Top Ten Medal of Honor Games

The Top Ten
Medal of Honor: Frontline

This was my "first" Medal of Honor game. I played Underground as my very first one but didn't like it a lot, not because of graphics or story but because...underground.

The first level was great, but then I couldn't find the last exit or what it was. When I saw the same tunnel for at least the tenth time, it was terrible. I was just going through the same tunnels again and again, with nothing - no enemies or other ways. All I got was a headache, so I stopped playing, never to return. I sold this one without going further.

But then I got Frontline in my hands, and that one was great. It was quite hard to understand what to do in the first mission, but then it got better when I finally got into the controls and everything. Challenging but still very enjoyable. It was quite ironic that the whole army couldn't go further, so they sent one man to solve it all and in the end didn't even wait for him to get out of there... But that belongs in games like these, doesn't it?

My next game was Rising Sun.

Medal of Honor: European Assault

I have nothing but nostalgia for the classic MOH titles: Rising Sun, Frontline, Pacific Assault, Allied Assault. While linearity is a valuable tool in creating an emergent game, these installments excel in unprecedented cinematic presentation. On the flip side, they lose replayability due mostly to the 'on rails' environment of the campaign. Dated, but still brilliant.

European Assault dialed down the infamous scripted grandeur of the earlier games but kept that classic MOH flair. It had a wonderful score and set up every mission with an excellent mini-performance of sorts. There was just enough valor between you and the action.

Even for its time, the visuals were bleak, to say the least. It released the same year as the Xbox 360. For the hardware, though, I have a feeling had it been any better looking, the particular game design might have been compromised. The mission layout was somewhat ambitious, implementing a fair amount of player choice and freedom in many instances. Battlefields were pretty explosive and busy.

The freedom to discover and tackle objectives at your own discretion, combined with team and resource management and a relatively applicable squad, made any subsequent playthroughs as fresh as the ones that came before. Should you master every mission on the highest difficulty, there were likely challenges still ahead of you if your interest remained sufficiently piqued.

Very fun. For me, it still holds up all these years later for the reasons above. It's challenging and thoughtfully produced.

Medal of Honor: Airborne

The best WW2 game I've played. In my opinion, it really is WAY better than Call of Duty's WW2 games, as well as Battlefield V.

The unique formula where the map is like a roundabout but filled with tons of challenges.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

The best MOH game hands down, and dare I say, the best WWII FPS!

Good graphics and animations, also a good score. I think it has the most memorable levels in the series, not too hard or easy, just right. Sniper Town is definitely my favorite level. Gun sounds are so satisfying, although I agree they are not very realistic when compared to the real thing.

Along with its expansion packs, I think this is the most influential FPS game ever, as it is directly responsible for the birth of COD. Multiplayer is a blast too, still play it to this day!

Medal of Honor: Rising Sun

This is a close call between this and Frontline, but as I am not as fond of Frontline and the innumerable glitches within the game, I did certainly enjoy Rising Sun (which I owned for the original Xbox "One," per se).

What I loved most was the enticing and fascinating story missions and then fighting bots on my own or with others. The huge array of weaponry and the challenge each level posed kept me engaged until I felt like going hardcore and killing even more Japanese soldiers. Good memories, indeed!

Really underrated, I think. Probably not my pick for the best MOH game, but still up there. It has a unique feel that none of the other MOH games have.

Medal of Honor: Vanguard

This game is pretty cool. The graphics are okay, but the gameplay is pretty sweet. I love the sprint and the zoom on the weapons. I used to call it a baby Call of Duty! Laugh out loud!

Medal of Honor (2010)

I really loved the game at the time. I'd prefer to play this over a lot of the Call of Duty games, such as Modern Warfare 2, Advanced Warfare, WWII, Infinite Warfare, or Modern Warfare.

Great graphics, awesome missions. Very unique ways to kill from a distance. Very fun.

Best story and ending of any video game ever.

Medal of Honor: Underground

This was an excellent game, and in my opinion, should be near the very top of the list. Not many people have played this one or the original nowadays, but I feel these deserve a remake. Keep the levels the same or expand on them, but with modern graphics and effects.

The best game in terms of storyline, music, drama, and gameplay. This is even confirmed by IGN and other review sites, which makes this game the all-around best Medal of Honor game that makes the most realistic approach about World War II. Absolutely excellent and amazing. 9/10

Medal of Honor: Warfighter

At the time, I really liked this game. Great story, and I like the realism of the game, unlike most futuristic Call of Duty shooters. Also, I would definitely play this over Call of Duty Modern Warfare.

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

Voting for PA because this MOH is like no other. The game is mainly set in jungles, and for some reason, I find the Japanese really intimidating. You're in a squad, and all characters are likable. You really don't want to see your fellow comrades hurt or die. There is a "call-for-medic" option. The levels are intense, and you feel like you are the hunter and sometimes being hunted, deep in the jungle. One of the best.

I love how the Japanese, unlike the Germans, banzai charge and keep me on my toes even behind protective walls.

The Newcomers

? Medal of Honor: Infiltrator
? Medal of Honor (1999)

This game truly feels like you are part of a movie, in a good way! Just what I would expect from a Steven Spielberg game. I must admit, the controls are hard to get used to, but it just adds to the charm.

This game has such nice graphics. It's just so good to look at. Aside from my obsession with its graphics, I think the weapons also sound really good. Health and ammo are sometimes hard to come by, like in the Destroying Greta mission, which adds to the difficulty. Split screen is fun too.

The only downside is that there is no way to change the difficulty that I know of. Sometimes I feel like it could be a bit harder. Other than that, a great game!

The Contenders
Medal of Honor: Heroes

Simple, enjoyable, and well-dated. Not to mention the amazing multiplayer mode for its time, the so-called "Deathmatch," making it the first FPS with bots in multiplayer.

Medal of Honor: Heroes 2
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