Top 10 Most Annoying Things About Being Short

Ah, the life of a vertically challenged individual - you've got an intimate relationship with your step-stool and a standing reservation at the kids' table during family events. Sure, you've mastered the art of looking younger than you are (eternal youth, anyone?), but let's not pretend it's all rainbows and unicorns. Every time you get angry, people look at you like you're a chihuahua trying to intimidate a Great Dane. And oh, being an unwitting armrest for taller folks? It's like they think you're a piece of furniture! Buckle up, because we're about to dive into the daily grind, the nuances, and, yes, the most annoying aspects of living life closer to the ground.
The Top Ten
1 People think you're younger than you actually are

No one takes me seriously at all! I'm 19, 5'3, and underweight. For some reason, people think I'm either 12 or 14 years old. The struggle is real! Even kids don't take me seriously. Hopefully, this will come in handy when I'm older.

I am an adult, and I am not only short but also autistic, so everyone thinks that I am 16-18 years old.

Also, sometimes because of this, people can underestimate your abilities.

2 People don't take you seriously when you're angry

It is quite infuriating when people laugh at you when you're actually trying to get a point across. Then you ask them why they're laughing, and they say, "I can't take you seriously because you're so short!"

Oh my God, yes! I'll get mad, and they won't take me seriously. So it's a giant snowball - I get mad, they laugh. I get even madder, they laugh harder. And so on.

This is annoying. I'm not even that short! I'm 5'3 and 14 years old, but for some reason, I'm considered short.

3 People use you as an armrest

I'm actually not too short, but there's a really tall girl I know who uses me as an armrest. We laugh about it because, even though I'm only slightly under average height, she's so tall that she can easily use me as an armrest.

I wouldn't be able to tell you how many times people have done this to me!

If you do this, then just stop. Please.

4 You can't reach things

Sometimes, I have to climb on my counter to reach things on higher shelves in the cupboards.

That's why I usually climb up the shelves at the store.

5 People say you're adorable

I actually don't mind when someone calls me adorable. I like it.

I wish people would call me adorable.

6 People make fun of your height

Sometimes, I used to feel very insecure about my height.

A guy called me a midget for 2 years.

7 People think you're "feisty" when you get mad

Haha, on the rare occasions I lose my temper, my brother and dad say I look like a purple jelly bean, and that makes it worse!

"Though she be but little, she is fierce!"

8 It's harder to run as fast or jump as high as other people

I know this kid, Adam, and God, you should see him run! One time, I was bringing my backpack to class and hit him with my elbow just by walking! He stared at me like he was annoyed, and I was cracking up. If you were there...

But if it's on a horse (professional horse-riding on the tracks), it's an advantage to be short and light.

I can barely pull myself through my bedroom window.

9 It's harder to find nice clothes that fit you

I usually just buy regular inseam jeans and then get them tailored to a 26-inch inseam later because they don't really seem to make clothing for people who are only 5 feet tall. At least I'm not tall, because you can't add extra fabric.

This is a problem for tall people as well. There just aren't enough good clothing sizes out there for what people wrongfully consider unnatural!

10 You have to look up when talking to taller people

But I, as a quite tall person (well, I'm probably only tall compared to my classmates), have to look straight down.

And sometimes I have to look straight down! Or bend down to fit in things!

The Contenders
11 You get picked last in team sports

This happens to me, but not because I'm short. It's because I'm the least athletic person in the world.

12 People are more likely to physically intimidate you

Most of the time, a tall person will pick on a short person to beat them up because they think they are sure to win and won't get hurt themselves. I agree that learning to defend yourself with martial arts is a good idea. Martial arts teach you how to make your shortness an advantage, and it also helps boost your confidence.

Yes, it's true! Just look at YouTube, where real footage shows short girls (mostly Asian girls) taking down opponents who are trying to steal from or assault them in a matter of seconds. Learning to defend yourself is not just for tall people.

13 Seeing the stage at concerts is a challenge

I stood on my seat at a concert so I could see.

14 Finding your shoe size can be difficult

So true, and when I find shoes in the right size, they are always models I don't want or like. I can find shoes that fit and that I like, but it takes some time (sometimes even a month).

My shoe size is 5, and so many brands don't carry anything below size 6. It's really frustrating. On the bright side, I can fit into kids' shoes, so I pay way less for the same exact shoes, just from the kids' section.

For some reason, a women's size 6 shoe is somewhat hard to find.

15 Keeping pace with taller people while walking is tough
16 Friends refer to you as "mini"

I added this one because one of my friends calls me Mini Iida, like from MHA, except I'm a girl.

17 People assume you're physically weak
18 You get cold more easily

This is a particular problem when you are short and also small - less height/less mass equals less warmth.

19 You must maneuver to see through taller people in crowds

I hate it when tall people sit in front of me. Every time they move, I have to completely change my neck position to see what's in front of them.

20 Acting roles are more limited due to your height
21 People talk to you like you're a child
22 People don't like you
23 You get shoved a lot in crowded hallways
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