Top Ten Most Addictive Video Games

I'm in love with this game! It's so insanely time-consuming. Once, I went through the whole story mode in one shot! It took me nine hours, but I just couldn't stop playing! This game has consumed me.
Using different characters on different maps, using Mr. Game & Watch to smash Mario into oblivion. What's not to love?
So addicting! It provides hundreds of hours of playtime for the owner.

Tetris is a digital Skinner box precision-designed by evil Russian scientists to prod your psychological buttons and rot your brain.
"I'll do better next time," you vow as a line piece fails to hit its mark. But those damn tetrominoes always win eventually. THERE'S NO STOPPING THEM!
I loved Tetris when I was a kid, but what the hell! I still love playing it. My friends and I still love this contagious game. Tetris has ruled for many years.
I have spent way too much time playing Tetris. It's sort of embarrassing. I think I'm genuinely addicted.

This should be number 1 without a doubt. Tetris? Really? I highly doubt that Tetris can ruin relationships and drain months, or even years, out of someone's life. WoW basically ruined my high school life. I'm glad I quit before senior year, or else I think I would have gone through depression.
Played this game for YEARS of my life. From when I was 7 until I was 16, I had no bills to pay and no responsibility aside from school. Thank God I didn't have a job, responsibility, or a girlfriend, they all would've been lost. This game NEEDS to be #1 on this list.

There's a difference between a GOOD game and an addictive game. This one is addictive as hell. Once you play it, you want to discover EVERYTHING that's in that game. Because Minecraft is a really big sandbox game, you can do a lot of things and join other servers, which can make a lot of kids addicted to it.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of bad things in this game, like the toxic communities and other stuff, but it doesn't change the fact that it's addictive.
Everyone who plays Minecraft absolutely hates it at first. It doesn't make any sense (whoa, a bunch of blocks, who cares?!?). However, a few months later, they experience a change of heart and somehow become obsessed. I've been playing for two years and still play every day!

Dammit! I have lost it, and I feel so bored. I feel empty!

It could have been considered addictive previously since it was the first most accomplished and accurate modern warfare game of its time. It fit into the country's political mood during the time it was released. But if you were to play it for the first time now, you'd probably put the game down quicker.
6,174,000 is the number of possible Create-A-Class combinations, not even counting overkill. Addicting is an understatement.
I know a kid whose parents let him skip every Monday of the school year to play it.

The Newcomers

Fortnite is not as addicting as it was in 2017-2018, but it can still be addictive. I started playing this game three and a half years ago, in 2019, and it was especially addictive during the quarantine days. For the first year, it was very addictive.
Three months ago, I quit Fortnite, but my family friend kept asking me to play it with him when he came to my house. The season was actually kind of fun, so he got me addicted again, and I kind of regret coming back.
Fortnite is really bad for children. It makes them angry, depressed, and anxious.
Very addictive game that adds something new every day, so you have to come back for more.
The updates never fail to be amazing, and the whole setup of the game is awesome! Plus, the graphics are stunning. Everything about it is a masterpiece. So underrated!
It's because the game is so huge, it will take you a long time to beat it.

This game, along with other Mario Kart games, is extremely addictive and fun.

Alright, this is the last game today... One more wouldn't hurt... OH, I need to try this build... And I can't stop...
Who called for an exterminator?
Very addictive... My favorite one...

I hate it because of how addicting it is. Just kidding, this game is a masterpiece. I would sit down and play, expecting to stop in maybe an hour, and in a flash, the entire day is gone. I never play that much in any other game.
I'm sorry, can someone please explain why something like Minecraft, Angry Birds, or Tetris would even be on this list? We're talking about addiction, not a way to kill some time. This game will destroy your life, especially if you haven't been able to play it for the last 6 months like me. :(
I was going to vote for World of Warcraft, but you don't need an internet connection for Skyrim, so I could see people getting more addicted to this game. I was so addicted to this game that I played it for over a week straight, most of the day, until I beat the game. Now, I haven't touched it since.

It's an addictive and fun game. It shows off what the Wii can do with the motion controls!
Only addictive if you are with people. If you are alone, it's not really addictive.
Gonna have to vote on this one. Very addictive and love to play with friends.
This game is about as addictive as the song is.

This game is so damn fun. How is it not even in the top 50? I guess most people have bad taste in video games.

The only game to ever claim 2,700 hours of my life. It's definitely going to claim more by the time I'm 6 feet under.
I didn't want to stop playing this game! I eventually quit it after playing 80 hours in just 2 months.
Good game, but sadly, a lot of P2P making fun of F2P's for not spending a penny on the game.