Best Decision-Based Video Games

Decision-based video games are games about making choices that impact a wide narrative and story. Some examples include much of Telltale's catalog, though there are other games that are similar enough in this type of niche.
The Top Ten
Life is Strange

This game is very compelling. It has a lot of good writing and characters that you care about.

No one feels one-dimensional, and there are a lot of difficult choices to make from start to finish. It's a story I can get behind and is, quite honestly, the best game in this entire genre. It's a certified classic that really gets you in the feels.

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 improves upon the flaws of the first game, with better combat and more squad companions at your disposal.

There are also the romance options, which are pretty interesting, I'll admit. The game has a lot of depth to its story, and the choices you make feel challenging at times. For instance, during the suicide mission, if you don't prepare well enough, all of your favorite characters will die one after the other. You must get all of the prep work done first.

The Walking Dead

It's no surprise that this game has won so many awards. The story of Lee Everett trying his best to protect Clementine is genuinely well-crafted and thought-out.

The sequels are hit or miss, but the first game is a masterpiece in many areas: voice acting, tone, and story. There are times when the decisions aren't easy in the slightest, which makes the experience all the more compelling.

Mass Effect 3

The rushed development of this one can't be understated. A lot of the Mass Effect 2 characters feel shoehorned in and aren't given much to do in the story, which sucks, honestly.

Despite this, the game has some interesting moments, great music, and many meaningful choices to make. One major gripe I have is that they replaced the separate Renegade and Paragon bars with a single bar that moves up or down. I don't understand why they went with that design philosophy.

Life is Strange: True Colors

It's on par with the first game, honestly. Granted, the story being told is somewhat different with a new protagonist, but I dig it.

The concept of playing as an empath who can sense emotions is a new but intriguing mechanic. The story itself is pretty engaging. It doesn't top the first game, but it comes pretty close.

Road 96

This is a game where anything can happen, so the choices you make reflect that.

I haven't gotten far into it, but from what I've played so far, it does seem pretty gripping. It's a road-travel story where you stumble across people, both good and bad. How it plays out depends on what you decide matters most.

The Walking Dead: The Final Season

After the abysmal Walking Dead: Season Two and the even worse Walking Dead: New Frontier, we finally got a sequel that's as solid as the first one. It focuses on Clementine protecting AJ while trying to figure out her sense of identity.

The game also has likable characters. My favorite of the new characters is Violet for sure. She is lovable, funny, and overall the best love interest. Lilly returning was weird, but the game still has a lot of charm to it.

The Wolf Among Us

One of Telltale's best games. It has a rich atmosphere, characters that seem dishonest, and overall, a lot of gripping moments.

It's not perfect, and certain choices do feel pointless, e.g., trying to give Toad money, but he still goes to the farm anyway. That kind of stuff can be frustrating. However, the Crooked Man is an excellent villain and certainly a highlight.

I would appreciate it if the game had fewer button-tapping moments, like in Telltale's other games, because that kind of mechanic can seriously wear out controllers.

Mass Effect

The biggest problem with Mass Effect 1 is that it's boring through the first half. It's incredibly dull until the second half with Virmire, where actual stakes are introduced into the story.

The DLC mission, Bring Down the Sky, is okay. The game has a few interesting romance options, although Liara is the best one in this game. That goes without saying, honestly.

Life Is Strange: Double Exposure

The return of Max is interesting, although the story is a bit mediocre in this one. There's not as much tension as in the first game, and a lot of the choices feel mediocre.

There aren't as many interesting characters either. However, the soundtrack is awesome, and so is the voice acting. Unfortunately, the writing falls flat, and the game starts to feel like an entirely different experience in the later half.

The Newcomers

? Open Roads
? The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Contenders
The Walking Dead: Michonne
The Walking Dead: Season 2
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Quarry
Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Tell Me Why
Life is Strange 2
Batman: The Telltale Series
Batman: The Enemy Within
Tales from the Borderlands
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series
Beyond: Two Souls
Heavy Rain
Detroit: Become Human
Minecraft: Story Mode
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