Top 10 Best Followers in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
When it comes to followers in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, there's no shortage of unique and interesting characters to join you on your adventures. Whether you prefer someone skilled in combat, a powerful mage, or just a companion with an interesting backstory, Skyrim's world is filled with potential allies.Choosing the best follower is no easy task. Some are highly skilled in specific combat styles, while others offer useful abilities or spells. And let's not forget the personalities and storylines that come along with each companion - many followers have quests tied to them or provide unique dialogue and interactions depending on where you are in the game or what you're doing.

Best follower. She's the type I'd fall in love with in a heartbeat. Plus, she's the most interesting. Aela may give her blood to make you a werewolf, but apparently, she will only do it once. After you're cured, you're screwed if you wanted to go back. Serana, on the other hand, can change you to a Vampire Lord again and again after you have cured yourself. (She can bite me any day is all I've got to say.)
And if you're an archer, she can make your Elven arrows even stronger. If not, it's something to consider. Last but not least, she actually has a story. Now, don't get me wrong, I thought Aela was hot. But she did not have a story besides being part of a few quests and sending you off to kill a few Silver Hands.

I've kept J'zargo as my follower for the entire game so far, with the exception of forced followers in quests, and I am at level 59. I've equipped him with a full suit of dragon armor, his very own glass sword with his name on it, Mehrune's Razor, the Spellbreaker shield, a ring I named "Gills" (allows swimming underwater without drowning), several staffs, and Savos Aren's Amulet.
I like J'zargo so much that I've reloaded games just to keep him if he got killed in a quest. Thankfully, that's only happened about two or three times. He is a pretty strong character. Give him a selection of staffs, and he will use them effectively. His favorite weapon is Mehrune's Razor. As a strong mage, he typically kills with lightning strikes and shock damage.
Most of the other characters' dialogue annoys me, but J'zargo has a cool accent and simple dialogue, making him less annoying.

Aela. She kills a giant on your first visit to Whiterun near the Hanningbrew Meadery. While giants aren't that difficult, it's still kind of badass. Did I mention she's a werewolf? A werewolf. More badass-ness right there, my friends. She is a valiant, honorable companion. She can kill with a bow like nobody's business. And if you give her some enchanted weapons like a sword or some war axes... Wow.
Aela is my all-time favorite follower. Bar none.
Who else could have first place? Aela is good-looking, strong, and just a great character.
She deserves the top place due mainly to the fact that she is one of the only plot-based followers and she gives you her blood so that you may become a werewolf.
There is no one better to have at your side.

He was one of the first characters I met when I bumped into him on the road with his broken wheel. I was happily surprised to meet him again later on. He is as loyal as can be to you from beginning to end and also the only follower I know who randomly starts dancing as you're going through caves and dungeons. He's the only follower who keeps me sane. All the others start driving me nuts after a while.
I always make a point to get Cicero as early in the game as possible. There are a number of places I won't go unless he's with me. He is so well-written, with an interesting (but sad) backstory that helps you understand his personality a lot better. He's especially great for clearing out dungeons or Dwemer ruins, making them less eerie.
All of his talking might be annoying at first, but the guy really grows on you.

Mjoll is like the Death Star without the weakness in the exhaust port. I played the game the first time through as a male high elf 100% wizard, and she was my wife. I had her tanked out in Daedric armor with enchanted Daedric weapons, and she killed everything. At times, she even shoved me out of the way to kill things.
Now, I'm playing the game a second time through as a female Redguard warrior using 100% weapons, heavy armor, and no magic at all. I just hooked up with Mjoll again, and we are twins in our orc armor. I think I'll marry her again anyway to add some sexual diversity to the game.
All in all, Mjoll is a beast. She can't die, and she kicks the crap out of everything... "May the White Take You!"

I can't believe she isn't higher on this list. It's mostly because you can carry her through the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild without questions. Once she levels at 30, there are others, but for the early game, no one is better if you're the sneaky kind.
I watched her put an arrow through the eye of an invisible vampire and married that woman! She's skilled in bows and sneaking, and can circle dance like the best rogues out there. She was the perfect counter-stab to my back-biting fighter/thief.
I love her as a follower, but if you marry her and tell her to go home, there is a chance that she will become permanently missing, which is the most annoying thing in the world.

She just goes in and clears them out. She uses magic for protection and weapons for offense. She is also one of the only people who can dual wield. A very flexible follower and the best, bar none.
Just a great companion all around with some nice depth. Sticks with you through thick and thin and never runs. Can really put out the damage. Very respectful and strong at knowing who she is.
Frea can't die and levels indefinitely with the player. She has amazing starter gear, and she also looks cool while she slays many enemies.

Literally the best mage in the game. Chain lightning spells blast everything away. J'zargo pales in comparison to this absolute beast of a man. That stupid cat probably chases his own tail while Marcurio is discussing and researching Dwemer architecture, history, and mechanics like an absolute chad.
Marcurio has been my bestie since I first started playing Skyrim years ago, and even if I haven't saved in ten hours, if he dies, I'm going back. I couldn't live in a Skyrim with no Marcurio making nerdy anthropologist comments about every ruin we enter before blasting any nearby enemies sky-high before I even see them.

She is pleasant and helpful all along, and I found she complements my wood elf conjurer archer very well, as we quickly get a couple of atronachs on the field.
If you prefer voice to looks, she's also a good marriage partner, and she can stay at home when you reach higher levels. If you prefer looks, Azura's priest is a good alternative.
I really wanted to like her, but she is just outclassed by just about every other mage in the game. However, this is all outshined by how sweet of a companion and spouse she is!
She is such a boss. She summons atronachs and familiars, uses wards, does massive damage with flames and sparks, and even occasionally heals.

All these other followers are pretty great, but I think Lydia is the best. She doesn't talk and can be pushed out of the way if she's blocking your path. Though, most times, she just sort of stares at me. Poor Lydia. She'd probably be happier off in Breezehome with my beggar kid, but I drag her along anyway. She will be sworn to carry my burdens until I find a way to imprison a dragon and make it my follower.
Lydia is a balanced character that can be great if you give her the right stuff, like Boethiah's Ebony Mail for sneakiness, a ring to increase one-handed skill, an amulet to raise heavy armor, Wuuthrad, a leveled-up bow, and so on. She makes good use of everything you give her. She's loyal, has cute big lips, and those beautiful almond eyes.
The Newcomers

Kharjo has a personality, and he stands out because of that. He is the best in the sense that he's well-rounded, suited for my archer character, and funny. He's my favorite follower, even if there are technically stronger or more capable followers.
He is so cute, cunning, and protects you at all costs. I've become so attached to this follower that I don't want a new one. Once, he died by my own hand by accident, and I committed suicide so the mission would restart.
Awesome follower. I use him with a Battle Mage. He has a nasty disposition towards the enemy, especially when you give him the Ebony Mail, Mace of Molag Bal, the Black Star, Predator's Grace, and Spellbreaker. Pimps like a boss!
Devilish with dual weapons, this follower tag teams well with a housecarl. The only follower you can add in the game that allows you two human followers. A quick and agile follower that can cross ground quickly and tie up enemies, allowing you to join in or hit from range. I like Lydia/J'zargo with this guy.
I agree once you arm her with some extra stuff. Once you give her another dagger, a sword, a bow, and some arrows, you are ready for launch.
Levels up with you as you progress, has very high sneak, and she's very strong to boot. How can you beat her? Plus, she's hot.

I have been using her for a long time, and she never dies. She is a great follower because she can use a bow and melee weapons. Great all-around follower for low and high levels.
I had this chick for not even 10 minutes during a quest, and she got wrecked instantly. She has badass armor but is pretty weak, if you ask me.
So far, she's been a sturdy companion. Guess what's said about her here is quite true. She is quite strong indeed.

I remember he scared me the first time I saw him. Now, I have him outfitted in full dragon armor, and I would pick him over any follower any day. Except maybe Kharjo. Maybe.
Great story, true companion, and when he's with you, he's basically the top-ranked Argonian in Skyrim, so that's pretty cool.
Derkeethus: The bow-shooting, dual-wielding, sneaky Argonian that likes caves.

Farkas is good for the archer type who likes to hit from far away or for the kind of stealthy people who don't level up their health. Even for the cowards who like to hang back and have other people do the work.
Vilkas is a total jerk sometimes, but he's pretty sweet sometimes. Vilkas is kind of the same, but his styles are a bit different from Farkas'.
Farkas is honestly not that great. They messed up his class. But Vilkas, give him some Daedric armor and weapons, and he can one- to two-shot kill most of my characters. Also, I've never had to worry about him dying.

"My blood is calm, I prefer it boiling." - Ghorbash. With the right equipment, this dude eats dragons. He uses bows and all kinds of swords, although a bit of console commanding is necessary.
In my game, he is my follower, and he kicks ass. I totally give him a two-handed weapon and heavy armor, and he is almost indestructible. He is also good with a bow, so I really like him.

Rayya is arguably the most underrated follower in the game, and I believe she is the only dual wielder, or one of the very few dual wielders in the game!
Upgrade her weapons, enchant one with health drain and the other with stamina drain. Give her a good bow and good armor with an armor bonus enchant. Then, give her as many enchants to archery and wielding as you can. She doesn't need the latest and greatest to chew through your enemies, but why show your enemies mercy?
So nice. Does mostly anything I ask. Great fighter and doesn't talk too much, which I like. Some followers just talk too much, which gets annoying when you're trying to listen to someone else in the game.

Seriously, Erik should be number one! He has the best comments when he travels with you, he can take a lot of hits, he has the classic sword and shield, and Erik is awesome! I know you don't expect much from a farm boy, but if you get to know him, you will have a great time!
I always called him Erik the Red because I felt he was similar to the real-life Erik the Red, well, in some ways.
Erik is funny as a companion! I never tire of him, and he's bad with a sword and shield.

Strong and courageous. It's funny how she's married to some gross-looking miner dude, but I still married her anyway. Now that I think of it, I believe she had a kid too that she hasn't seen in years. Oh well.
Good archer. Looks great in Forsworn armor. Will fight until the end.
She stays out of the way, doesn't hog the kills, and is a looker.

I've had Aranea basically the whole game since I accidentally killed Lydia. She can't carry much, but her mage skills are off the charts! Her atronachs are bloody vicious, she can take a hell of a lot of damage, and her comments are amusing. She'll use a shield in close combat and wield a battleaxe, even though she won't use it. Give her a dragon priest mask, and she is a boss.
I cannot believe she isn't ranked higher. This is likely because a lot of players go for the Dark Brotherhood and/or Thieves Guild, and she will blast you for that. Just wait until you're done and go get her, and she will follow through all the rest, like a boss.

Once I took my first bite of human flesh and put on the ring, she's been my "go-to girl"... and yeah, that creepy eye, her reverent devotion to me, and the fact that she conjures up the corpses as fast as I can make them makes her the sexiest of them all. Who needs a whining valley girl like Serana when Eola has your back?
She's one tough mage. I gave her some smithed-up, dual-enchanted Forsworn armor items and stole her crappy hide armor. Now she can carry even more than I can. I like her "I smell blood" comment.
She conjures a flame atronach and will use most armor or weapons you give her, including staves. Plus, she has a cool, creepy eye!

Better than Sven. Light armored, trains in archery, and has himself a bow, quiver of arrows, and dagger. Pretty faithful. Not the best, but he is my most common follower. I've armed him with Thieves Guild armor, only the gauntlets and boots are Imperial steel enchanted with a 15% increase in archery and one-handed combat. He has a steel shield, Imperial bow, steel arrows, Dwarven dagger, Skyforge steel sword, and a torch.
Shame he doesn't do Destruction, Restoration, and/or Conjuration, but you can't have everything. I understand your choice, though, if you disagree. If you agree, I am overjoyed (not literally) and the picture you see him in is totally awesome. Thanks for reading.

Ok, I am confused as to why J'zargo and Brelyna Maryon are ranked higher than Illia. Regardless of level, her magic is stronger than both of them combined. Personally, I think it is about J'zargo being a Khajiit. As for Brelyna Maryon, I have absolutely no clue. Maybe it's the personal relationship?
If you ever find yourself in Darklight Tower, make sure you help Illia. Her magic is unmatched, nothing but pure, unadulterated power. She is unmatched by just about everyone, and her adept-level magic spells are enough to put other mage followers in their place.

Sero is the best companion, and I refuse to do anything without him (except for the Goldenglow Estate mission, where I briefly dismissed him. That was my biggest mistake ever because I couldn't find him again and had to load a save. But ANYWAY). I love his unique voice and dialogue.
One of his funny traits is that he REFUSES to wear any other kind of armor you give him unless it completely covers his face. He's really reliable when you feel like going all out to kill something and is super useful against dragons. He doesn't have to use a bow and arrow like everyone else. As many have said, he's a great spellsword, and there aren't many followers who can do that.
Yeah, this guy is great. I don't really know why everyone is obsessing over Lydia and Aela, and I personally just flat out despise Serana. Short and restrained rant session concluded.

Spellsword. Probably one of the most versatile play types in the game for your character because no matter which of the three paths you're more focused on, he can cover them.
If you go warrior, he's got spells for range. If you go mage, he can tank and charge in with his trusty familiar. Sneaky type? He may get you caught now and again, but he'll get you out just as quick.
My suggestion: just... please remember to have him wear the Dawnguard helmet or something similar. Even a priest mask works. Don't forget that only certain enchants work for followers!
Last but not least, he has no morality. He'll steal for you! So, if you go about the item dupe glitch and find stolen items coming out duped, at least he'll pick them up. Rrrr Faendal!