Top Ten Worst Days

I'm typing this on 9/11/15. This is a very sad day in American history, but is it really the worst day in world history? Absolutely not.
A little under 3,000 people died in 9/11, which sucks, but what about the events that started WWII, thus killing 6 million+ innocent Jewish people? What about natural disasters like the Japan tsunami (15,000+ dead), Haiti earthquake (100-316,000 deaths). Thumb me down all you want, but 9/11 just doesn't compare to those events. The reason it's #1 is because the majority of TheTopTens is American
Even though there are events where more people died, this event was depressing and plain sad. People in WWII died fighting for their country, and they were aware that death might occur, and disasters will obviously cause deaths. However, this catastrophe was completely unexpected, and nobody knew it was coming, it was on television, and it's remembered every year, really living an imprint on people everywhere.

With this date, WWII started. The worst war in the history of the world. Over 60 millions of people died. Both soldiers and innocent civilians. The world was devastated and Europe ended weak and exhausted, giving USA and Soviet Union possibility to take control of the states and that started another conflict - the Cold War. And the start of the worst war in history is lower than death of Michael Jackson?
So? The Polish were the first ones who caused atrocities on the German minority in Poland, more specifically Danzig. It's just natural for the Germans to invade Poland because of such actions.

In dealing with Germany's invasion of Poland, instead of the Polish having to explain what happened in Danzig to the whole world, the British and French didn't care about the issue and proceeded to invading Germany because they didn't think anything reasonable about the Germans.
Should be higher than the day yanks are still moaning about when literally I bet no one they knew died in the attacks. If us Brits or anyone else got hit we would have forgotten as you shouldn’t dare compare this and 9/11. Covid-19 has easily surpassed 9/11 as I expected it to but for sure it will probably not surpass world war II.

It was good because the other option would be to invade their country and probably kill every Japanese because they would do anything for their emperor and they would never give up because giving up meant betraying the emperor. Bombing them also saved them from the soviet union and becoming part of the commies. Bombing them saved lives and saved them from soviet union
Why is the death of a drug addicted pop star is higher that this? This list is full of KIDS shows being aired and songs they don't like being released.

I can't believe "Dora First Aired" AND "Doc McStuffins Premiers are BOTH higher than this! At least nobody died when Dora and Doc McStuffins first aired. Almost 2/3 of the USS Arizona's crew were killed because of this attack! I can't believe this is how screwed up American Society is!
Lower than some old nostalgiatard shows getting cancelled? , I'm starting to lose faith in this site
Over 2,000 people died and it sparked the U.S. to get involved in the war.

This is awful since some people died on the titanic while some are on lifeboats. put this higher than the death of michael jackson - ROBLOX Connor4808
It's such a sad event. What made it worse is that it happened on a Monday. Those poor, innocent people.
How is "Barney First Aired" higher than this?

It should've been hitler and the nazis that were killed in the concentration camps and not the jews. If Hitler were here, I would stab him, strangle him to death, rip his skull open, and throw him into a pit of zombies where the pit will be nuked and Hitler and his remains will be gone forever!
Had Hitler never been born, the Nazi Party would've never been created, the Holocaust would've never happened and Anne Frank may have still been alive today.
It should of been him and the Nazi who should've been killed in the Concentration camp not the poor Jews! Why did he become the leader of Germany.
This is simply sad. Everyone who voted for "Baby Being Released", or "Barney/Dora Premiered" need to realize how sad the other dates are. Really? Why should we care if Iggy Azalea was born? Is it as bad as economic collapses and death?
This happened when I was born, may these poor souls rest in peace.

An explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, which spread over much of the western USSR and Europe.
The Chernobyl disaster was the worst nuclear power plant accident in history in terms of cost and casualties. It is one of only two classified as a level 7 event (the maximum classification) on the International Nuclear Event Scale, the other being the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011.
The battle to contain the contamination and avert a greater catastrophe ultimately involved over 500,000 workers and cost an estimated 18 billion rubles. During the accident itself, 31 people died, and long-term effects such as cancers are still being investigated.
The Newcomers
This day was also a disaster for me. It's on my list of my least favorite days in 2019 what happened.
RIP. Hopefully Adam Lanza rots in hell and Jeremy visits his daughter in heaven. Jeremy is an angel now
I don't remember getting this on september 16, it must of happened when I wasn't using youtube
I can't believe this wasn't already on here! This earthquake became one of the strongest ever recorded, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake. There were 15,891 deaths caused by this earthquake and the tsunami. Even today, there are still 2,584 people missing. The tsunami that followed the earthquake was 133 ft tall and resulted in cities being obliterated. Both the earthquake and tsunami also caused the worst nuclear power plant meltdown since Chernobyl: the Level-7 Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Disaster. The Fukushima Daiichi power plant lost power over its cooling system, which allowed nuclear waste to leak out of the plant. That prompted the evacuation of over 200,000 people. Many of the people can't return to their hometowns due to high amounts of radiation in the air. This disaster was declared a Level-7 meltdown, which is the highest level nuclear disaster rating.
This is where things really start to go downhill in terms of WWII
He never should have done that.

So terrible. It involved Timothy McVeigh along with Terry Nichols blowing up a government building killing 168 people. Their motive was to take revenge on the U.S. government for Waco and Ruby Ridge.
How is Michael Jackson above this?

Really? You compare the death of a drug-addicted pop star (who had a terrible criminal history) to awful events such as school shootings, WWII events, and terrorist attacks. This is why American society is screwed. This list is full of KIDS shows being aired and songs they don't like being released.
1. If you don't like a kids show, it's probably because you aren't a kid. Grow up
2. A celebrity dies, it sucks, but is it as bad as thousands of civilians dying? No
3. Don't like a certain song that was released? Don't listen to it.
Before voting for one of those ridiculous items, ask yourself. Is this worse than thousands of innocent people being killed? If your answer is yes, shut off your internet, leave your country and live in Antarctica for the rest of your life.
Rant over

The deadliest U.S. school shooting since the Virginia Tech massacre. Adam Lanza killed his own mother before killing 26 people at the school, after which he took his own life. Lanza's motive has not been determined.
The second deadliest massacre by a single person in American history, just behind the Virginia Tech Massacre.
I hope the guy who shot up the school is burning and slowly rooting in pain in hell.

I thought I was sleeping for 20 years

Wow people have dumbass voting taste this is the 2nd most well known presidential assasination
All because some idiot shot him for no reason at all.
This should be much higher than 72.

This was the worst shooting in modern US history. 58 people were killed, and HUNDREDS more injured. How are Minecraft, Dora, Sesame Street, and Justin Bieber's "Baby" all worse than this?
This is the lowest!? So bad shows is worse than This? God I hate this list
Why is same sex marriage legalized above this?
Stalin would go on to abuse the position and grow it far outside the scale anyone in the party imagined for it, eventually leading it to become the top position in the party, as well as the de facto leader of the entire Soviet Union.

What a nice day this was! (Sarcasm lots of stuff I write is sarcasm)
Kids shows airing are higher than this on the list...
this is one of the deadliest school shootings in history :( those two were just bad and they made a disturbing video. they were so angry that they swore while they are saying that they are killing you. well, most school shootings have shooters shoot themselves. - ROBLOX Connor4808

Actually August 29th was the day Katrina did the worst disaster it could to America, when it hit New Orleans and flooded it.
Lower than Sesame Street and Adventure Time, 2 great shows, airing? Who did this?
Correction, Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans on August 29, 2005.
I think this is overlooked. One of the deadliest earthquakes ever to date. Not only this affected Indonesia, but other countries including India, Sri Lanka, Thailand as well, and displacing millions and causing billions of damage as a result. The magnitude was so powerful, peaking up 9.3m that it caused the entire planet to vibrate.
Terrible event and day, one of the deadliest natural disasters EVER. Well over 200,000 people were killed and the material destruction was simply catastrophal. Boxing Day 2004 will never be forgot, it touched virtually all the world. May all those victims rest in peace!