Top 10 Strongest Beyblade Burst Bladers

This list is all about showcasing the most powerful characters from the anime. Each blader has their own unique style, strategy, and incredible moments that have earned them a spot in the spotlight. However, it's important to note that this list focuses on bladers specifically from the original Beyblade Burst series. Characters introduced in Beyblade Burst Evolution or later installments aren't included here.
The Top Ten
Shu Kurenai

Shu is very strong. He competes with Valt. Some say he is even better. However, Valt did beat him in the championship. I personally think Free would beat Shu with his spin steal and infinite stamina.

I think that Shu is the best. To think of it, he lost to Lui in Beyblade Burst at the National Tournament because Wakiya made a major crack. In BeyBlade Burst Evolution, he lost to Lui since he was the Red Mask or something, and there is a possible chance Shu wasn't synced with his bey.

He also "lost" to Valt in the evolution since he was trying to save Shu from the evil. Later on, in Turbo (I'm on episode 39, watching the dubbed version since the sub is not as good for Beyblade, but I will watch the sub anyway), I think that Shu is way stronger than before (he's so beautiful), and I feel like he can beat both Valt and Lui.

Overall, I think Shu is the best, without a doubt. I love the Supreme 4 and Valt. That was my point of view, bye.

Valt Aoi

First, Valt beat Shu in the last episode of Beyblade Burst Evolution.

Second, in QuadStrike, he was close, but Shu won because he evolved Spryzen and won with a ring out finish. After the battle, Valt decided to evolve Valtryek. He was also the world champion for two years, from Evolution to Turbo.

He is a living legend. His roadmap, I think, is the most awesome. And whenever he is defeated, he comes back with an amazing comeback.

Valt is my favorite character in the whole Beyblade series so far. He is really cool.

I don't know why, but there are some people who hate him. I don't understand what's there to hate. Others who dislike certain characters don't even respect other people's opinions.

Lui Shirosagi

Lui's power actually came as a shock to me. I thought he would be a one-time antagonist who would lose before fading into the background. Boy, was I wrong! Lui is so overpowered! He is just the best!

He has hardly ever lost to anyone since his appearance in the first series. He maintains his ranking as second in the entire world to Valt.

I like Lui Shirosagi because I have the Guilty Longinus Takara Tomy brand, and it can burst a lot of beys.

It is also the most powerful Beyblade I have. It can beat all my beys.

Xander Shakadera

Love his attitude. Always laughing and passed the hundred bladers test. He is also super strong and always does what is best. This guy should be number one!

Wow, Xander's Bey has beaten ALL my Beys, including Lui's. His Bey was never burst by my other Beys. How is he not on top?

Xander Shakadera is the best. And I'll tell you why.

1. His Bey, Surge Xcalius, is awesome.
2. He has a six-pack!
3. His sword launcher is amazing.

Free De La Hoya

He's only lost to Lui, Phi, and Lain, to tell the truth. You could say he has lost to Valt, but he beat him over four times in the 300 battles they had, which means Free won with a score of over 4 to 1 (4-1). They both probably tied all the other times, or Free came out the victor, as they both say that it took 300 battles for Valt to finally beat Free.

The most calm person in the entire franchise. He's awesome.

Not only do I like his personality, but his bey, Fafnir, is just crazy strong. From the moment I saw him in the Beyblade Burst Evolution theme song, I knew he would be one of my favorites.

Wakiya Murasaki

Wakiya is here because in Surge he beat Aiger, Ranjiro, and Dante. Dante was even on his team.

With all this defense power, he can withstand many attacks. He is also afraid of heights.

Let's face it, we've all been as hysterical as him at some point (and if not, you're lying to me). His jokes and sarcasms were also entertaining, and he was a great friend to his friends.

I like when Wakiya talks with Rantaro. He also tries to make Valt choose him for the match.

Aiger Akabane

Aiger is very strong. He competes with the legends even though he came out in season 3. He ends up beating Phi, Valt, and Shu, but never takes down Free. He would be placed higher if he had better character development.

I also strongly believe that he would never have beaten any legend if it wasn't for plot armor.

He is literally a legendary legend in the world of legendary legends, kept in the Book of Legendary Legends in the Kingdom of Legendary Legends. He is like the best.

I know he's a bit too much of a big talker, but he shows compassion for Z, Turbo, Union, and Infinite Achilles. I think his next Beyblade should be Heroic Achilles. He deserves to be no. 5, no. 6, or no. 7.

Ken Midori

Ken is my favorite. I wish he was in all, just like Valt, but it's okay because Valt said this himself: "No matter how far we are, we're friends forever!" Valt said that in Burst.

Ken is awesome. I know that he probably shouldn't be this high, but just hear me out. One word: Besu. Besu is awesome.

Even though he got hit by Shu in Evolution, he was still great. If he, Daigo, and Xander were in Surge, it would be perfect.

His way of putting puppets of his voice is cool! Whenever he talks, it's like everyone will die, which makes me laugh!

Daigo Kurogami

Daigo is legendary. He is placed lower because he fell off, but he was great in the first season. He has incredible attack power and is a force to be reckoned with.

He is such a good character and big brother! He's really supportive when needed, and if he is having problems, he helps other people before even thinking about himself. He is by far my favorite character, and I think he deserves to be higher up on the list.

Daigo, compared to most characters in the first two seasons, improves a lot throughout Burst and Burst Evolution. His Beyblade Doomscizor's Double Strike (and its aerial move as well) is also very powerful.

Quon Limon

I love his Bey because I love snakes. I also love his attitude with the skate and his hair color.

I think he's so smart, funny, good at stuff, and very handsome.

Bro, his bey is legit, and he is an OP skateboarder!

The Newcomers

? Hyuga Asahi

One of the main characters. His and Hikaru's battles are splendid.

? Lean Walhalla

There's not much to say about Lean. He doesn't have much of a background because he came in late. The same goes for character development. However, he beat every legend. The only blader to ever beat him is Shu. He defeated Valt, Lui, and many more.

Lean defeated Lui, Shu, Free, and Valt, and is crazily overpowered. He should be in the top 5. He even broke some Beys. You've got to admit, he is the best.

Lean deserves at least a top 5 ranking. He is the best. He battled with Shu, Valt, Free, and Lui too. He is better than all of them. He is so cute too, and his flare is really nice. He deserves 4th place.

The Contenders
Kurtz Baratier

It was entertaining, but what I like the most is his bey. I don't have much more to say about him either. The truth is that they didn't show us much about him.

Kurtz is cool, and his bey is cool. I like it.

I like Kurtz because he is just a natural with a crazy strong Bey!


Phi used to be great, unbeatable, until he wasn't. He was ruthless, even destroying his own brother's Bey and making it a part of his own. But then Aiger came along, and we know what happens after that.

I really liked this main antagonist. However, I did enjoy breaking a bey in real life. I just broke the bey with Dead Phoenix. It does do a lot of damage, though, but I did purposely launch hard enough that the bey would hit the wall and launch itself right to the other bey.

Phi is really awesome with his Dead and Dread Phoenix. My favorite move is when Phoenix's outer ring and the Bey attack its opponent at the same time.

I also like Free De La Hoya.

Silas Karlisle

I am designing all the Beyblade characters as furries, and he is a skunk furry! Also, I just love his attitude.

He actually thinks Rantaro is annoying. He understands me...

I love him too much! His evolved Bey is much better than the first, for those who are interested!

I only like him because of his Beyblade, Satomb. It's awesome because of the wheels on his Beyblade's layer and driver, and he almost destroyed Victory Valtryek.

Delta Zakuro

Even though he did a good job in Rise and I used to simp for him, I realize now he's not quite as good as the Fierce Four. However, he's not that bad.

I think that Delta should 100% be the best blader there is, as not only is his Bey incredibly overpowered, but he trained extremely hard and wanted to be the best.

Who else wanted to be the best? Aiger Akabane, and look where he is now!

Delta is the one who helped Dante win against Arthur Peregrine.

Drum Koryu

He's funny. He should be at least second because he beat Arthur and Gwyn. He also defeated the Risen Three. So yeah, he's super strong. Better than Aiger ever was.

I like his Beys: Ace Dragon, Rock Dragon, and Grand Dragon. He also could defeat Gwyn and Arthur.

He is the best as he is the most energetic, beating the Risen Three and completely destroying Pegasus. He is better than Aiger by a milestone.

Ben Azuki

I love the way his Bey speeds up when it should slow down. Has anyone noticed he is the only one with an English name and not a Japanese one?

Orochi Ginba

I think his ability to listen when a bey is going to explode is very interesting.

His ability to hear a burst finish before it happens is awesome, and this makes him a really strong blader.

The best thing about Orochi Ginba is that he can hear when the Beyblade is going to burst.

Fubuki Sumiye

He has the same potential to get better just like Shu. He should have gotten more credit in Beyblade Burst Turbo.

Seriously, Fubuki needs more credit. He trained with Shu for once, and his Beyblade is very powerful. Forneus is cool.

He is such a kind and serious person at the same time.

Rantaro Kiyama

Let's not forget that in the first episode of Beyblade Burst, kids said that no one beat Rantaro in the school. She went to the school, meaning she couldn't beat him.

Shouldn't Rantaro be in the top ten, or the top 15 at least? He sticks by Valt's side every time and never gives up.

Rantaro is so smart, thoughtful, and helps Valt. He is also handsome, cute, and pretty.

Zachary Kaneguro

He is the greatest of all. He is hot and has the public in his hands. He almost beat Valt in the semifinals.

He is a very fast learner. I don't understand how some people don't like him. He is one of the Supreme Four, and that makes a big deal. Go Zach!

He was a great example for Valt to follow in the series, acting as his mentor. He is also a very nice and funny character, although he can be a bit dramatic at times.

He is sort of hated, but I really like him. He is all sunshine and rainbows, and to me, it's really cute!

Boa Alcazaba
Lodin Haijalla

I think Lodin is the best as he beat Fumia Kindo by just bursting his bey 4.54 seconds into the match.

The fastest win in all of Beyblade, and Lodin even made it to the finals of the Beyblade championship.

Hey, why is Haijima 25? I mean, he beat Fumiya. He could definitely beat Rantaro.

Fumiya Kindo
Yugo Nansui
Kit Lopez

Kit Lopez is the cutest and handsomest boy ever. When he grows up, he'll be amazing.

Very smart and very generous. He is one of the strongest bladers in the world.

Kit is so good, handsome, and cute. I can't stop looking at him.

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