Top 10 Worst Stealth Sections In Video Games
Creating stealth sections in video games is a lot like preparing fugu, or as it’s commonly known as blowfish. If done right, it can enhance the whole experience making it more fun. But if the developers make even one mistake, it can do a lot of damage, turning it into a nasty experience in an otherwise fun game. Sometimes they do it right, but more often than not, they just destroy the whole experience. Here are some of the worst offenders.There are some fun stealth sections in the Legend of Zelda series, but this isn't one of them. When Link returns to Eldin Volcano, he's blown away by the eruption and wakes up in a cell with only the Goddess Harp and little health. The only thing that's handed to him is his Mogma Mitts.
He then has to sneak around the Bokoblin camp to get his gear back, bit by bit. The Mogma Mitts show you where your items are on the map, but as for the hazards you must avoid, you're on your own. Considering that you've already been here twice and took the Silent Realm challenge, there's a good chance you've studied the land carefully and know it well. So there aren't a lot of new surprises here. You're just taking back a playground overrun by bullies.
This area is such a pain. When you enter, Jade leaves your party, leaving you without your dedicated magic user. Furthermore, it's not done very well. The guards have eyes like eagles and ears like bats. If they see or hear you, you're automatically whisked back to the entrance, forcing you to restart.
However, if you fail enough times, you're given the option to just duke it out with them. You don't seem to get any reward for going through the forest undetected, making the whole stealth thing pointless.
Yes, even Hideo Kojima has his off days. When Raiden is betrayed by the same hero he thought he could trust, he wakes up strapped to a machine and completely naked. When you regain control of Raiden, he has none of his items, so he has to make do with what he finds along the way.
Not to mention that he holds his unmentionables the entire time, even while fighting. This might be over quickly if you know what you're doing, but seeing Raiden in his birthday suit is a sight we never want to behold again.
Unless you're proficient in Manhunt, Metal Gear Solid, or the like, you're going to have a rough time with this one. Here, CJ must infiltrate Madd Dogg's recording studio and steal his lyrics. What's upsetting is that this is the first mission in the game that requires some stealth, and you're not given much time to practice.
What's more upsetting is that you'll only come across a silenced 9mm after you obtain the book. This would've been a lot more helpful if it were available sooner. Of course, you can always use in-game cheat codes, but not a lot of people find that fun.
This has got to be the worst stealth section in the Uncharted series to date. Here, Nate and Flynn sneak into a museum in Borneo to recover a lamp, and there are guards everywhere. They can only use their fists and the environment to subdue the rent-a-cops patrolling the area.
It's not exactly Naughty Dog's finest stealth section, as it's easy to get spotted if you and Flynn aren't on the same page. What's really annoying is that you get a tranquilizer gun after you finish the hardest section. Yes, Flynn had it on him the whole time. Good grief. At least when you play a New Game+, you can obtain the gun through some cheat codes.
When Vayne Solidor decides to come to Rabanastre for a feast, Vaan decides to bust in and steal everything of value that's not nailed down. The hallway he has to traverse has guards posted in points that Vaan can't sneak past.
This is where he has to yell at the guards to come to his current position. Getting through this area is like a puzzle, and not a very fun one at that.
Early on in this otherwise fun game, Kat has to sneak by some guards to switch a piece of candy with the Sacred Gem and give it to Syd. But it's not as simple as it sounds. In addition to the ground troops, you also have to watch out for air patrols, and the alert levels fill up really fast when they see you.
You also have to be wary of areas under heavy guard because the alert level will fill up instantly if you get too close to them. You have to swap out the gem for candy and give it to Syd while evading detection the entire time. Not exactly the best way to kick off a game.
After delivering the coup de grâce to Mother Brain and escaping her chambers before the whole thing blows, you think it's finally over, right? Think again. Samus is attacked and shot down by space pirates. Now she has to sneak through their huge spaceship without her power suit, armed with only a measly stun pistol.
In addition to staying out of their line of vision, she also has to evade other traps like trip beams, spotlights, and eye beams. If any of these things see you, the pirates will come to your location in swarms, and they take no prisoners. If that weren't bad enough, being caught will cause security doors to close, meaning you can't proceed until the heat dies down. Once you recover your powers, you'll be glad it's over.
Team Chaotix has some pretty annoying stealth sections, but this one is the worst. You'll have to use Espio and his leaf swirl a lot, like spamming it whenever you play as him. If any enemy robots see you, you have to start over from the very beginning.
The problem is that it's not challenging at all. All you have to do is ram enemies while Espio is invisible, and it's basically the same thing as every other level in the game. Furthermore, how is it that the enemies don't even notice Vector and Charmy while Espio is invisible? That's video game logic for you.
The Newcomers
Stealth sections in RPGs rarely work, and Kibombo Mountains is no exception. Felix and his party pick the worst time to go mountain climbing because the village north of here is undergoing a ceremony, and the natives don't want any interruptions.
The trio has to sneak by the guards while scaling the mountain, and if they're seen, it's back to the very beginning. This wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for one thing: random encounters. Even if your timing is spot-on, nothing ruins it like running into monsters as you're trying to sneak past a guard when their back is turned. It's easy to forget where you are and the current situation when you're in the heat of battle.
At least you can save your game anywhere (preferably when the coast is clear), so you can restart at that exact place if you're ever spotted.