Worst Gaming Consoles

The Top Ten
Virtual Boy

Let's make a quick recap:
This is a console with monochrome graphics, namely red and black.
This is a console labeled as "portable", in spite of its obvious bulkiness.
This is a console whose library encompasses a total of 22 games. And most of them didn't even emphasize on the "virtual 3D" effect the console boasted boldly.
This is a console that didn't even last a year on the market.
This is a console that can cause headaches from prolonged exposure.
This is a console that deserves to be smashed with a sledgehammer because it is simply BAD and it should've NEVER been made.

Philips CDi

To start with, WAY TOO BIG. That's not my complaint, though. It had four controllers throughout it's lifespan. The one that came with the console sucks so bad it isn't even worth it. One looks like a spoon, one is like a Genesis controller without a start button, and one is a Super Nintendo controller with a joystick on top of a D-pad. The one that comes with it is almost as bad as the 5200 controller. Also, there is not ONE good game on the cdi. The well known ones are a crappy Mario game, and three crappy Legend of Zelda games. (I don't count them as LoZ)

Xbox One

I've owned 10 consoles in my life and without a shadow of a doubt the Xbox One is the worst one. Simply put, its crap. Really crap. Microsoft have managed to suck out all of the joy and excitement of getting a new game by then making you wait around 2 hours while it installs. 2 hours is on a good day too I should add... don't even waste your time trying to install a game on xmas day because it isn't going to happen. Got a hard copy of a game and think you can get around this by playing it from the disc? Think again! But hold on, at least once it's installed you'll never need the disc again right? Wrong again! Then just when you think it's finally installed you have to update it. Then there's the regular issues with servers going down for online games, the lack of quality games outside of FPS's, the absolute requirement to buy Xbox live because frankly it's not worth owning the console otherwise and the lack of local or split screen games. I miss my SNES!

Tiger R-Zone

The Tiger R-Zone is effectively a rip-off Virtual Boy, which was bad enough on it's own. So how do you think that a rip of the Virtual Boy would turn out? Well, this one is ten times worse. First of all, the graphics are basically a Tiger wrist watch game that you play in red and black way up close to your eye. It causes headache and eye strain within seconds. Plus, it is only over one eye, so you would have to close one eye in order to play. Plus, the controller is probably the worst video game controller except for the Atari 5200 controller. The d-pad and buttons are switched places, so if you are used to playing on literally any other gaming console, then you will have extreme difficulty playing with it. It's not even worth all this trouble to even figure out how to play it, because the games suck and there are only a few of them.


The Jaguar was Atari's attempt to make a somewhat similar take to the n64, saying its 64 bit technology, it hardly handles 32 bit, the controller was a calculater with 8 extra buttons on the top, who can even hold this thing without breaking their wrists?

The only reason games were bad was because the system had a mixture of different processors, other than just one 64 bit one. That's what made the games hard to program.

It's not a bad console. But still failed to impress. Was it a good console, no. But it doesn't deserve to be this far up. Switch the jaguar with the jaguar cd, then it makes sense

3DO Interactive Multiplayer

Reasons why I hate the the 3do because,
1. High price of a 700$ retail price
2. Has a poor game library
3. Has almost no good games
4. Most games use interactive movies instead of gaming
Best game: street fighter 2 turbo. Worst game: plumbers don't wear ties.

Not the worst console. It definitely doesn't deserve to be sixth. But lt is bad. It's overpriced, focuses more on crappy, window-sized movie footage than on gameplay (post-modern consoles in a nutshell) & gave us Plumbers Don't Wear Ties. With those exceptions, lt's playable.


Why are ads on a console. Explain that. This thing was naturally on the meh level but ads, come on! Who wants to see tooth brush ads when doing something crazy important. Ads, are you serious. It'S not like the creator or the ads win anything at the end. Because the creator paid so much for these ads the console is expensive. Play it yourself and ask yourself 'why did this guy make a disgrace to games.'

Horrible handheld console, horrible games, you get interrupted by ads while the gameplay and its an expensive garbage!. You could save your money rather than buying this you could save it for a Gameboy!

Tiger Game.com

Truly a piece of crap. Seriously, did you kids ever actually play the Gizmondo? Or are you just voting on scandalous news stories? This Tiger console was ATROCIOUS. Virtual Boy, 5200, all leagues better than this piece of crap.

If you can even call them games, The graphics, If you can even call them graphics are 10/10 primitive, these things brainwashed kids in the 80's and 90's.

People think it's called the game.com, and it's actually the game com. It has a dot in the name on the system, though. It had a modem on it for limited access to the internet. But you couldn't leave your house to use the internet, because you had to connect it to a modem. You could just use a computer, and you could access the internet 12 hours earlier.

Sega 32X

Sega CD was bad. But at least it was just 1 add on and it has one of my favorite games (Sonic CD) but, the 32X... the only game that was good on the 32X was Knuckles' Chaotix. Nobody should of cared about the 32X cause 6 months later in the US the Sega Saturn would come (and I actually liked the Sega Saturn) They also thought of making the 32X a later console called the Sega Neptune. And It should of been but, I think that would replace some of Dreamcast's time.

Let's be fair: the 32X was never meant to exist. The add-on was released around the time of the Saturn (which also failed, but not this bad). The one thing I can hand the 32X is that of the 40 games (yes, only 40) released in total, much of them were actually half-decent.


Horrible ports of games, small screen, a desperate attempt by Nokia to compete with the Gameboy
I can't believe this imagine you watch this commercial and you will be all like "damn that's the hot ticket" but you end up getting horrible ports of games and look at the design its like a space taco! And the buttons are just horrible and even the Microvision is a whole lot better than this

Something I was interested in when I was younger a mobile phone & game console but I never got it. But according to many people N-Gage failed and sounded crap.

The Newcomers

? SoujaGame Console

If Nintendo had made this joke console, there would be no more Nintendo!

? Google Stadia

I Was Originally Going to add this. I Guess Someone Beat me to it. Stupid Attempt to Kill The NS.

Some of the above consoles are actually good, this one is garbage

The Contenders
RCA Studio II

A console that was already obsolete to the Fairchild Channel F at the time of launch in 1977. It was in monochrome while the Fairchild was in colour. There was actually NOTHING at all good about this console. It had no external controllers which meant two people would have to huddle around the keypads. Horrible wiring forcing you to use a switchbox and a possible fire hazard and NO games even worth playing!

This should be at least top three lf not first. I don't know why there are handhelds & add-ins on this list of worst CONSOLES. Anyway, lt has no color & the graphics are outdated. The sound comes out of the console, but not the remotes. No, the console is your remote. If you happen to knock the cartridge loose while playing, tough luck. It has a stupid name, since lt's not a studio or a sequel. It uses a faulty switchbox connected to devils pitchforks, which means you can't play on a modern T.V. set & lt's a physical hazard. Ironically, RCA invented the RCA cable (red, yellow & white) in the 1940's, yet for their console they used the worst possible means of connection instead. The whole reason they made this is because Ralph Baer approached them in 1967 to distribute the Brown Box & they declined. Like William Angus in 1924, history repeats ltself. Anyway, to spite them, Ralph approached their archrivals, Magnavox. And he ended up starting the Videogame Craze. The Studio II is their halfhearted attempt at undoing their mistake. And the funniest part is that they still have an Arpanet page up from 1977 dedicated to lt (moved to the Internet in 1990), talking about how lt's, "misunderstood". Could you imagine Tiger making an Internet page in sympathy of the R-Zone? Ha!

Air Wireless 60 Gaming System

My mistake, THIS IS the Air 60. This thing is a ripoff of the Kinect, which is a ripoff of the Wii. There are no remotes, just a bad sensor bar that doesn't sense. No good games. It's too' expensive. I think I found something worse than the Wii U. It's called the Air 60 & lt's a follow-up to the 60, a rip-off of the Wii. Meanwhile, the Air 60 is a ripoff of the Kinect. Unlike the Wii, there are no remotes, just a really bad sensor bar that doesn't actually sense. Only a few games take advantage of the 3D, while the rest look like PlayStation 2 games, except in 2D. If you don't like the Air 60, beware the Hunting 60.

LJN Video Art

This is not twenty seventh. This is first. It's made by LJN. No, don't play lt. No need to. It's made by LJN. A videogame CONSOLE made by LJN. Still not convinced? Relax yourself & enjoy the fine-tuned ambience of white noise & a squeaky joystick. Look at the beautiful images of jagged lines you can draw. When playing the Video Art, you only need one game. Even the name sucks. Why is this a console? Why is this even a game? Why does this exist?

Even the one AVGN Adventures level made by and named after LJN is a LOT more playable than this coloring book wannabe which doesn't even feature a fill option a la Paint Shop Pro. Do these Laughing Joking Numbnuts who never stop ruining everything to do with video games ever learn!

Apple Bandai Pippin

This is worse than the X-Box 360. At least the 360 plays games well in terms of software. This can't do anything right, including browsing the Internet & whatever else lt's designed for. The name just sucks. Who wants to play on a Pippin? Apple, just stick to what you're good at: nothing.

This product is made by BANDAI & APPLE, The price tag doesn't get any better,600$, Yeah, top dollar, by the way, the market was already dominated by the N64.

This is considered as a console?
Looking - yes.
Interface - no.
It's a console with PC interface, games are horrible, it's PC with worser games.

Atari 5200

Giant garbage like the CD-I, they trying to be cutting edge by eliminating the use of wires. It was intended to replace the Atari 2600 but ironically it failed and faded away and why everybody forget about it? Well it's a piece of garbage! And the controller just suck and what the heck it has keypad what for the keypad?! Why not they did it like the 2600?! And the controller is like a phone

Why is the PS3 above this? It shouldn't even be here! By the way, I am NOT a Sony fanboy, I've also played on the original Xbox and the Wii, and I think both are pretty good. On a final note, an Atari game for this console caused the video game crash of 1983. You should know what I'm talking about. If not, look it up!

PlayStation 4

First of all, 8 year-olds are whining that PS4 doesn't have Mario games. What the crap? Mario is made by an entirely separate company. Do Xbox consoles have Mario games? No! Did PS3 have Mario games? No! No company except Nintendo has ever made a console that played a Mario related game! It would be a horrible copyright, and Nintendo would NEVER let the big, powerful gamer consoles get any part of Mario games, because Nintendo's whole income is solely from Mario games, and if Sony or Microsoft had the same Mario games, Nintendo would make as much as Sega makes right now.

Sega CD

The year is 1992. Sega just released a super cool Genesis add-on! Playing games from compact discs sounds like a great investment! Try sitting through some minutes-long FMV cutscenes that play within a 16-bit framework... with terrible results. If your game isn't like that, it's likely Genesis-quality with minor improvements in visuals... and more FMV. At least it sounds better.

Sega. I hate this add-on. Sega. I want a different system. Sega. I don't have enough money because I wasted it on this piece of crap.

It wasn't a bad system. It did have some good games. It isn't a system at all, it's an add on. The people who put it here were a bunch of dumb Nintendo fanboys who have never played it

Xbox 360

Microsoft needs to learn from their mista... oops I mean fails seriously people Microsoft fails at the video game industry because they rush out their consoles which leads to flaws like the Red Ring of Death, poor hardware design, lack of Blu-Ray compatibility, lack of exclusive titles, the overhauling of shooters and the people who own an Xbox and say PS3 sucks and Nintendo is for little kids which people who says that annoy me personally! And Xbox didn't do anything important to the video game industry you want to know who made the game industry important?

Atari, Nintendo, Sega, and Sony! Microsoft didn't do anything!

Sega Saturn

The Saturn had a TERRIBLE marketing campaign. The biggest mistake Sega did was making the console extremely difficult to program for, especially 3D games. This means that nobody was able to push the hardware to it's limits. The hardware is more powerful than the PlayStation's, but it rendered in quads instead of triangles, forcing 3D designers to change every model for the Saturn to render.

It's game library was very lacking, with not many games that people remember. (Although there are exceptions, like NiGHTS Into Dreams, House of the Dead, Radiant Silvergun, among a few others)

It did quite well in Japan, but the western regions bought PlayStations and N64s instead. Perhaps if the marketing was much better and the development of games were easier, it could have saved it, and the Dreamcast.

Sega Neptune

32X was suppose to be the Sega Neptune. But, it would have a different look. But, it would be a great idea. But, if it was used we would have the Dreamcast around 2003. Or if the sega neptune was published we wouldn't even have a dreamcast.

Who put this here? How can you hate something that was never released or even MADE?

Heavy Fact: this unreleased console was used as a basis for Neptune, the main character of Hyperdimension Neptunia series.


How is this lower than an add-on, an unreleased console & a legacy console? People, you're supposed to choose the worst, not the most relatively bad. New & old bias are what ruin this list. The HyperScan is just sad, not only because lt's made in Gen 9 & nobody ever heard of lt, but because lt's made by Mattel, the company that made the Intellivision, the one-hit wonder of the 1970's. Where did the quality go? The games are ass, the load times would make PlayStation & 64 fanboys put their differences aside, the RFID reader is cheap, you have to scan cards to play. What's hyper about that? More like DiaperScan. It makes the Wii & 360 look amazing. Hell, lt makes the 3DO look amazing. It's clear that Mattel wasn't trying to make a console. They were trying to make a toy. Keyword: trying.

Nintendo 2DS

Why? All I cared about is playing the games, I don't use any of that idiotic shop or mii verse or 3d and the flap is just stupid because you aren't gonna carry it around anyway. In my mind, its just saving money.

Seriously? This console was only made for people who have problems with the 3D and for people who like non folding systems (or that kids don't break the flap). Put this off the list!

What if someone had always wanted a 3DS but could not use 3D because it was unsuitable? A 2DS can be great for that because you get the games you play on 3DS, but in classic 2D.

Atari Jaguar
Nokia N-Gage

No one will live this down. It appears twice because of its complete flaw of existence

Anything nokia should be used only for a weapon to bash peoples face in

Wireless 60

See the Wireless Air 60 section to see my accidental review on this console. Hint: lt's not good.

Knock-off of the Wii. Deserves to be in the top 10.

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