Top 10 Reasons Why Kids Shouldn't Use the Internet
In my opinion, only teenagers and adults should be allowed to use the Internet because kids really shouldn't be using it at all. And I have 10 reasons as to why you parents out there should stop letting your kid use the Internet immediately.Inappropriate content is everywhere for some reason, even with SafeSearch I still see it. Once, I googled "Among Us" in class (when Among Us was still a thing) and one of the first results I saw was 18+ content. Sometimes I google literal horror characters, and they still get sexualized.
Don't allow them to go on Twitter nor talk about Twitter around them. Reddit is crazy too. YouTube videos with borderline thumbnails are getting very popular.
Kids who use the internet are going to accidentally stumble across porn if they click on a misleading ad, which could scar them for life.
The issue is that even with the child safety filter on, it still does very little to block out all the possible disturbing content. It only takes a couple of clicks from something fairly kid-friendly to highly unpleasant content.
Patreon, certain parts of YouTube and DeviantArt, 4chan, Tumblr, etc. All these places are terrible. It's better to let your kids play outside than be on the internet.
Fortunately, I wasn't too curious as a kid, so I didn't see anything really disturbing.
There are tons of free games on the internet. Unfortunately, many of these games contain viruses. Most kids will have downloaded at least one virus onto their computer because the game just looked so cool. Often, nothing will stand in their way between them and a cool game.
I remember downloading a lot of viruses on my old computer. Most kids won't even know they've downloaded a virus and just assume that their computer is slow.
So yeah, parents should download games for their kids instead of letting them download a bunch of games from virus-filled websites. Only downloading from well-known services like Steam might be your best bet.
If kids go on some site and a "predator" asks them to come over, they may be in trouble, or the predator might be if the kids bring company with them.
This is one of the many reasons why the internet is not safe for young children.
Why are pedophiles even allowed to use the internet?
Many kids on the Internet are too young to know what opinions are, and they do not respect other people's opinions.
Kids on the Internet can also do annoying things such as spamming gibberish, trolling people, and just being annoying in general.
Agree. Have you seen what children do to our internet? They are so annoying.
Cyberbullying can deeply hurt a child's feelings, much like a bully in real life.
If someone has an underage kid who uses the internet, it's best to make their account and change the privacy settings.
Millions of kids get cyberbullied.
There will always be rude people on the Internet. No matter where you go, there's bound to be someone who wants to make your life difficult.
There are lots of curse words online, but I didn't first see curses on the internet. They were always written on tube slides at the playground. It didn't end well for me...
This is the only reason I agree with on this list.
As someone who was on sites like YouTube way before I should have been, I acted selfishly and cussed out anyone who didn't like my content. Through my own actions and seeing many spiteful comments from kids around my age range at the time, it's clear that this kind of behavior online can easily become common among kids who, let's be completely honest, don't fully understand what they say. It's important for them to know that they could get cyberbullied, but the other side of the spectrum is equally bad and arguably more common.
So? This could happen to us on TheTopTens!
And YouTube. YouTube, especially in 2017, had some people who weren't good role models that kids loved, such as the Paul brothers.
I'm honestly much more worried about a teenager doing this than a toddler.