Best Trios On TheTopTens

I haven't researched this properly, so yeah. Add more.
The Top Ten
IronSabbathPriest, Gemcloben, McKing1003

So true, I don't even care about the haters!

I see us as the evilangel, ultimatehybridx and lukestheman4 of the next generation.

EpicJake, Nintendofan126, SevenLizards

Both of them are good friends of mine. So this is a good trio.

SevenLizards left. So this isn't a trio anymore

EvilAngel, UltimateHybridX, Lukestheman4
PositronWildhawk, SuperHyperdude, Puga

Truth is, Britgirl and I have made a great pair over the years, and a number of people have tried to make a third part, but nobody's really hit that.

I'm actually not sure about this one. Just shows how good I am at research.

Puga, Therandom and GamerMike35

I will not rest until we reach the first place where we belong.

Seen the light, we deserve first place.

Wolftail, Anonymouschick, Stormver1
htoutlaws2012, Randomator, PackFan2005
Metal_Treasure, christangrant, Ananya

NOT a trio anymore because in Jan-Feb 2018 Ananya disappointed the key metal fans on this site. She teamed-up with the biggest metal hater on this site and both bullied a good user and metal fan for liking a band and not liking another band, until the bullied user deleted his account. And she never apologized.

All of them are metal fans so yeah!

MrBrony8675309, MusicalPony, and Pony
Forever_Smiling13, Lina1028, and CashMoney19

They work together as an excellent trio. It's fun to talk to each one of them.

Although one left and the other has to use a different account.

The Newcomers

? DrayTopTens, TheGoodGuy35, and LiamCoasterFan

We're all good friends. We often talk about the quality of days we've had in our personal lives. We also now talk a lot about things we made up.

? Randomator, RawIsgore, Redskins81

We're all good friends and like sports. I like to call this trio the three R's

The Contenders
bobbythebrony, Gemcloben, Eternal_Laughter

Excellent trio! The trio of terror...

JaysTop10List, Garythesnail, Finn-Mordecai-Gumball
2cool4u, RiverClanRocks, kontrahinsunu
Toptendudes, iggyjepsen, lucasbck36
DarkBoi-X, B1ueNew, Not_A_Weaboo

We also have similar tastes in music and video games. We could also be called the "Make TheTopTens Great Again" trio because even though I hate trump while Not_A_Weaboo and B1ueNew have neutral feelings towards him we want to make TTT great again.

I guess we sort of are trio because we are really into memes.

We also have similar tastes in video games and music.

Alexandr, MatrixGuy, Magnolia
Gametheorysucks, lovefrombadlands, MarioNinja101

Cool, a trio of three deleted accounts!

BoredJeff02, SomePersonYouHate, CaptainMowzker

Is it because all of those accounts are the same person?

Samanime, Forever_smiling13 and Garythesnail
Therandom, Puga, Turkeyasylum
Danteem, AggressiveBlaze, and Gamecubesarecool193

I wonder what they have in common...

WonkeyDude98, ProPanda, SwagFlicks

Eh. A year ago sure, but Hendo left the site a long time ago, and I doubt he's coming back. I don't think anyone really hit the third spot for me and Wonkey, besides Bela and Swellow, who's also pretty much gone. I'd say Martinglez could take it though.

ModernSpongebobSucks, TwilightKitsune, Elric-san
PositronWildhawk, Britgirl, PetSounds

Among the most iconic and respectable.

Therandom, Monty Python, and FasterThanSonic
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