year's celebration hat (not a party hat).
I don't know what my magenta eyeball is worth. Can someone tell me, please?
Headdresses are really rare, mainly because only the rare one can be won in the Forgotten Desert. Jammers with any type of headdress will most likely only have theirs up on trade to show off. They get attention mostly because they're pretty. Items like glitched rings and eyeball hats aren't nearly as sought-after because it's hard to make a look with them. Headdresses are good items, but I think that they don't deserve #4.
I think this item is very rare because I don't see a lot of people wearing these, especially the rare one. And apparently, these are so rare to be won in The Forgotten Desert. In fact, I have only seen one person who has won a headdress in The Forgotten Desert, and that was on YouTube.
The magenta furry hat was sold and immediately taken out of stores. They are the rarest item in the game, besides the Milky Tiara, a white tiara with a pink gemstone.
Magenta furries are rarer than this. I've seen people trading black longs for these, and the longs are in second. No offense, people, but this list needs updating!
The magenta furry is the rarest item in Animal Jam, next to the beta hood. It is worth 34 to 35 black longs!
Top hats, spikes, headdresses... these are all hard to get by means of rarity/quantity/date, but their worth is over-exaggerated by famous AJ YouTubers as well as scammers/traders. Even popularity is what makes these things seem "rare".
Ignore popularity. Focus on quantity. That means the lesser amount of a cosmetic/wearable item there is, the more worth it has because it will be harder to get due to the fact that there won't be any more produced.
Keep your paws away from the spikes... you might cut yourself on that edge, you know.
The rarity has changed. These have dropped down. I never understood why these were so rare. If they were in the beta days, they only cost 40 gems. Now though, since Scullies only cost about 10 gems, I can see why they are very rare. They were deleted from Animal Jam, so basically, no one has them. But founders, I don't even know how these got to be super rare then dropped down all of a sudden. How does that make sense?
I get it, these possibly were in the beta days. I wasn't in the beta days, so what do I know? There were a lot of beta days items, and for some reason, if this was a beta item, someone randomly decided these should be super rare. Items deleted from the game, in my opinion, should be really rare because there were a lot of items deleted never to be seen again. There are also items like headdresses which are common in the eagle adventure and should not be on the list.
Magentas, glitched stuff, elf helmets - those are very rare for some reason. I don't know how all these items got their rarity in place in the top tens, but founders are low in rarity right now.
These cannot be bought in Jam Mart Clothing. The Milky Tiara is a milk color but with a purple gem. The fake in Jam Mart Clothing has a blue gem. I have only seen one in the game.
Feel free to add me. I'm lightEningwolf62 (sorry if I have no buddy space or am not accepting). Jam-A-Gram me if you want to, though my inbox is always full. So, just post on my Jammer Wall if you can't buddy or Jam-A-Gram me.
You can buy these in the Jam Mart Clothing Shop.
One of the rarest items. It's worth a founder and probably a short collar or long wrist.
Really, 29, 2 places below orange spike! I have one and get offered 20 black longs. Spikes aren't even rare. One out of 5 people have it, but nearly no one has beta hoods, tan tikis, magenta furries. Even headdresses are super common. People just think they are pretty :/ This list was made by complete noobs.
I think that this should be higher on this list, at least fifth. I'm not sure how many there are in the game, but you don't see many around at all these days! Most famous YouTubers and really rare people have them!
I totally agree. I have never seen a tiki mask (or I just can't remember). No one would buy them as they were not very fashionable. Tikis themselves are worth good stuff, but the tan tiki is on a whole new level.
The Newcomers
This lamp is beautiful, and I think it is a great added item to the game. I recently got it as a prize from a fashion show, and I think it looks very pretty in my den.
From people recycling them, not many are left!
Only less than 20 exist. Most people consider it in the top 30 for sure.
I have never seen anyone with a horse coin in my life! I have played AJ since the beta days. I couldn't find it in shops anywhere! But around 2012, they removed it because people scammed items for horse coins. This was because they went crazy about seeing one, so they took a chance, and AJ removed it. Still, they may show on people's trades, which means they had one before they got removed. They are now an item not able to go in dens, just a show item to trade.
I really love horse coins, to be honest! If I ever got one, my head would explode. Also, I think that this and River Race should be number 1. Yes, today, I have seen someone with the game River Race! It is a very original and cool game!
Yes, Skullies are truly the rarest items on Animal Jam, simply because they are like necklaces, an item that wasn't used much and was the cheapest in the dress wear items. However, they were highly inappropriate and thus were removed, unlike our very sought-after necklaces.
In a few years' time, I'm sure necklaces will be as needed as Skullies, but I'm also unsure. The fact that the Skullies were removed due to their 'dirtiness' makes them more rare, and they are barely ever seen. If any jammer had these, they'd probably be taken away, for obvious reasons.
The Skullies are the rarest item in AJ, and I'm sure their rarity won't die out... Not until pandas are fixated on, anyway...
I have a lot of Camis, and I'm never trading them. But I didn't trade much at all for them! I traded a beta floor I got in the Eagle Adventure for it, and I got Ice Mira with it! I love Camis, the one item that has a story!
So rare, I've been trying forever to get one. I offered four spiked collars, and the person declined. So, they should be before spiked collars on this list.
I used to have one. It was a part of my non-member apocalypse stockpile.
Only about 2 people have this! Wootmoo and a couple of other very rare players, also the hacker X I think. These are worth more than 12 black longs because they are very, very rare! I'd say almost as rare as a tan tiki, which should be first on the list while this should be second...
I've never seen one in my life, except on a YouTube video. Search up on YouTube: Animal Jam Unreleased Items.
I've never even heard of this before. It should be at the very top.
I have the white one with an emerald diamond thingy. People said I was trying to scam. Why would I want to scam pixels? But, I know it is the Beta one, and no one can stop me from asking for offers. If I think it is fair, I will accept. And then someone would say, "She scammed me! I traded 4 black longs!"
This tiara looks much like the one sold today. Many people mistake this rare for the common one sold in stores today, but it is much rarer. It comes in green and white, with white being the rarer of the two.
I have one, and nobody wants it! People try to trick me by trading old hoods for it. But I'm just like: I have a brain. I'm not stupid!
Anyway, I have a bluish one. Any den or clothing beta for it, my username is Rainbowkittens1015. (Subscribe to me on YouTube! I love my subbies, and I'm on Facebook @ Rainbowkittens AJ on YouTube and Facebook) =D
Only about 30 in the game. Should be number 6, not 25.
I had one, but I got traded a rare orange spike for it. I should have declined, lexib07.
I have played Animal Jam since 2011, and I still haven't gotten a spike. It's my only goal. (No, I don't just play for the items.) I have attempted to trade something for a spike about 700 times. There are people with like 10 spikes, and I ask them if I can trade it for four nice, rare, beta items and their response is always, No. So selfish... You won't trade one spike to someone who has none and is offering their best items. This has happened numerous times to me.
To sum this all up, spikes are extremely high in demand and are very challenging to obtain. My user is miahappyheart.
Coming in second place for this top ten list would have to be the light purple gazelle horns! There are many other types of gazelle horns, like the rare gazelle horns and scary antlers. But the light purple gazelle horns are coming in second in this list, with only 2-3 people known to have them.
Tiki masks are not rare at all. I have one, a white one. But they come out every year. Only the beta creature mask is rare. It's black with dark blue eyes. No offense, but I think a lot of these items are in the wrong places. The headdress is not of lower value than a spike.
Just wait for Halloween. You could get one then. You can also get them in adventures. So yeah, not so rare. I was excited when I got an actual rare creature mask, but then I got hacked, so that was gone.
In third is the creature mask! There are many colors of this mask, but the rarest is the black one with blue eyes.
I used to have wood flooring. I think you can get those in the Eagle Adventure since I got brick walls and a beta flower carpet from it. I'm not saying you can get it just like that. I'm saying that you can give it a shot, though.
Coming in sixth is the wood flooring! The wood flooring is high in demand for non-members because it is the only non-member flooring in Animal Jam! This flooring is uncommon, and you probably won't see it too often.
I love the way the wood flooring looks. I'm a non-member, and it is my dream item. Sadly, I don't know what it's worth. I traded someone two fox hats for it, and they declined. *Facepalm*
Fox hats are rare, but this shouldn't be in seventh place. People these days don't always know their rarities, and I totally understand. All I'm saying is that fox hats are nowhere near the rarest thing in Animal Jam. In fact, a beta eyeball is one of the rarest things of all! This top ten list is incorrect, no offense. These items are nowhere near the rarest, not even a spike. And yes, a lot of people in Animal Jam have these.
I'm not putting the rarest things in order, but the rarest things are elf tail armor, magenta hat, glitched ring, milky tiara, and a beta eyeball. Trust me! No offense that this list is incorrect!
This, in my opinion, is the rarest! Please comment what you think.
I have never heard of moon dirt, but I know for sure a non-rare headdress is the rarest thing. It's true. I know that I don't know how rare moon dirt is, but I know for a fact headdresses are rarer.
Moon dirt is a very rare flooring for dens, sold in the beta times of Animal Jam. This is probably the rarest flooring in Animal Jam. If you have one, I recommend you keep it!
In my opinion, it's the rarest item. You heard me, THE rarest item. If you have one, do not trade it.
I know who has it, guys. 500x500 does.
But still, it should really be, like, number 2 or something. It's one of those super rare items that only 2 or 3 players got because Animal Jam QH took it out right away.
Not number 22 - sorry, way higher.
This spiked tail here, my friends, got removed from the game. Don't you know it?
I've NEVER seen it on a jammer. It's one of those items that only, like, 2 or 3 jammers got, then AJHQ took it out right away.