Top 10 Most Powerful Robots in War Robots
Most powerful and effective robots on the battlefield in WWR, which is an iOS game for iPad, iPhone, etc. Basically the best robot for defeating other robots and capturing beacons.This thing is overpowered. I have two on my team. The frontal shield makes it almost impossible to kill from the front, great for rushing. Weapon versatility makes it very suitable for short to medium range combat. Two Tarans and two Magnums make this thing the ultimate killing machine.
The Rhino has a good shield against plasmas, but it won't be effective against splash damage. The downside of the Rhino for beginners is that it is hard to maneuver, which a single mistake can make you a sitting duck.
I think "Griffin" should be on Top 1. If you visit the stronger players in Legend Leagues, you'll see a Griffin in their hangars. This is because its Jump Ability allows them to dodge incoming attacks and to fire while in the air. Unlike Rhinos, which have a lot of limitations while entering "Assault Mode." Their shield seems useless because they can only defend themselves in frontal attacks but can't turn around, which gives an enemy a chance to attack them from the back or side to side.
The Griffin is a great combo with 2 EP Magnums and 2 S-GS Tarans. It packs a heavy punch. The medium to short range is effective in both little cover areas and huge cover areas. The jump ability enables the Griffin to travel fast, jump to safety, confuse enemies, and kill campers and Death buttons. Its jump is also farther than Cossack and Rogatka.
Overall, this robot should definitely be one of the best robots.
The Raijin has the most hit point pool in the entire game. Its speed is acceptable for such a heavy robot, and the Bastion Mode shield is incredible. The reason I chose it over the Fujin is because the Fujin can get dominated with energy weapons like the Zeus or Scourge, meanwhile the ankle shield has very little hit points. Every time my Raijin appears on the battleground, everybody avoids it.
The Bastion Mode activates a shield and makes Raijin protected, but it can't move. As long as it is in Stationary Mode (when the ability of the robot is off), then it can move around. Although when I try to climb, I'm not going up, I'm just getting stuck. But good weapons and awareness play styles are good for this robot.
It is very good if you have the right weapons and can seriously damage an opponent before getting killed, even at a low level.
Great robot equipped with 4 light weapons. Amazing firepower, especially with Pinatas, also comes with a very useful Ecu shield.
Good with Punishers. Melts down opponent energy shields. Best one ever!
This robot is my favourite because not only can you protect yourself but also your friends. I recommend having fast reload weapons that are strong, to destroy enemies faster but at a reasonable rate. Also, if you get caught up in battle and have no teammates with you, it can make you an easy target, and they will be able to get through your sentry mode. This is why you'll need fast reload weapons that do serious damage.
The sentry shield regenerates, which makes it almost impossible to kill this thing. Its spider-like build gives it an advantage over other robots. While Raijin only has a frontal shield, Fujin's shield is all around (and it regenerates). If the slots are filled with 3 Tarans, the only thing that has a chance is maybe a Carnage with 2 Thunders.
Beast. Nearly indestructible. Built-in shields block energy weapons as well as normal ones, but not splash damage. It has 1 heavy and 2 medium slots. Thunder and 2 Tarans blasts anything but another Lancelot. It is slow, but Rush increases speed by 66%, so you can close with the enemy or take beacons. Then, you can hold it with your shield and hammer all comers. You can also put an Ancile energy shield on it in the heavy slot and be untouchable. Regularly used in the top leagues. Does cost 60 bucks though.
When it comes out in front of you, it is almost unstoppable, but as it turns around, goodbye Lancelot. Smart players memorize the map so if you need to retreat, you can still back up facing the opponent. With an Ancile, it helps keep it alive against explosives, so it's a great bot.
Used right, the Carnage is chaos incarnate. It can wipe out a tank in seconds, and its built-in Ancile will make up for lost health. Several times, I ran around behind enemy lines without being noticed and mowed them down one by one. I even dropped down into Ancilots' energy shields before and hung on like a leech, blasting them away. The Carnage is also a good starter bot, as it comes with two Thunders, not needing the player to buy weapons for it. Avoid plasma though?
It is known for its lethality, doing tremendous damage when equipped with two Thunders at close range. And it is good for sniping, equipped with 2 Trebuchet or Nashorn, and also equipped with two Zeus or Trident for mid-range attacks. This bot can't withstand Magnums, Tarans, Trebuchets (commonly used), or any energy weapons. His built-in energy shield also helps for encountering non-energy weapons bots. Its special purpose for ambushing, equipped with Thunders, which an enemy can never forget.
Having one heavy weapon and 3 light weapons, Leo is a great robot for close combat and for sniping. If piloted right, Leo can be the best bot in the game. Leo has a lot of HP, which means Leo can take out 2 or 3 robots before being killed. I killed a Fujin and a Raijin in the same game with one of these.
Leo already has 2 punisher weapons which rapidly fire making it awesome for combat for both attacking and defending beacons. Also, it comes with 4 weapons which, in my opinion, is pretty OP.
Hard as hell... get up close and release fear. Thunder plays center stage with a mixture of missiles and magnums. Draw the enemy for the final kill!
As long as they don't nerf the shield, a Plasmahad can tank a lot and dish out some great damage. Similar but smaller package for a Gareth.
This thing is an absolute powerhouse. It has a super strong shield, and you can corner shoot with this monster.
This thing is a damn powerhouse. It can take several shots at a time...
Rogatka is weak upon first battle at level one, but upgrade it, and you have made a monster.
Fun for up close hit and run. First chassis with Pinatas.
I heard that Rogatka costs 2500 gold but it's worth it.
The Newcomers
Amazing for domination and beacon rush. Most people have to hit it manually, and it is a total pain in the neck when it has a good build.
It can get right up into your face and hit you before you even know what's going on.
Quick, jump, and can withstand any weapon used against it in passive mode. One on one, it can take any robot in passive mode because incoming damage is decreased so much. Fitted with Glory in the main slot, it ensures dash robots will have trouble running away.
A Falcon can take on six bots and do serious damage to an enemy. Also has jump ability and is fast. Watch your back!
A beast. Fast, maneuverable, packs a punch, and takes damage like no other. Gets back into the fight fast, can run around bigger bots, and although not ideal, it's fast enough to change tactics and run some beacons.
Great robot. It was my first medium robot. It is still OP over Gold League!
Boa is an awesome close range robot. My best class setup is Thunder and Taran. Use it right though... it might fail on you.
The best basic robot when at max level because of its hard points, speed, and even health of 171 while the Gl. Patton and Vityaz only have 166!
Too little health, but its firepower can't be outperformed by many robots. Great choice for starters.
Nice to have at close range when equipped with a GAU Punisher T and an ECC Thunder. This will crush the lower players in lower servers. Not as effective in higher player servers but will still do a significant amount of damage.
Best mech in-game due to its 3 heavy hardpoints. Many players love to put Zeus on it, but some pros always add Prisma's or a sniper weapon due to its weapon slots. But because of its big health, some noobs (or maybe even half-noob half-pro) add Thunders for brawling.
Fury is a slow robot, but if you equip it with three Thunders, it is a good robot. Half of my killings in the game are done by my Fury.
Stunning damage produced by this beautiful robot, and great health too, but it's just too expensive.
I have one. She's usable in medium range combat too. Using her with 2x Kang Dae's and Pinatas, feeling like I'm prepared for anything.
If close combat isn't your thing, then the Natasha is great for you with long ranged weaponry hardpoints.
I have equipped two stock Zeus and two level 7 punishers on my Natasha. Effective in close and long range, turning any robot it locks onto into scrap.
Great robot with excellent firepower. The energy shield can block a lot, and the dash makes him swift. Orkans or Scourges will work excellently.
This should be at the top. It is the best of the best and can grind Rhino to pulp!
Number one bot. If used properly with two Magnums, you can get loads of beacons and kills. It's very annoying if you're in a slower bot and have a Stalker after you. Try teaming up with another Stalker, and you can wipe out single robots. Be patient, upgrade, and refine your skills. It takes a while to perfect, but it's worth it. My favourite bot and highest point scorer.
If piloted correctly, this can become the best beacon capper in the game and one of the best robots. I have an Aphid Stalker, and I love it - running around the place, capturing beacons, and dealing damage. And if fired at, the stealth mode really helps.
This should be way higher, with the built-in shield that can absorb thousands and thousands of damage points. I just got it and have not been disappointed. Killed 2 Natashas in one life.
Really strong and fast, but if the shield breaks, it's not that strong. Not so expensive.
Fast, and with its shield, can take down heavy bots. A must-get bot.
This robot is seriously underrated. Its high defense combined with a heavy hardpoint makes it a serious threat.
I'm level 11 right now, and I destroy people with this robot. I usually kill at least 3 bots before I die!
Don't waste its only slot on a weapon, it's just too fragile. Strap an Ecu on it though and the little bugger can withstand most shots that'd hit it and outpace a lot of the rest. Use it wisely and you'll be the reason your team wins. I'm maintaining a 75% win ratio because of the one I keep with my heavies.
The little bastard is amazing, and you know when half of red is turning their back to the rest of your team to chase you!
Equip a shield and just dance around the enemy team. Your allies will get the kills, but it is fun and tons of wins.
Gepard means Leopard in German. It's fast and very good for damage and kills gaining. Just put on 3 magnums and let the Gepard unleash his beast.
It can be a walking beast. Its speed lets you quickly capture beacons, and its power can be overwhelming.
I won Doc in December with those snowflakes and have used him since. I've tried a few combinations: Orkans and Tulumbas, Tarans and Tulumbas, and Hydras and Tulumbas. But the best for him, I think, is 4 Tulumbas. His top speed is 51, which, if you play it right, you can outrun Orkans and Tulumbas. His health maxes out around 146,000. Mine is 128,000. So, with the Tulumbas, that keeps him 500 meters back and safe because he doesn't have a lot of health. The Tulumbas take roughly 18 seconds, after firing and switching, before you can shoot again. But that goes by fast as you're setting up for your next shot.
Not a bad robot. Pretty quick, has 4 medium weapons. Not a brawler. He is a support robot.
My thoughts and experience with Doc: At level 30, in Diamond League II. Rank 2422.
Swift saboteur robot with good firepower. The Dash allows him to leap out and surprise attack enemies. Plus, he has FIVE charges.
This might be the most underrated bot in the game. It can take down the current OP bots such as Ares or Ao Jun when it's right equipped.
All out, well-rounded robot. If used correctly, can wipe out many enemies.
Robot with a lot of health and really good movement, due to the Dash ability. He also has a strong physical shield on his side, and 3 medium weapons. All of these make him deadly.
Bulgasari can go right into enemy lines, tear them apart, and retreat with a few scratches.
No better corner shooter in the game. Save the dashes for escaping Tulumbas and Orkans, and you're golden.
With the right setup and its absolute OP ability of the shield and the OP built-in laser, this bot is an absolute machine capable of taking down kings such as the Falcon and Haechi.
If you use the ability right then it is totally OP. The weapon slots are one of my favorite combinations, and overall I would say that it is one of my favorite robots.
With four Aphids, this is a great close-range support bot. Use its speed to stay behind cover and avoid damage, or follow behind a heavy.