Top Ten Best MMO Browser Games
This is a list of the most popular web browser games. Web browser games are different from the the MMORPG becase it requires no downloads.The story of Ikariam starts on a sunny island in the Mediterranean. Industrious workers, soldiers, and researchers build their own little empire between white beaches and rocky hills.
The many thousands of players of the latest Gameforge browser game first work together on exploiting the raw materials of the island. Then, they use trade and the help of their soldiers to grow into a glorious people.
Every clan of fighters, however dauntless, is doomed without forming alliances, making commercial agreements, supporting other peoples, and using the assistance of friends.
Ikariam shines not only with its graphics that can compare with any modern computer game but also with a fascinating mix of trade, warfare, and diplomacy.
Most addicting game ever.
Build your empire on economy or by stealing from others. Attack, defend, and lead. There's an immense amount to be done. Tons of fun to be had.
Met a lot of awesome people from all parts of the world because of Travian.
I played many different of those games (Ikariam, OGame, etc.). I stopped the browser games and am currently playing World of Warcraft, but that doesn't matter. I think Travian is better than Ikariam because it is simpler to play, and I loved creating guilds.
Superb game. I love it. It's the game where we can build an empire. If there were more battle war shows, we would get more members to play this game. But even without them, it's a superb and cool game.
Visit WebsiteThe endless expanse of the universe is the home of the probably most successful browser game of all time: OGame.
The players are galactic emperors building mines and factories on their home planets. They explore technologies to venture into distant galaxies. More than 30 million players compete against each other for supremacy of the universe, whether as lonely merchants of raw materials or as members of martial alliances fighting battles of unlimited size. The interest in OGame is still unbroken even after six years.
Just awesome. The game may seem boring when you first start it, but when you start conquering cities, building up your city, building up your troops, killing off the opponent's troops, etc., there are so many things to do.
You will only feel at the top of your game when you are winning. When you are losing, you will hate playing, but that's your fault because if you do everything the correct way, then there is no way you can be losing.
All in all, it's a great game to play for all ages.
Very good game. There is no end-game scenario (alliances just fight until a strong tribe takes out all the other tribes), but it is very well thought out and balanced. It could be very fun if you're a team player.
It is constantly being improved. However, sometimes in worlds where players have too many villages (near the end), it is very hard to go 1v1 against a premium player (one that pays money for the game). But if you're in a good tribe, that won't be a big issue.
What I like the most about it is that it is both simple and sophisticated at the same time. You can do both micro-management (timing tricks, etc.) and macro-management (planning continent domination and later, world domination).
A game that really tests your patience. It's true a lot of kids play it, but the majority of players are still adults!
You wear equipment, fight, and try to deal the highest damage in war. Destroy and dominate the economy, all with real humans. There are 2000 monthly active players at Suna. Trading and fighting with you. Create armies, become prime minister, and create giant anonymous companies with other players.
Best game ever made. Try it and you will love it. It's a military-economy based game, and there are many players to help you.
Best game ever. I can't stop playing it. I was banned a few times and I always register again.
Amazing new game by InnoGames. Following the success of Tribal Wars and Grepolis. Try it now!
The Newcomers
For all soccer fans, this is a game that is really close to the famous Football Manager game. Give it a try, it's FREE!
Seriously excellent game. Tons of depth, but it's pretty easy to hop in without any experience. V2 is looking really slick.
Pretty fun multiplayer game. No download or email verification needed.
I am not sure if it fully fits the genre, seeing as player-to-player contact is (or can be) very limited. It is an amazing browser game regardless.
This is the best game ever. A game of fantasy. Play once and you can't stop.