Top 10 Most Unfair Weapons in Splatoon 2

People who use these weapons drive me out of the lobby.
The Top Ten
Clash Blaster

The complaint about not needing aim can be made for all blasters in general, but this one in particular takes the cake. Not only is this weapon completely BS as far as needing aim to kill, but its fire rate is not even necessary. Some dev pulled this out of their ass to make the game more "balanced," but it sure as hell did the opposite.

There's barely anyone using it (at least that I see), but in case you encounter one:
- The end of your shots makes a large explosion.
- High fire rate.
- Decent range.
- If you're caught in its blast, it was nice knowing you.


Here's the issue:
- 1 slosh (four bubbles) kill potential (pretty likely to get hit by all four).
- Wall bouncing?
- Stupidly long range that can be increased by looking a bit further upward when sloshing.
- The fact that you can slosh really fast makes it easy to spam.
- It's been around 4+ months, yet no balance.

Wow, and people call Tri-Slosher "easy mode."

This sink or mini bathtub or whatever requires no skill to pick up, but it's hard to master this weapon since it offers unique mechanics and playstyle. Yeah, I still hate this weapon. Nintendo, please delete this weapon. Nintendo, please.

Custom Dualie Squelchers

This should be at the top of the list. The vanilla Dualie Squelchers already have an overpowered main weapon, but the Custom variant is outright better. Seriously, who can go wrong with Splat Bombs and Inkstorm?

They are the most dangerous dualies, are effective at the same range as the Splattershot Pro, and have a decent kit. They're basically the Dual Squelcher from Splatoon 1 but with dodge rolls.

Everyone uses this weapon. Literally everyone. Your grandma probably uses it. It's good at everything, bad at nothing, and extremely easy on top of it all.

Kensa Sloshing Machine
Ballpoint Splatling

I can tell from personal experience using this thing, it even feels OP if you're the one using it. I'm convinced that this was built for splatting a charger at their own range, then splatting Dualies from point blank a half second later.

I was using it with Vintage's gear and then realized why an X-ranker would use it obsessively. It's kind of hard to use correctly, but when you do, it's just OP.

Mobility of a mini with the range of a Hydra. Nintendo's balancing team must be on drugs again.

Splat Charger/Splatterscope

Yes, my favorite weapon.

The Splatterscope has a long distance, but it can't see its surroundings. I think it is powerful because it has long range and can charge faster than the E-liter.

Ugh, I HATE these weapons. One time, when I was using the Krak-On Splat Roller, there was a Splatterscope. I tried to kill them, and when I jumped, they sniped me. I always get a fright when that happens. God, I will always hate Splat Charger/Splatterscope mains.

Do I even have to explain? It's worse when you are teamed with a bad one.


No aiming needed, kills in 3 hits with virtually no fall-off, swings so fast you can barely see past the Great Wall of Ink. It is insane for covering turf as well as bolting to the objective. If you somehow can't do all that, there's always Autobombs and the Inkjet.

Undertow Spillway is their favorite map. They like getting really high up with Zipcaster and then just flicking the weapon around, even though not a droplet of ink is hitting an enemy.

It's so easy to get a splat with this thing! I love using it, but it's really overpowered.


Get caught in a single hit from them, direct or indirect, you're not going to survive.


Clam Blitz is their natural habitat.

Dapple Dualies

The Clear Dapples are even worse because you can't hide from them AT ALL. Those stupid torpedoes are the definition of aggravating.

Specifically the clear ones, which pump out Splashdowns like a factory and get kills you need exponents to count.

Remember the Torpedo spammer? Who, when you go to splat them, dodge-rolls away and kills you? And they occupy you the entire round so you can't just splat elsewhere? And there's always at least one in every round.


The Newcomers

? Heavy Splatling
? Aerospray RG
The Contenders
Mr. Grizz

It's so unfair in this game! It keeps lowering my pay count! And then there's things like, "Oh? 1 egg? Not bad!" and then "50 eggs? What a shame!" I hate this!

I bet you it's the Splatoon 3 final boss.

"Oh, would you tear up the competition with a Grizzco weapon? Would you be invincible with a blaster? Would you crush the opposition with a dynamo roller? No, you get a Bamboozler and a Squeezer. Good luck with the disconnects and glowflies." - Grizzco Industries

N-ZAP '85

Good lord. Combine good range and decent damage (Low damage, my ass), and you have a weapon that requires no skill to play and is overused. It needs a 20% increase in ink consumption or a decrease in range or speed. Speaking of speed, this thing is so lightweight, it's impossible to kill anyone using Run Speed.

Sheldon: "It's the definition of reliable."

What he means: "If you learn how to strafe well and use the Suction Bombs correctly, you are effectively playing easy mode."

I use the '85. It doesn't feel unfair or outright broken, but it's easy to use and can be easily mastered as well. It's just good at everything, honestly.

Dualie Squelchers

High range, fast fire rate, dodge rolling, essentially no end lag, bombs, trackers, missiles, and rain clouds where the drops don't need to hit you? Seems fair.

Please nerf these. They're only used by sweaty nerds.

How to get 15+ kills in ANY MODE with the Dualie Squelchers (95% guarantee!)

1. Get into a match.
2. Find an enemy.
3. Shoot straight.

*Results may differ depending on how often you die.

I see them EVERYWHERE in ranked. They always dodge roll back to try to splat me from a distance. Cowards.


A common species that is found commonly in Splat Zones, jumping and sub-combing you and your team to death. They have a predictable pattern and don't show much improvement for their brain. Don't approach them. They will snipe you from a distance somehow.

It's fairly overpowered, I suppose, but it isn't an unstoppable kind of OP.

- Larger spread than the regular slosher.
- It's a two-hit kill.
- Burst Bomb combo.
- Fairly faster slosh (at least for me).

"I like how much skill this takes to use."

- Literally nobody in the history of the universe

These always show up in S and A ranks, and they always have at least 15 splats, no less than 14 of them seemingly having been me.

Krak-On Splat Roller

I love getting one-shotted by a sharking player. Really fun and thrilling experience.

I bet you it would be #1 if it still had Kraken as a special.

Aerospray MG

This thing is really good. Try using it, people. I wouldn't say it's OP, but it has a really good sub and special. It's so good! I don't get splatted too often, but it's one of my main things to choose from.

This weapon can kill people pretty quickly, and the Curling Bomb Launcher makes it easier for them to go zippity zuppity zam across the map. And people say this weapon is trash...

Why are these good? They just are.

Range Blaster

This thing requires insane aim and positioning to use well. I don't see how anyone could see it as OP.

The weapon isn't even that hard to counter. It's just annoying to play against on some maps.


These things have become the bane of my liking for Turf War, Splat Zones, and Rainmaker. Sploosh Splash gonna beat you up.

I love this weapon because it is a shooter, but it may be too good when used in Turf War. Anywhere else is fine.

Dark Tetra Dualies

The end lag is terrible, but nobody can run from them, and it is hard to hit the person using them while they are rolling. I did mention in another list, though, if you wait until they are done rolling, you will be able to splat them before they can even move again.

Admittedly, Tetra Dualies are very overpowered. There's a good reason why Japanese players use them. They can execute up to 4 dodge rolls in a row, and there's no delay between the dodge roll and when you can shoot again like on all other Dualies.

Carbon Roller

You can camp out anywhere at all, and you are unbeatable. It's so good!

It's like the roller, except even cheaper.

Undercover Brella

Let's face it, most brellas just plain suck. This is because of one reason and one reason only: when you put in the riot shield thing, they cannot fire with it. Well, the UB can. Its sub is the Ink Mine, which is just a flat-out nuisance. The special is Splashdown.

As you read this, one word should pop into mind: spawncamping.

I main the Octobrush Nouveau, and this is the bane of my existence.

E-Liter 4K

This includes all of them, from the normal E-Liter 4K to the Custom E-Liter 4K Scope. These weapons don't really have a long charging time and have a ridiculous range with OHKO damage. This means they are hopelessly overpowered in the hands of a master.

It's also super annoying when you have E-Liter tryhards on your team who are barely contributing to the objective.

Splat Roller

They're extremely cheap with camping and used with Ninja Squid. They literally outrange and outmaneuver (with both their vertical flick and curling bomb) the Splattershot and only have slightly less effective range.

I like how it says you can't kill someone if you hit them on the side, yet 50% of the time I die to the side. Not helpful that it comes with Curling Bombs and the Panic Button that can hit you 10 ft away with damage.

Rapid Blaster

I can do a heck of a lot of damage with this thing!

The least skill of all blasters.


I swear they put glue in this weapon instead of ink because the second you get hit by one, you're stuck to the spot in a mile of enemy ink.

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