Worst Twitch Streamers
A list of the rudest or boring/annoying streamers on Twitch.
She's always insulting and repetitively showing cleavage for attention.
Name one LegendaryLea stream... yep, I won't answer! So, please!

PewDiePie has never NOT been loud and annoying, always doing the garbled ranting, bad jokes, and weird noises. Just very obnoxious. Very unwatchable at its finest.
PewDiePie, no I will not subscribe to him!
He'd rather stick to YouTube 20s vids only because his livestream lacks enthusiasm.

Her gameplay is bad, and her stream is nothing but incoherent screeching. She's verbally abusive to her boyfriend/brother, Casper, and she talks about how cute she is. Not to mention her begging for money. She puts up huge donation goals that never come to fruition. First, she put one up for a green screen. People donated, then Franken is magically gifted a screen. Did the people get their money back? Doubtful.
Then she put one up for a stream deck. People donated, but now that goal is gone, and she's asking for one through Streamloots. What happened to the money people gave for that stream deck? Hopefully, she puts all the donations towards a nose job because she will need one if she's ever going to top 20 viewers per stream. Don't get scammed by her. Please save your money.

Always quitting games or crying out of rage, and never really does anything or plays games compared to talking all the time.
All I see is a pair of boobs that jiggles around, without any context.
She definitely is very annoying, and I can't handle how she's always rage quitting constantly.

Leave PewDiePie alone. At least he didn't abuse any animals, unlike this chick.
Twitch did not take any action against her after she threw her poor cat.
How is this animal-abusing person below PewDiePie?

He's had some controversial moments, but that's typical gamer behavior and a result of not being willing to mature.
Just a blue-haired psychotic manchild who loves to rage over a stupid battle royale game. When you call him out for it, saying "it's just a game," he goes ape and claims that whoever uses the phrase "it's just a game" is going to "make me lose my mind."

He is not only boring but also does super loud fake laughs constantly in the middle of sentences, making him almost impossible to listen to.

I can't even start with this guy. So much cringey content of making bad sexual jokes and uncomfortable ones. He's got a very cocky/egotistical attitude, and his streams are never consistent. Almost too unwatchable.
He's got a very cocky attitude and weird jokes that are uncomfortable to hear. He's just very egotistical, and his streams are very inconsistent.
He's so bad and not good at all!

The fact that the Paul family has any positive fame says a lot about how badly the planet is doing today.
If Logan Paul wrote a book, it would be titled How to Be a Scumbag for Dummies.
The Pauls are the real-life Dumb and Dumber brothers. Super toxic gremlin "fans" too.

SkyDoesMinecraft's Twitch channel is just as annoying as the Minecraft fan base that likes to join him. His streams are long and often completely underwhelming, while his jokes are immature and not at all funny.
The Newcomers

A dumbass who hates raids, harasses people in public, and has dumbass fans who accuse anyone criticizing him of being racist.
Hasan is a bad person, and so is his virtue-signaling fanbase of simps. Also, he needs to cut his nasty hippie hair.
A dumbass political Twitch streamer.

Well known for being pretentious, over-opinionated to the point it's offensive, and for attempting to boycott things, like Sega video games, over his streaming platforms. His reviews on games he plays are often seen as very surface-level and probably shouldn't be watched if you want a real review of a game.

Myth isn't funny. Dude looks like a horsefly.

You can probably tell from his Twitch handle that he's overbearingly loud, often uncivil, yells a lot, and rages for seemingly every reason ever. Angry Joe's Twitch chat is just as erratic as he is... but worse. At least he's trying to be entertaining about it.
Why does he call himself "Angry Joe"? He looks happy... next.

Markiplier's streams were awesome, but then they gradually became an incoherent mess. Some of his Twitch streams are filled with such loud, cringingly ear-shattering screams that you wish you had never watched them to begin with.
His face is way too big for the rest of him.

Boring, does not do anything remotely interesting in her gameplay when she is gaming. Her stream is carried by the other content creators that she plays with.
Why do people keep defending her?

Foul-mouthed, obnoxious, annoying voiced e-beggar. Alias of 'King of Retro'. Can't stand the guy.
He sucks at video games. DSP is an idiot loser who begs for money. Pro tip: don't watch him ever.

I can't believe that he isn't even in the top 10. The fanbase he has cultivated and enabled is a blight on humanity. Non-stop getting Ice into trouble and endangering not only him but also the people around him. But as I stated before, he enabled his fans to be this toxic and horrible, so to be frank, he is to blame for the things that have happened on his streams that led to his eventual ban, and I hope he stays banned. Good riddance to both him and his disgusting excuse of a fanbase.

One of the few streamers who got their popularity on Twitch solely for being a leech (specifically in Tyler1's streams). Has an awful, toxic community. Probably one of the most annoying things about him is his stupid, high-pitched giggle like some kind of morbidly obese Pillsbury Doughboy. His streams consist mostly of him just watching YouTube videos because when he doesn't have Tyler1 to leech off of, he literally is too stupid to come up with his own content. Can't wait until this lard ass degenerate becomes irrelevant.