Top Ten Best Chests in Clash Royale
Clash Royale is a game that you get most of your cards and gold from these chests. Now some are better than others, and we’re going to look at the ten best. Here, we are looking at the top ten best chests in Clash Royale.These are definitely the best chests in the game. Although I miss the super magical chests, these offer better loot. Not only can you choose between cards, but you're also guaranteed a legendary and a legendary wild card. Unfortunately, you can only buy them in the shop or obtain them on Trophy Road. The only ones I've ever opened were from Trophy Road or back when quests were still available.
A guaranteed legendary, the draft mechanic, and lots of gold definitely make this one of the best chests.
The best chest in the rotation, it's basically a Lightning Chest but with much better loot. I just opened one for the first time recently and got some pretty good stuff.
A guaranteed legendary and strikes make this a very good chest.
These are only available in the shop and can't be obtained elsewhere. I've never opened one because I won't spend 750 gems on it, but the loot looks decent, and there's a good chance of getting a legendary card.
This chest, as its name suggests, provides either a legendary card or a wild card. It used to be more valuable years ago, but since legendaries are now easier to obtain, its value has decreased significantly.
Unlike Super Magical Chests, this chest is still around. It's honestly pretty good, and there's a decent chance of getting a legendary card. I've obtained a few from them.
You're very unlikely to get a legendary card from Giant Chests, but they come with plenty of gold and common and rare cards. They're decent.
The function of Crown Chests used to be different before Pass Royale, but they're still in the game and are honestly pretty good. You typically get 2,000 gold, a good amount of commons and rares, usually an epic, and a chance at a legendary. It's a well-balanced chest.
As the name implies, if you want epic cards, this is the go-to chest. While it's not frequently in the chest rotation, it can be bought in the shop for 10,000 gold, which isn't too much. It's not exceptional, but it's fairly average.
These aren't worth the 250 gems that they cost in the shop. You receive commons, rares, and epics and can strike them for a limited time to try to get the cards you want. It's an okay chest.
Fairly common in the chest cycle, these come with commons, rares, and the occasional epic. I've pulled one or two legendaries from them in the five years I've played the game.
The Newcomers
A guaranteed champion makes this a very nice chest.
A decent chest for beginners that offers some good loot! It provides multiple epics and can shape your entire gameplay. For example, if you get an epic like the Baby Dragon, your whole deck may revolve around it. Overall, it deserves its place at the bottom, but it's still a bit better than you might think!
Guaranteed wild cards and a guaranteed champion, along with lots of gold, make the Royal Wild Chest the best chest!