Top 10 Worst Types of Nazis on the Internet

It's similar to the list I made about the worst types of people on the internet, but this one focuses specifically on Nazis on the internet.
The Top Ten
Grammar Nazi

They always have to correct you whenever you make a spelling or grammar error. It's fine to help people, but not to the extent where you're shoving it in someone's face or acting like good grammar automatically makes you smart. You're not the guardians of language by any means.

I normally attack when the error is big. Otherwise, I let things slide.

I hate it when people say that I have bad grammar.


Am I glad they're on this list? Yes! They're so obsessed with feminism that they take it too far, attacking those who don't share their biased opinions. They give true feminists a bad name.

I mean, who the hell are they to look down on men and boys? They have no right to do that. Since I believe feminazis should be Number One on this list, I'm glad I don't have a girlfriend.

I'm fine with women standing up for their rights. I actually really appreciate it because I believe we should have as much freedom as men.

But saying girls are better than boys? That's nonsense. It's sexist.

Music Nazi

I've talked about these people on my Controversy Corner, so if you're interested, go look it up and read it.

I hate these people.

Real Nazis

If they exist, they should all join Hitler in Hell.

Why aren't racist jerks at the top of this?

Seems pretty obvious.

Like Nazi

These people will try every trick to get likes, retweets, revines, etc.

Gaming Nazi

To put it into perspective: Call of Duty vs Battlefield, Grand Theft Auto vs Saints Row, Sega vs Nintendo, and the ever-present PS4 vs Xbox One war.

Neo Nazis

If these jerks are real, may they burn in Hell with Adolf Hitler.

Pretty much just another word for real Nazis.

Bandwagon Nazi

Ranting about Onision to make fun of Justin Bieber, these people just follow whatever's trending.

Subscribe Nazi

They'll do the Sub for Sub crap just to get more subscribers.

Basically every YouTuber ever.

Movie Nazi

If you hate a movie that won an Oscar, well, you can go to hell.

The Contenders
Nerd Nazis
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