Top 10 Most Brutal, Gruesome Ways to Die In Video Games
Video games have long been a playground for exploring danger, pushing limits, and testing your reflexes, often with little regard for your digital safety. But not all game-over screens are created equal. Some are truly gnarly, delivering experiences that make you wince, cringe, or even look away from the screen. These moments are designed to be unforgettable, delivering a visceral impact that leaves players talking long after their controllers are put down.Here, we're focusing on the ways you can die in video games - the brutal encounters and gory mishaps that happen along the way, not the story-driven character deaths that stay permanent. Sure, your digital avatar will respawn to give that boss another shot or navigate those spikes again, but that doesn't make these deaths any less gruesome or stomach-turning.
I don't want to talk about this. Please, look it up and explain it in the comments section. Just... oh my God!
This is so bloody. A sharp needle goes through your character's eye and into their brain.
All the deaths in Dead Space 2 are brutal. None of them are anything but scary and bloody.
Truly disappointing. This scary game isn't the scariest. But, it did have some brutal deaths, like having your head smashed by the giant hammer from one of the bosses, the Keeper. This is why the "real people" were screaming on the game's commercial.
The brand new Tomb Raider really saved the Tomb Raider franchise. But at certain points in the game, you have to slide. Fail to dodge the pole? Well, to sum it up, "Brain meets pole, Lara dies."
I could have gone with being eaten alive in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, but I thought this was just scary. If you touch dark matter, Mario will scream in agony as he dissolves from the bottom up. Keep in mind, this is from Mario. Nintendo. So dying like this has to be on the list.
I find that the way Mario dissolves like that is scary. The level itself can be quite annoying and challenging. He has no chance to escape when he touches it once, even the slightest bit.
Good thing this only happens in one level.
In an amazing third-person shooter, you play as Cole MacGrath, a conduit with electric superpowers. In inFAMOUS 2, you have to defeat monsters called Devourers. Getting eaten by one of these creatures is brutal, as you get attacked by the Xenomorph-inspired tongue, then eaten to death. Beautiful.
Imagine it. You have built awesome creations, gathered many resources, and leveled up. Nice! And then, one Minecraft night, you want to become a monster hunter. A giant spider comes up and bites you until you die. What's so brutal about this is that Steve doesn't scream at all. Wow.
Demon. Protagonist. Demon has giant hands. Fail to do the right stuff, and your head is split apart. Yeah.
Sounds like a quick but gruesome death.
I don't really know about this game, but I do know this brutal way to die. At one point in the game, the protagonist, Alex, is tied to a chair, and a drill is stabbed in his thigh. You then break out of the ropes and try to stop the drill from reaching your eye. Fail? You get a drill to the eye.
(Warning: Spoiler) At some point in this game, you have to fight descendants - zombie-like creatures that transformed because of what was inside El Dorado (the treasure you are looking for). You can get clawed to death or have your throat eaten off. Brutal.
This is one of the worst ways Mario dies because he falls into the void (even a tiny bit) and gets sucked into a black hole, then he gets spaghettified.
The Newcomers
Watch the videos.
It's a zombie that has a club, for crying out loud!
You're playing as a soldier, blasting the enemy's sentries to bits, when a Demoman swoops out, slashing with his sword. He takes your now decapitated head and adds it to his own health.
Nobody, regardless of gender, would want to die like this. It hurts to watch for everyone.
There is no gore, but think about it. The zombies bite through your skull to get to your brain, then you die. Don't remind me about snow weasels either.
It's basically a flying guillotine coming for you to slice your head off.
If you get electrocuted to death in this game, Mario will be reduced to a bare skeleton, which collapses on the ground. I thought this game was kid-friendly!
This is actually a glitch in the game.
Even though the player isn't the one who's dying, this still deserves to be on the list.
It's quite a psychological pressure for a kid. I mean, how many kids got traumatized because of the drowning tune?
Yes, it's the second Minecraft option, but there's nothing really like falling into the unknown oblivion.