Best Fallout New Vegas Companions

The Top Ten

With Lonesome Road, ED-E's usefulness is out of control, and his damage is very high as well.

With all the upgrades you give him (including Lonesome Road), he becomes overpowered. He can repair your weapon for free and give you energy ammo. @awesome

What's not to love about ED-E? His fight song makes everything so epic.


She is the best mutant ever. She's purple and had a horrible past. She will get up close and personal, plus her low health makes her hit harder.

I love her company. She is very useful as a tactical supermutant, and using Stealthboy gets better for your playthrough!

Arcade Gannon

Arcade Gannon is a great companion. It's fun to have him by your side while roaming the wasteland.

Arcade Gannon is the most boring yet awesome nerd in all of Fallout.

Arcade Gannon's personality fits well with a real-life one!


He is the best damn sniper in Fallout New Vegas. Good to have at your side against the Legion, the Powder Gangers, and those junkie chem addicts.

If you want to beat Fallout New Vegas with ease, get with Boone. He makes the game very simple for you.

You better watch out, Caesar's Legion scum! I've got Boone on my side.


Poor, poor Rexie. He'd probably be middle of the road if it wasn't for ED-E just being so damn strong, and you can't run them both at once. Still, he is the cutest companion.

I hate dogs, but Rex is different from the rest.

Joshua Graham
Dog and God

Veronica is really underrated, and a lot of people seem to hate her because she apparently "is annoying and has the personality of a teenage girl." Well, no, she isn't. A stereotypical average teenage girl is whiny, bratty, and only concerned about things like:

1. Whether he is going out with another girl.
2. Getting pimples on their face.
3. Getting the best phone so they can talk to their BFF.

Veronica is nothing like that. She is quirky, enjoys having fun, and is good at concealing her emotions. She is caring, especially towards her family, the Brotherhood of Steel, who she just wants to help and earn respect from.

Did I forget to say that she is great at punching people? Her longtime dream of wearing a dress always makes me laugh, and every time she says something, I can't help but smile.

As much as I like Boone, with his backstory and extra useful perk, Veronica just takes the cake. She is the best!

The Newcomers

? Dean Domino
? Deputy Beagle

At the beginning, when I had a service rifle, he killed everyone upstairs.

The Contenders
Raul Tejada

Raul Tejada is awesome. He's the hardest to find because he's that awesome.

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